"宮沢氷魚&黒島結菜、パートナー関係公表・第1子妊娠「現時点では籍をいれる予定はありません」【双方コメント全文】" [Hio Miyazawa & Yuina Kuroshima announce partnership and are pregnant with their first child "There are no plans to register our marriage at this time"]. 2024-01-16. Archived from the original on 20 January 2024. Retrieved 2024-01-16.
"宮沢氷魚&黒島結菜に第1子誕生「私たち3人の新しい生活を温かく見守って」「感謝の気持ちでいっぱい」" [Miyazawa Hio and Kuroshima Yuina welcome their first child, "Please watch over us three as we live our new life together warmly" "We are filled with gratitude"]. ORICON NEWS. 2024-07-12. Retrieved 2024-08-26.
"宮沢氷魚&黒島結菜、パートナー関係公表・第1子妊娠「現時点では籍をいれる予定はありません」【双方コメント全文】" [Hio Miyazawa & Yuina Kuroshima announce partnership and are pregnant with their first child "There are no plans to register our marriage at this time"]. 2024-01-16. Archived from the original on 20 January 2024. Retrieved 2024-01-16.