Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Eurovision Song Contest 2023" in English language version.
The other technique we're using in the postcards is [...] called the 'tiny planet' or the 'tiny world' – a really wide shot that you can then fold up into what looks like planet Earth, and each postcard is top-and-tailed with a tiny world. They remind us that we all live on one planet and we're all connected.
: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)Moram da te pitam šta se desilo te prve polufinalne večeri? [...] Dakle veze su pukle gotovo svima. Nije to bio slučaj samo ka Srbiji. Ja sam konstantno bila u komunikaciji telefonom i sa mojim kolegom odnosno jako dobrim prijateljem Duškom Ćurlićem iz Hrvatske koji me je pitao 'Draga šta se dešava', ja kažem 'Ja ne znam šta se dešava' [...] Ja sam dobila signal iz Beograda 'Nemoj se truditi, nisi u programu'. Oni su čuli preko moje linije čuli na primer [moje] kolege iz Italije, Grčke i ne znam koga još i tako su se mešali signali [...] Trajalo je nekih petnaestak minuta[I have to ask you what happened on that first semi-final night? [...] So almost everyone's connections broke. This was not the case only for Serbia. I was constantly in communication on the phone with my colleague, that is, my very good friend, Dusko Ćurlić from Croatia, who asked me 'Darling, what's going on', I said 'I don't know what's going on' [...] I received a signal from of Belgrade 'Don't bother, you're not on air'. They heard through my feed, for example, [my] colleagues from Italy, Greece and I don't know who else and the feeds were getting mixed up [...] That lasted for some 15 minutes]
Prenosiću sve tri večeri[I will be commentating on all 3 nights]