Satirical Cartoons – "Directorate for the Utilization of Sofia" – Щ deathbed (6, t: "We're here, dad!", Щ: "My children..."), Jul 2011; Alphabet scroll (= "а б в...ц ч...ш щ"), May 2011. Retrieved Mar 2013.
, or "maymunitsa", or "Metodievitsa". The form of the word shlyòkavitsa follows the pattern of alphabet names, such as "Kirilitsa" (Cyrillic), "Glagolitsa" (Glagolitic) and "Latinitsa" (Roman script), but is also a synonym for a low-quality rakia (bg:shlyokavitsa).
M. Gaidarska. The Current State of the Transliteration of Bulgarian Names into English in Popular Practice, Contrastive Linguistics, XXII, 1998, 112, pp. 69-84. ISSN0204-8701