Götzinger, Ernst, ed. (1885). "Bruder Rausch". Reallexikon der deutschen Altertümer: ein Hand- und Nachschlagebuch der Kulturgeschichte d. dt. Volkes. Leipzig: Woldemar Urban. p. 87.
Kittredge (1900), p. 415, n1: "It is quite possible that the story of Rush, as we know it, is a combination of a simple legend like the Icelandic text with some such tale of a house-cobold, serviceable in a monastery, as that told of Hödeken.. of Hildesheim by TrithemiusChronicon Hirsaugiense [1495–1503] anno 1132, and [subsequently] by WeyerPseudomonarchia Daemonum, edition of 1583..." Kittredge, George Lyman (1900). "The Friar's Lantern and Friar Rush". Publications of the Modern Language Association. 15: 415–441.
note that English rush is of Latinate origin, but was assimilated in usage to MHGrûschen (whence also Modern GermanGeräusch "noise"; Old Englishhrýscan) held to be "quite unconnected in origin" by the OED.