2011 Population Census – Fact Sheet for Tertiary Planning Units 961 – 962, http://www.census2011.gov.hk/en/district-profiles/tpu/tpu961.html Accessed 24 June 2013. NB The census takers combine statistics for Mui Wo (Tertiary Planning Unit 962) with the sparsely populated area to the north and northwest (TPU 961) that includes Tai Ho
Written reply from the then-Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, to a question from a Legislative Council member, Cheung Hok-ming: "LCQ15: Improvement works in Mui Wo", 4 March 2009, http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/200903/04/P200903040157.htm, accessed 8 July 2013