Monetary economics (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Monetary economics" in English language version.

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  • Ben S. Bernanke, 1995. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), pp. 1-28. Archived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1983. "Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73(3), pp. 257-276. Reprinted with Bernanke, 1995 (above), in Bernanke, 2005, Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton. Description Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine, TOC Archived 2010-01-19 at the Wayback Machine as ch. 1-2.
       • _____ and Mark Gertler, 1989. "Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations," American Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 14-31.
       • Irving Fisher, 1933. "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions," Econometrica, 1(4), pp. 337-357. Archived 2020-01-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • P. Bridel, 2008. "credit cycle," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mark Gertler, 1988. "Financial Structure and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Overview," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 20(3), pp. 559-588 Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steven Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, 2009. "From Bubble to Depression? Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine" Wall Street Journal, April 6.
       • Hyman P. Minsky, 1957. "Monetary Systems and Accelerator Models,"American Economic Review, 47(6), pp. 860-883 Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steve Fazzari and Hyman Minsky, 1984. "Domestic Monetary Policy: If Not Monetarism, What?" Journal of Economic Issues, 18(1), "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," pp. 101-116. Reprinted in M. Tool, ed., 1984, An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, pp. 101-116.
       • Lance Taylor and Stephen A. O'Connell, 1985. "A Minsky Crisis," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100(3, Supplement), pp. 871-885. Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mervyn King, 1994. "Debt Deflation: Theory and Evidence," European Economic Review, 38(3-4), pp. 419-445. Abstract.
       • Enrique G. Mendoza, 2006. "Lessons from the Debt-Deflation Theory of Sudden Stops," American Economic Review, 96(2), pp. 411–416. JSTOR 30034682
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John H. Moore, 1997. "Credit Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 105(2), pp. 211–248. JSTOR 2138839
       • Guillermo A. Calvo and Enrique G. Mendoza, 2000. "Capital-Markets Crises and Economic Collapse in Emerging Markets: An Informational-Frictions Approach,' American Economic Review, 90(2), pp. 59-64.
       • Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie, 2007. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. Palgrave MacMillan. Description & contents links Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine and review Archived 2008-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.

  • • Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, 1988. "Money and Credit in the Monetary Transmission Process," American Economic Review, 78(2), pp. 446-451.
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Mark Gertler, 1995. "Inside the Black Box: The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(4),1995 pp. 27-48. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Frederic S. Mishkin, 1996. "The Channels of Monetary Transmission: Lessons for Monetary Policy," Banque de France Bulletin Digest, No. 27, pp. 33-44.[permanent dead link]
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Vincent R. Reinhart, 2004. "Conducting Monetary Policy at Very Low Short-Term Interest Rates," American Economic Review, 94(2), pp. 85-90 Archived 2015-07-04 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Peter N. Ireland, 2008. "monetary transmission mechanism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-02-15 at the Wayback Machine Pre-publication copy. Archived 2010-06-12 at the Wayback Machine
       • Alan S. Blinder et al., 2008. "Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy: A Survey of Theory and Evidence," Journal of Economic Literature, 46(4), pp. 910–945 Pre-publication copy. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Vasco Cúrdia and Michael Woodford, 2011, "The Central-Bank Balance Sheet as an Instrument of Monetary Policy," Journal of Monetary Economics, 58(1), pp. 54-79. Abstract.
       • Xavier Freixas, 2009. "Monetary Policy in a Systemic Crisis," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 630-53. Abstract.

  • William J. Baumol 1952. "The Transaction Demand for Cash: An Inventory Theoretic Approach," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 66(4), pp. 545–556. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • James Tobin, 1956. "The Interest-Elasticity of Transactions Demand for Cash," Review of Economics and Statistics, 38(3), pp. 241-247.[dead link] Reprinted in Tobin, Essays in Economics, v. 1, Macroeconomics, pp. 229- [1] 242.
       • _____, 1958. "Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk," Review of Economic Studies 25(1), pp. 65–86. Archived 2012-03-06 at the Wayback Machine
       • Milton Friedman, 1956. "The Quantity Theory of Money: A Restatement," in Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, Chicago. Reprinted in The Optimum Quantity of Money, 2005), pp. 51 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-67. Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine

  • William J. Baumol 1952. "The Transaction Demand for Cash: An Inventory Theoretic Approach," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 66(4), pp. 545–556. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • James Tobin, 1956. "The Interest-Elasticity of Transactions Demand for Cash," Review of Economics and Statistics, 38(3), pp. 241-247.[dead link] Reprinted in Tobin, Essays in Economics, v. 1, Macroeconomics, pp. 229- [1] 242.
       • _____, 1958. "Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk," Review of Economic Studies 25(1), pp. 65–86. Archived 2012-03-06 at the Wayback Machine
       • Milton Friedman, 1956. "The Quantity Theory of Money: A Restatement," in Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money, Chicago. Reprinted in The Optimum Quantity of Money, 2005), pp. 51 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-67. Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine

  • • James Tobin, 1969. "A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1(1), pp. 15-29. Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____ with Stephen S. Golub, 1998. Money, Credit, and Capital. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. TOC. Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stephen M. Goldfeld and Daniel E. Sichel, 1990. "The Demand for Money," in Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 1, pp. 299-356. Outline.[permanent dead link] Elsevier.
       • Subramanian S. Sriram, 2001. "A Survey of Recent Empirical Money Demand Studies," IMF Staff Papers, 47(3). International Monetary Fund. pp. 334-65. Archived 2021-04-25 at the Wayback Machine

  • • Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, 1988. "Money and Credit in the Monetary Transmission Process," American Economic Review, 78(2), pp. 446-451.
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Mark Gertler, 1995. "Inside the Black Box: The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(4),1995 pp. 27-48. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Frederic S. Mishkin, 1996. "The Channels of Monetary Transmission: Lessons for Monetary Policy," Banque de France Bulletin Digest, No. 27, pp. 33-44.[permanent dead link]
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Vincent R. Reinhart, 2004. "Conducting Monetary Policy at Very Low Short-Term Interest Rates," American Economic Review, 94(2), pp. 85-90 Archived 2015-07-04 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Peter N. Ireland, 2008. "monetary transmission mechanism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-02-15 at the Wayback Machine Pre-publication copy. Archived 2010-06-12 at the Wayback Machine
       • Alan S. Blinder et al., 2008. "Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy: A Survey of Theory and Evidence," Journal of Economic Literature, 46(4), pp. 910–945 Pre-publication copy. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Vasco Cúrdia and Michael Woodford, 2011, "The Central-Bank Balance Sheet as an Instrument of Monetary Policy," Journal of Monetary Economics, 58(1), pp. 54-79. Abstract.
       • Xavier Freixas, 2009. "Monetary Policy in a Systemic Crisis," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 630-53. Abstract.

  • • Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, 1988. "Money and Credit in the Monetary Transmission Process," American Economic Review, 78(2), pp. 446-451.
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Mark Gertler, 1995. "Inside the Black Box: The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(4),1995 pp. 27-48. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Frederic S. Mishkin, 1996. "The Channels of Monetary Transmission: Lessons for Monetary Policy," Banque de France Bulletin Digest, No. 27, pp. 33-44.[permanent dead link]
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Vincent R. Reinhart, 2004. "Conducting Monetary Policy at Very Low Short-Term Interest Rates," American Economic Review, 94(2), pp. 85-90 Archived 2015-07-04 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Peter N. Ireland, 2008. "monetary transmission mechanism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-02-15 at the Wayback Machine Pre-publication copy. Archived 2010-06-12 at the Wayback Machine
       • Alan S. Blinder et al., 2008. "Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy: A Survey of Theory and Evidence," Journal of Economic Literature, 46(4), pp. 910–945 Pre-publication copy. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Vasco Cúrdia and Michael Woodford, 2011, "The Central-Bank Balance Sheet as an Instrument of Monetary Policy," Journal of Monetary Economics, 58(1), pp. 54-79. Abstract.
       • Xavier Freixas, 2009. "Monetary Policy in a Systemic Crisis," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 630-53. Abstract.

  • • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "monetary and fiscal policy overview" by Narayana R. Kocherlakota. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "fiscal and monetary policies in developing countries" by David Fielding. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-11 at the Wayback Machine
             "government budget constraint" by Eric M. Leeper and James M. Nason. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises" by Graciela Laura Kaminsky. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises models" by Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stanley Fischer and William Easterly, 1990. "The Economics of the Government Budget Constraint," World Bank Research Observer, 5(2), pp. p. 127 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-142 (PDF Archived 2011-06-07 at the Wayback Machine, pp. 5-20 of 101).
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1981. "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 5(3), pp. 1-17. Archived 2011-07-27 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 2011. "United States Then, Europe Now," Archived 2013-01-15 at the Wayback Machine Nobel lecture, sect. 7, Lessons for Now.
       • Milton Friedman, 1948. "A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability," American Economic Review, 38(3), pp. 245-264. Archived 2011-10-07 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1959. A Program for Monetary Stability. Fordham University Press. New York. TOC chapter-preview links. Archived 2011-11-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Michael Woodford, 2001. "Fiscal Requirements for Price Stability," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(3), pp. 669-728.
       • Alberto Alesina and Allan Drazen, 1991. "Why Are Stabilizations Delayed?" American Economic Review, 81(5), pp. 1170-1188. Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Lawrence H. Summers, 2000. "International Financial Crises: Causes, Prevention, and Cures." American Economic Review,, 90(2), pp. 1-16. Reprinted in M. Chatterji and P. Gangopadhyay, ed., 2005, Economic Globalization in Asia, pp. 47-63.
       • Graciela L. Kaminsky and Carmen M. Reinhart, 1999. "The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-Of-Payments Problems," American Economic Review, 89(3), pp. 473-500.
       • Christopher Adam and David Vines, 2009. "Remaking Macroeconomic Policy after the Global Financial Crisis: A Balance-Sheet Approach," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 507-552. Abstract.

  • • Robert M. Townsend, 1980. "Models of Money with Spatially Separated Agents," in John H. Kareken and Neil Wallace, ed., Models of Monetary Economies pp. 265-303. Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
       • Neil Wallace, 2001. "Whither Monetary Economics?," International Economic Review, 42(4), pp. p. 847 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-869.
       • Ricardo Lagos and Randall Wright, 2005. "A Unified Framework for Monetary Theory and Policy Analysis," Journal of Political Economy, 113(3], pp. 463-84. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine

  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1976. "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), pp. 19–46.
       • _____, 1980. "Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money," American Economic Review, 70(5), pp. 1005-1014. Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1995. "Monetary Neutrality," Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine Nobel Prize Lecture.
       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "monetary and fiscal policy overview" by Narayana R. Kocherlakota. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "fiscal and monetary policies in developing countries" by David Fielding. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-11 at the Wayback Machine
             "government budget constraint" by Eric M. Leeper and James M. Nason. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises" by Graciela Laura Kaminsky. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises models" by Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stanley Fischer and William Easterly, 1990. "The Economics of the Government Budget Constraint," World Bank Research Observer, 5(2), pp. p. 127 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-142 (PDF Archived 2011-06-07 at the Wayback Machine, pp. 5-20 of 101).
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1981. "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 5(3), pp. 1-17. Archived 2011-07-27 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 2011. "United States Then, Europe Now," Archived 2013-01-15 at the Wayback Machine Nobel lecture, sect. 7, Lessons for Now.
       • Milton Friedman, 1948. "A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability," American Economic Review, 38(3), pp. 245-264. Archived 2011-10-07 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1959. A Program for Monetary Stability. Fordham University Press. New York. TOC chapter-preview links. Archived 2011-11-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Michael Woodford, 2001. "Fiscal Requirements for Price Stability," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(3), pp. 669-728.
       • Alberto Alesina and Allan Drazen, 1991. "Why Are Stabilizations Delayed?" American Economic Review, 81(5), pp. 1170-1188. Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Lawrence H. Summers, 2000. "International Financial Crises: Causes, Prevention, and Cures." American Economic Review,, 90(2), pp. 1-16. Reprinted in M. Chatterji and P. Gangopadhyay, ed., 2005, Economic Globalization in Asia, pp. 47-63.
       • Graciela L. Kaminsky and Carmen M. Reinhart, 1999. "The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-Of-Payments Problems," American Economic Review, 89(3), pp. 473-500.
       • Christopher Adam and David Vines, 2009. "Remaking Macroeconomic Policy after the Global Financial Crisis: A Balance-Sheet Approach," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 507-552. Abstract.
  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1976. "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), pp. 19–46.
       • _____, 1980. "Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money," American Economic Review, 70(5), pp. 1005-1014. Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1995. "Monetary Neutrality," Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine Nobel Prize Lecture.
       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • • James Tobin, 1969. "A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1(1), pp. 15-29. Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____ with Stephen S. Golub, 1998. Money, Credit, and Capital. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. TOC. Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stephen M. Goldfeld and Daniel E. Sichel, 1990. "The Demand for Money," in Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 1, pp. 299-356. Outline.[permanent dead link] Elsevier.
       • Subramanian S. Sriram, 2001. "A Survey of Recent Empirical Money Demand Studies," IMF Staff Papers, 47(3). International Monetary Fund. pp. 334-65. Archived 2021-04-25 at the Wayback Machine

  • • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "monetary and fiscal policy overview" by Narayana R. Kocherlakota. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "fiscal and monetary policies in developing countries" by David Fielding. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-11 at the Wayback Machine
             "government budget constraint" by Eric M. Leeper and James M. Nason. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises" by Graciela Laura Kaminsky. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises models" by Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stanley Fischer and William Easterly, 1990. "The Economics of the Government Budget Constraint," World Bank Research Observer, 5(2), pp. p. 127 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-142 (PDF Archived 2011-06-07 at the Wayback Machine, pp. 5-20 of 101).
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1981. "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 5(3), pp. 1-17. Archived 2011-07-27 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 2011. "United States Then, Europe Now," Archived 2013-01-15 at the Wayback Machine Nobel lecture, sect. 7, Lessons for Now.
       • Milton Friedman, 1948. "A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability," American Economic Review, 38(3), pp. 245-264. Archived 2011-10-07 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1959. A Program for Monetary Stability. Fordham University Press. New York. TOC chapter-preview links. Archived 2011-11-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Michael Woodford, 2001. "Fiscal Requirements for Price Stability," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(3), pp. 669-728.
       • Alberto Alesina and Allan Drazen, 1991. "Why Are Stabilizations Delayed?" American Economic Review, 81(5), pp. 1170-1188. Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Lawrence H. Summers, 2000. "International Financial Crises: Causes, Prevention, and Cures." American Economic Review,, 90(2), pp. 1-16. Reprinted in M. Chatterji and P. Gangopadhyay, ed., 2005, Economic Globalization in Asia, pp. 47-63.
       • Graciela L. Kaminsky and Carmen M. Reinhart, 1999. "The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-Of-Payments Problems," American Economic Review, 89(3), pp. 473-500.
       • Christopher Adam and David Vines, 2009. "Remaking Macroeconomic Policy after the Global Financial Crisis: A Balance-Sheet Approach," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 507-552. Abstract.

  • • James Tobin, 1969. "A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 1(1), pp. 15-29. Archived 2015-09-23 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____ with Stephen S. Golub, 1998. Money, Credit, and Capital. Irwin/McGraw-Hill. TOC. Archived 2011-07-21 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stephen M. Goldfeld and Daniel E. Sichel, 1990. "The Demand for Money," in Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 1, pp. 299-356. Outline.[permanent dead link] Elsevier.
       • Subramanian S. Sriram, 2001. "A Survey of Recent Empirical Money Demand Studies," IMF Staff Papers, 47(3). International Monetary Fund. pp. 334-65. Archived 2021-04-25 at the Wayback Machine

  • Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, 1988. "Money and Credit in the Monetary Transmission Process," American Economic Review, 78(2), pp. 446-451.
       • Edward Nelson, 2002. "Direct Effects of Base money on Aggregate Demand: Theory and Evidence," Journal of Monetary Economics, 49(4), pp. 687-708. Abstract Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine.J. M. Keynes, 1937. "The General Theory of Employment," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 51, (2), pp. 209-223 Archived 2012-01-05 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Anthony M. Santomero and John J. Seater, 1981. "Partial Adjustment in the Demand for Money: Theory and Empirics," American Economic Review, 71(4), pp. 566-578.

  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1976. "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), pp. 19–46.
       • _____, 1980. "Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money," American Economic Review, 70(5), pp. 1005-1014. Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1995. "Monetary Neutrality," Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine Nobel Prize Lecture.
       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • Ben S. Bernanke, 1995. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), pp. 1-28. Archived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1983. "Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73(3), pp. 257-276. Reprinted with Bernanke, 1995 (above), in Bernanke, 2005, Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton. Description Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine, TOC Archived 2010-01-19 at the Wayback Machine as ch. 1-2.
       • _____ and Mark Gertler, 1989. "Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations," American Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 14-31.
       • Irving Fisher, 1933. "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions," Econometrica, 1(4), pp. 337-357. Archived 2020-01-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • P. Bridel, 2008. "credit cycle," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mark Gertler, 1988. "Financial Structure and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Overview," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 20(3), pp. 559-588 Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steven Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, 2009. "From Bubble to Depression? Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine" Wall Street Journal, April 6.
       • Hyman P. Minsky, 1957. "Monetary Systems and Accelerator Models,"American Economic Review, 47(6), pp. 860-883 Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steve Fazzari and Hyman Minsky, 1984. "Domestic Monetary Policy: If Not Monetarism, What?" Journal of Economic Issues, 18(1), "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," pp. 101-116. Reprinted in M. Tool, ed., 1984, An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, pp. 101-116.
       • Lance Taylor and Stephen A. O'Connell, 1985. "A Minsky Crisis," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100(3, Supplement), pp. 871-885. Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mervyn King, 1994. "Debt Deflation: Theory and Evidence," European Economic Review, 38(3-4), pp. 419-445. Abstract.
       • Enrique G. Mendoza, 2006. "Lessons from the Debt-Deflation Theory of Sudden Stops," American Economic Review, 96(2), pp. 411–416. JSTOR 30034682
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John H. Moore, 1997. "Credit Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 105(2), pp. 211–248. JSTOR 2138839
       • Guillermo A. Calvo and Enrique G. Mendoza, 2000. "Capital-Markets Crises and Economic Collapse in Emerging Markets: An Informational-Frictions Approach,' American Economic Review, 90(2), pp. 59-64.
       • Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie, 2007. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. Palgrave MacMillan. Description & contents links Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine and review Archived 2008-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.

  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1976. "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), pp. 19–46.
       • _____, 1980. "Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money," American Economic Review, 70(5), pp. 1005-1014. Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1995. "Monetary Neutrality," Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine Nobel Prize Lecture.
       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • • Robert M. Townsend, 1980. "Models of Money with Spatially Separated Agents," in John H. Kareken and Neil Wallace, ed., Models of Monetary Economies pp. 265-303. Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
       • Neil Wallace, 2001. "Whither Monetary Economics?," International Economic Review, 42(4), pp. p. 847 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-869.
       • Ricardo Lagos and Randall Wright, 2005. "A Unified Framework for Monetary Theory and Policy Analysis," Journal of Political Economy, 113(3], pp. 463-84. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine

  • "Mughal Coinage". Archived from the original on 2002-10-05. Sher Shah issued a coin of silver which was termed the Rupiya. This weighed 178 grains and was the precursor of the modern rupee. It remained largely unchanged till the early 20th Century

  • Ben S. Bernanke, 1995. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), pp. 1-28. Archived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1983. "Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73(3), pp. 257-276. Reprinted with Bernanke, 1995 (above), in Bernanke, 2005, Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton. Description Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine, TOC Archived 2010-01-19 at the Wayback Machine as ch. 1-2.
       • _____ and Mark Gertler, 1989. "Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations," American Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 14-31.
       • Irving Fisher, 1933. "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions," Econometrica, 1(4), pp. 337-357. Archived 2020-01-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • P. Bridel, 2008. "credit cycle," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mark Gertler, 1988. "Financial Structure and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Overview," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 20(3), pp. 559-588 Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steven Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, 2009. "From Bubble to Depression? Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine" Wall Street Journal, April 6.
       • Hyman P. Minsky, 1957. "Monetary Systems and Accelerator Models,"American Economic Review, 47(6), pp. 860-883 Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steve Fazzari and Hyman Minsky, 1984. "Domestic Monetary Policy: If Not Monetarism, What?" Journal of Economic Issues, 18(1), "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," pp. 101-116. Reprinted in M. Tool, ed., 1984, An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, pp. 101-116.
       • Lance Taylor and Stephen A. O'Connell, 1985. "A Minsky Crisis," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100(3, Supplement), pp. 871-885. Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mervyn King, 1994. "Debt Deflation: Theory and Evidence," European Economic Review, 38(3-4), pp. 419-445. Abstract.
       • Enrique G. Mendoza, 2006. "Lessons from the Debt-Deflation Theory of Sudden Stops," American Economic Review, 96(2), pp. 411–416. JSTOR 30034682
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John H. Moore, 1997. "Credit Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 105(2), pp. 211–248. JSTOR 2138839
       • Guillermo A. Calvo and Enrique G. Mendoza, 2000. "Capital-Markets Crises and Economic Collapse in Emerging Markets: An Informational-Frictions Approach,' American Economic Review, 90(2), pp. 59-64.
       • Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie, 2007. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. Palgrave MacMillan. Description & contents links Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine and review Archived 2008-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.

  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1976. "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), pp. 19–46.
       • _____, 1980. "Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money," American Economic Review, 70(5), pp. 1005-1014. Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1995. "Monetary Neutrality," Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine Nobel Prize Lecture.
       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • • From Christina D. Romer and David H. Romer, 2007:2. "Monetary Economics," NBER Reporter, p. 1. Archived 2011-06-11 at the Wayback Machine
       • Alan S. Blinder, 1997. "What Central Bankers Could Learn from Academics — and Vice Versa," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(2), pp. 3-19.[permanent dead link]

  • • Paul Povel, Rajdeep Singh, and Andrew Winton, 2007. "Booms, Busts, and Fraud," Review of Financial Studies, 20(4), pp. 1219-1254. Archived 2010-04-14 at the Wayback Machine
       • William K. Black, 2005. The Best Way to Rob a Bank Is to Own One. Description and preview.
       • _____, 2005. "'Control Frauds' as Financial Super-predators: How 'Pathogens' Make Financial Markets Inefficient," Journal of Socio-Economics, 34(6), pp. [4] Abstract. Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 2009. "Those Who Forget the Regulatory Successes of the Past are Condemned to Failure," Economic & Political Weekly, 44(13), pp. 80-86,. Abstract. Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine

  • • Karl Brunner and Allan H. Meltzer, 1988. "Money and Credit in the Monetary Transmission Process," American Economic Review, 78(2), pp. 446-451.
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Mark Gertler, 1995. "Inside the Black Box: The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 9(4),1995 pp. 27-48. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Frederic S. Mishkin, 1996. "The Channels of Monetary Transmission: Lessons for Monetary Policy," Banque de France Bulletin Digest, No. 27, pp. 33-44.[permanent dead link]
       • Ben S. Bernanke and Vincent R. Reinhart, 2004. "Conducting Monetary Policy at Very Low Short-Term Interest Rates," American Economic Review, 94(2), pp. 85-90 Archived 2015-07-04 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Peter N. Ireland, 2008. "monetary transmission mechanism," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-02-15 at the Wayback Machine Pre-publication copy. Archived 2010-06-12 at the Wayback Machine
       • Alan S. Blinder et al., 2008. "Central Bank Communication and Monetary Policy: A Survey of Theory and Evidence," Journal of Economic Literature, 46(4), pp. 910–945 Pre-publication copy. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • Vasco Cúrdia and Michael Woodford, 2011, "The Central-Bank Balance Sheet as an Instrument of Monetary Policy," Journal of Monetary Economics, 58(1), pp. 54-79. Abstract.
       • Xavier Freixas, 2009. "Monetary Policy in a Systemic Crisis," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 630-53. Abstract.

  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1976. "Econometric Policy Evaluation: A Critique," Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), pp. 19–46.
       • _____, 1980. "Two Illustrations of the Quantity Theory of Money," American Economic Review, 70(5), pp. 1005-1014. Archived 2011-05-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1995. "Monetary Neutrality," Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine Nobel Prize Lecture.
       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • • Milton Friedman, [1987] 2008. "quantity theory of money." sect. 4, The Theory of Rational Expectations, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Earlier at John Eatwell et al., 1989), Money: The New Palgrave, pp. 26 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-28.
       • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "rational expectations" by Thomas J. Sargent. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation expectations" by Bennett T. McCallum. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "inflation targeting" by Lars E.O. Svensson. Abstract Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine and pre-publication copy. Archived 2008-12-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1975. "'Rational' Expectations, the Optimal Monetary Instrument, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 83(2), pp. 241-254 Archived 2014-05-27 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1976. "A Classical Macroeconometric Model for the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 84(2), pp. 207 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-238. Reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, 1981. v. 2, pp. 521-51.
       • Christopher A. Sims, 1980. "Macroeconomics and Reality", Econometrica, 48(1), pp. 1-48 Archived 2012-04-02 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 1982. "The Ends of Four Big Inflations," in Robert E. Hall, ed., Inflation: Causes and Effects, ch. 2, pp. 41-98. Archived 2017-08-17 at the Wayback Machine Chicago.
       • Steven M. Sheffrin, 1996, 2nd Ed. Rational Expectations. Cambridge. Description and preview.
       • Robert E. Lucas Jr., 1972. "Expectations and the Neutrality of Money," Journal of Economic Theory, 4(2), pp. 103-124. Archived 2009-03-19 at the Wayback Machine
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       • Stanley Fischer, 1977. "Long-Term Contracts, Rational Expectations, and the Optimal Money Supply Rule," Journal of Political Economy, 85(1), pp. 191-205. Archived 2011-06-15 at the Wayback Machine
       • Robert J. Barro, 1978. "Unanticipated Money, Output, and the Price Level in the United States," Journal of Political Economy, 86(4), pp. 549 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-580, reprinted in Lucas and Sargent, ed., 1981, Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 585-616.
       • Clifford L. F. Attfield and Nigel W. Duck, 1983. "The Influence of Unanticipated Money Growth on Real Output: Some Cross-Country Estimates," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 15(4), pp. 442 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-454.
       • Olivier J. Blanchard, 1990. "Why Does Money Affect Output? A Survey," in B. M. Friedman and F. H. Hahn, ed., 1990, Handbook of Monetary Economics, v. 2, ch. 15, pp. 779-835. doi:10.3386/w2285

  • James Tobin, 1992. "money," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Finance and Money, v. 2, pp. 770-79 & in 2008, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. 2nd Edition. Table of Contents and Abstract. Reprinted in Tobin, 1996, Essays in Economics, v. 4, pp. 139-63. MIT Press.
       • _____, 1961. "Money, Capital, and Other Stores of Value," American Economic Review, 51(2), pp. 26-37. Reprinted in Tobin, 1987, Essays in Economics, v. 1, pp. 217-27. MIT Press.
       • Paul A. Samuelson, 1958. "An Exact Consumption-Loan Model of Interest with or without the Social Contrivance of Money," Journal of Political Economy, 66(6), pp. 467, 481-82 Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine.
       • John Bryan, 1980. "Transaction Demand for Money and Moral Hazard," in Models of Monetary Economies, ed. J. Kareken and N.Wallace, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, pp. 233-241 Archived 2013-09-18 at the Wayback Machine and References, pp. 305-13. Archived 2013-09-18 at the Wayback Machine
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and Randall Wright, 1989, "On Money as a Medium of Exchange," Journal of Political Economy 97(4), pp. 927 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-54.
       • _____, 1993. "A Search-Theoretic Approach to Monetary Economics," American Economic Review, 83(1), pp. 63-77.

  • Ben S. Bernanke, 1995. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), pp. 1-28. Archived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1983. "Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73(3), pp. 257-276. Reprinted with Bernanke, 1995 (above), in Bernanke, 2005, Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton. Description Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine, TOC Archived 2010-01-19 at the Wayback Machine as ch. 1-2.
       • _____ and Mark Gertler, 1989. "Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations," American Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 14-31.
       • Irving Fisher, 1933. "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions," Econometrica, 1(4), pp. 337-357. Archived 2020-01-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • P. Bridel, 2008. "credit cycle," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mark Gertler, 1988. "Financial Structure and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Overview," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 20(3), pp. 559-588 Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steven Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, 2009. "From Bubble to Depression? Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine" Wall Street Journal, April 6.
       • Hyman P. Minsky, 1957. "Monetary Systems and Accelerator Models,"American Economic Review, 47(6), pp. 860-883 Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steve Fazzari and Hyman Minsky, 1984. "Domestic Monetary Policy: If Not Monetarism, What?" Journal of Economic Issues, 18(1), "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," pp. 101-116. Reprinted in M. Tool, ed., 1984, An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, pp. 101-116.
       • Lance Taylor and Stephen A. O'Connell, 1985. "A Minsky Crisis," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100(3, Supplement), pp. 871-885. Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mervyn King, 1994. "Debt Deflation: Theory and Evidence," European Economic Review, 38(3-4), pp. 419-445. Abstract.
       • Enrique G. Mendoza, 2006. "Lessons from the Debt-Deflation Theory of Sudden Stops," American Economic Review, 96(2), pp. 411–416. JSTOR 30034682
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John H. Moore, 1997. "Credit Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 105(2), pp. 211–248. JSTOR 2138839
       • Guillermo A. Calvo and Enrique G. Mendoza, 2000. "Capital-Markets Crises and Economic Collapse in Emerging Markets: An Informational-Frictions Approach,' American Economic Review, 90(2), pp. 59-64.
       • Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie, 2007. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. Palgrave MacMillan. Description & contents links Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine and review Archived 2008-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.

  • • From The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition:
             "monetary and fiscal policy overview" by Narayana R. Kocherlakota. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "fiscal and monetary policies in developing countries" by David Fielding. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-11 at the Wayback Machine
             "government budget constraint" by Eric M. Leeper and James M. Nason. Abstract. Archived 2010-12-29 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises" by Graciela Laura Kaminsky. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
             "currency crises models" by Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum, and Sergio Rebelo. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Stanley Fischer and William Easterly, 1990. "The Economics of the Government Budget Constraint," World Bank Research Observer, 5(2), pp. p. 127 Archived 2023-01-16 at the Wayback Machine-142 (PDF Archived 2011-06-07 at the Wayback Machine, pp. 5-20 of 101).
       • Thomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace, 1981. "Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic," Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 5(3), pp. 1-17. Archived 2011-07-27 at the Wayback Machine
       • Thomas J. Sargent, 2011. "United States Then, Europe Now," Archived 2013-01-15 at the Wayback Machine Nobel lecture, sect. 7, Lessons for Now.
       • Milton Friedman, 1948. "A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability," American Economic Review, 38(3), pp. 245-264. Archived 2011-10-07 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1959. A Program for Monetary Stability. Fordham University Press. New York. TOC chapter-preview links. Archived 2011-11-01 at the Wayback Machine
       • Michael Woodford, 2001. "Fiscal Requirements for Price Stability," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(3), pp. 669-728.
       • Alberto Alesina and Allan Drazen, 1991. "Why Are Stabilizations Delayed?" American Economic Review, 81(5), pp. 1170-1188. Archived 2011-07-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Lawrence H. Summers, 2000. "International Financial Crises: Causes, Prevention, and Cures." American Economic Review,, 90(2), pp. 1-16. Reprinted in M. Chatterji and P. Gangopadhyay, ed., 2005, Economic Globalization in Asia, pp. 47-63.
       • Graciela L. Kaminsky and Carmen M. Reinhart, 1999. "The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-Of-Payments Problems," American Economic Review, 89(3), pp. 473-500.
       • Christopher Adam and David Vines, 2009. "Remaking Macroeconomic Policy after the Global Financial Crisis: A Balance-Sheet Approach," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(4), pp. 507-552. Abstract.

  • Ben S. Bernanke, 1995. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), pp. 1-28. Archived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1983. "Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73(3), pp. 257-276. Reprinted with Bernanke, 1995 (above), in Bernanke, 2005, Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton. Description Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine, TOC Archived 2010-01-19 at the Wayback Machine as ch. 1-2.
       • _____ and Mark Gertler, 1989. "Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations," American Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 14-31.
       • Irving Fisher, 1933. "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions," Econometrica, 1(4), pp. 337-357. Archived 2020-01-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • P. Bridel, 2008. "credit cycle," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mark Gertler, 1988. "Financial Structure and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Overview," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 20(3), pp. 559-588 Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steven Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, 2009. "From Bubble to Depression? Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine" Wall Street Journal, April 6.
       • Hyman P. Minsky, 1957. "Monetary Systems and Accelerator Models,"American Economic Review, 47(6), pp. 860-883 Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steve Fazzari and Hyman Minsky, 1984. "Domestic Monetary Policy: If Not Monetarism, What?" Journal of Economic Issues, 18(1), "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," pp. 101-116. Reprinted in M. Tool, ed., 1984, An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, pp. 101-116.
       • Lance Taylor and Stephen A. O'Connell, 1985. "A Minsky Crisis," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100(3, Supplement), pp. 871-885. Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mervyn King, 1994. "Debt Deflation: Theory and Evidence," European Economic Review, 38(3-4), pp. 419-445. Abstract.
       • Enrique G. Mendoza, 2006. "Lessons from the Debt-Deflation Theory of Sudden Stops," American Economic Review, 96(2), pp. 411–416. JSTOR 30034682
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John H. Moore, 1997. "Credit Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 105(2), pp. 211–248. JSTOR 2138839
       • Guillermo A. Calvo and Enrique G. Mendoza, 2000. "Capital-Markets Crises and Economic Collapse in Emerging Markets: An Informational-Frictions Approach,' American Economic Review, 90(2), pp. 59-64.
       • Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie, 2007. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. Palgrave MacMillan. Description & contents links Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine and review Archived 2008-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.

  • Ben S. Bernanke, 1995. "The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: A Comparative Approach," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 27(1), pp. 1-28. Archived 2020-04-08 at the Wayback Machine
       • _____, 1983. "Nonmonetary Effects of the Financial Crisis in the Propagation of the Great Depression," American Economic Review, 73(3), pp. 257-276. Reprinted with Bernanke, 1995 (above), in Bernanke, 2005, Essays on the Great Depression, Princeton. Description Archived 2010-03-29 at the Wayback Machine, TOC Archived 2010-01-19 at the Wayback Machine as ch. 1-2.
       • _____ and Mark Gertler, 1989. "Agency Costs, Net Worth, and Business Fluctuations," American Economic Review, 79(1), pp. 14-31.
       • Irving Fisher, 1933. "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions," Econometrica, 1(4), pp. 337-357. Archived 2020-01-31 at the Wayback Machine
       • P. Bridel, 2008. "credit cycle," The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2008. 2nd Edition. Abstract. Archived 2012-03-26 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mark Gertler, 1988. "Financial Structure and Aggregate Economic Activity: An Overview," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 20(3), pp. 559-588 Archived 2011-06-17 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steven Gjerstad and Vernon L. Smith, 2009. "From Bubble to Depression? Archived 2015-02-13 at the Wayback Machine" Wall Street Journal, April 6.
       • Hyman P. Minsky, 1957. "Monetary Systems and Accelerator Models,"American Economic Review, 47(6), pp. 860-883 Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine.
       • Steve Fazzari and Hyman Minsky, 1984. "Domestic Monetary Policy: If Not Monetarism, What?" Journal of Economic Issues, 18(1), "Economic Policy for the Eighties and Beyond," pp. 101-116. Reprinted in M. Tool, ed., 1984, An Institutionalist Guide to Economics and Public Policy, pp. 101-116.
       • Lance Taylor and Stephen A. O'Connell, 1985. "A Minsky Crisis," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 100(3, Supplement), pp. 871-885. Archived 2012-04-25 at the Wayback Machine
       • Mervyn King, 1994. "Debt Deflation: Theory and Evidence," European Economic Review, 38(3-4), pp. 419-445. Abstract.
       • Enrique G. Mendoza, 2006. "Lessons from the Debt-Deflation Theory of Sudden Stops," American Economic Review, 96(2), pp. 411–416. JSTOR 30034682
       • Nobuhiro Kiyotaki and John H. Moore, 1997. "Credit Cycles," Journal of Political Economy, 105(2), pp. 211–248. JSTOR 2138839
       • Guillermo A. Calvo and Enrique G. Mendoza, 2000. "Capital-Markets Crises and Economic Collapse in Emerging Markets: An Informational-Frictions Approach,' American Economic Review, 90(2), pp. 59-64.
       • Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie, 2007. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth. Palgrave MacMillan. Description & contents links Archived 2013-11-04 at the Wayback Machine and review Archived 2008-11-20 at the Wayback Machine.