"橋下徹大阪市長「高級クラブホステスと不倫してました。聖人君子ではない」" [Toru Hashimoto, Mayor of Osaka - "I had an affair with a high-class club hostess."]. J-CASTテレビウォッチ (in Japanese). 2012-07-19. Retrieved 2019-04-11.
"JPR Umeda Loft Bldg". Japan Prime Realty Investment Corporation. Retrieved 2019-04-15.
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"大阪府・梅田はかつて"埋田"で東京都・池袋には池が!? 地形と地名トリビア" [Osaka Prefecture, Umeda was once a "buried field", and there are ponds in Tokyo and Ikebukuro? Terrain and place name trivia.] (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 April 2019.
"江戸時代の遊郭にはじまるキタを代表する歓楽街" [The Red Light District of the North, from the Edo Period]. NEWSポストセブン (in Japanese). Retrieved 2019-04-15.
"橋下徹氏 大阪の旧遊郭街・飛田新地組合の顧問弁護士だった" [Tosu Hashimoto was a lawyer for the Tobitashinchi hospitality union in Osaka]. NEWSポストセブン (in Japanese). Retrieved 2019-04-11.
"ラッシュ時混雑の阪神梅田駅、広々ホームに改良 1・5倍に拡幅工事スタート" [Hanshin Umeda Station crowded during rush hour, upgraded to 1.5 times size, widening construction commenced] (in Japanese). Retrieved 15 April 2019.