Limor Shifman, Dafna Lemish, "“Mars and Venus” in Virtual Space: Post-feminist Humor and the Internet", Critical Studies in Media Communication, 28(3), 253-273. (preprint version)
Eric S. Raymond, The Art of UNIX Programming, p. 44. Quote: "Software, ideas, slang, and a good deal of humor flowed over the experimental ARPANET links. Something like a shared culture began to form"
Giselinde Kuipers, "Good Humor, Bad Taste: A Sociology of the Joke", ISBN1501510894, 2015, pp.41, 42
Limor Shifman, Mike Thelwall, "Assessing Global Diffusion with Web Memetics: The Spread and Evolution of a Popular Joke", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Vol. 60, Issue 12, pp. 2567–2576 doi:10.1002/asi.21185
Limor Shifman, "Humor in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Continuity and Change in Internet-Based Comic Texts", International Journal of Communication, vol. 1, 2007, Quote: " A content analysis of 400 humorous texts from eight salient humorous websites shows that the Internet functions both as a ‘carrier’ of old humor types such as jokes and cartoons and as a ‘generator’ of new humor types."