Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Jan-Aage Torp" in English language version.
Boot camp for å forberede seg på verdens ende, 27 djevelutdrivelser og 40 dager med faste skulle få lille Anders til å frelse landet. – Menigheten hyllet martyrer. Jeg opplevde at jeg ble indoktrinert til å bli en radikal, kristen gutt.[Boot camp to prepare for the end of the world, 27 exorcisms, and 40 days of fasting were supposed to help little Anders save the country. – The church praised martyrs. I felt I was indoctrinated to become a radical, Christian boy.]
Den polske organisasjonen Ordo Iuris, støttet av pastor Jan-Aage Torp, står for verdier og politikk ingen kristne bør stille seg bak. Norske kristenledere har et ansvar for å tale dem imot.[The Polish organization Ordo Iuris, supported by pastor Jan-Aage Torp, stands for values and politics no Christian should endorse. Norwegian Christian leaders have a responsibility to speak out against them.]