Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Democratic deficit" in English language version.
The resulting 'democratic deficit' would not be acceptable in a Community committed to democratic principles.
'Democratic deficit' is a term coined in 1979 by the British political scientist . . . David Marquand .
Since David Marquand coined his famous phrase 'democratic deficit' to describe the functioning of the European Community, the debate has raged about the extent and content of this deficit.
The resulting 'democratic deficit' would not be acceptable in a Community committed to democratic principles.
'Democratic deficit' is a term coined in 1979 by the British political scientist . . . David Marquand .
Since David Marquand coined his famous phrase 'democratic deficit' to describe the functioning of the European Community, the debate has raged about the extent and content of this deficit.
The resulting 'democratic deficit' would not be acceptable in a Community committed to democratic principles.
'Democratic deficit' is a term coined in 1979 by the British political scientist . . . David Marquand .
Since David Marquand coined his famous phrase 'democratic deficit' to describe the functioning of the European Community, the debate has raged about the extent and content of this deficit.