White, Clayton M., Nancy J. Clum, Tom J. Cade and W. Grainger Hunt. 2002. Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Elŝutita el Birds of North America Online: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/660 (13a de Majo 2011)
Kuzir, S. and Muzini, J. (1999), "Birds and air traffic safety on Zagreb airport (Croatia)", The Environmentalist18 (4): 231–237, doi:10.1023/A:1006541304592
Henny, Charles J; Morlan W. Nelson (1981), "Decline and Present Status of Breeding Peregrine Falcons in Oregon", The Murrelet (Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology) 62 (2): 43–53, doi:10.2307/3534174, "The records of Richard M. Bond and William E. Griffee, and the recollections of Larry L. Schramm and Merlin A. McColm were critical in putting the Peregrine back off the endangered list."
Starman: ABC-TV series shoots episode in Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz Sentinel (24a de Oktobro, 1986). Alirita 25a de Aprilo, 2021 . “This episode focuses on a falcon, which has brought the crew to Santa Cruz in the first place. They filmed Monday at UCSC's peregrine falcon project, followed by two more days at Henry Cowell [Redwoods State Park].”.
(Noto: la epizodo estis titolita "The Falcon" dum la filmado kaj retitolita "Peregrine" antaŭ elsendado. Fina listo de partoprenantaro dankas al Brian Walton kaj la Peregrine Fund Facility ĉe UCSC.)
Record Number of Peregrine Falcons in New York State, 2009-02-12, Navarro, Mireya [3], konsultita la 2009-02-13, New York Times.
Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Group WebCam, 2011-03-11 [4]Arkivigite je 2011-06-14 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine konsultita la 2011-03-11, Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group.
Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Group WebCam, 2011-03-11 [4]Arkivigite je 2011-06-14 per la retarkivo Wayback Machine konsultita la 2011-03-11, Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group.
"Uptown's Peregrine Falcon Success". Uptown Chicago Commission. Arkivita el la originalo la 18an de Julio 2013. Alirita la 18an de Julio 2013 kaj la 30an de Aŭgusto 2022.