Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Johnny Somali" in English language version.
Este altercado tuvo lugar en octubre. En ese momento, ante el enfado del dueño del local por las molestias que estaba causando, comentó que toda la culpa era de su móvil. "Es un Huawei, fabricado en China y con un virus chino", se le puede escuchar diciendo en el polémico vídeo, que llevó a muchos internautas japoneses a pedir su detención.[This altercation took place in October. At that moment, faced with the anger of the owner of the premises for the inconvenience he was causing, he commented that his cell phone was all to blame. "It's a Huawei, made in China and with a Chinese virus," he can be heard saying in the controversial video, which led many Japanese Internet users to call for his arrest.]
The streamer was heard saying: 'Adin Ross, give Somali a deal. Epstein, you've always been one of us. We love you. You're our king Jew. You're one of us. It doesn't matter what you did, n***a, you're still Jewish and you're still one of us. The final one is - Harvey Weinstein. I love you so much. You're one of my top Jews. I love you.'