Joanne Stepaniak, The Vegan Sourcebook, McGraw Hill Professional, 2000, 5; The Vegan, Autumn 1949, 22.
Andrew F. Smith, Eating History, Novjorko: Columbia University Press, 2013, 197; Wright 2015, 34.
Frances Moore Lappé, Diet for a Small Planet: How to Enjoy a Rich Protein Harvest by Getting Off the Top of the Food Chain, Friends of the Earth/Ballantine, 1971; Smith 2013, 197.
Pri intereso de sanprofesiuloj en vegetaraj dietoj en la lasta kvarono de la 20-a jarcento: Donna Maurer, Vegetarianism: Movement or Moment?, Temple University Press, 2002, 23; pri Ornish and Barnard, 99–101.
Pri McDougall: Karen Iacobbo, Michael Iacobbo, Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006, 75.
Pri Ornish, Campbell, Esselstyn, Barnard kaj Greger: Kathy Freston, Veganist, Weinstein Publishing, 2011. Ornish, el 21; Campbell, 41; Esselstyn, 57; Barnard, 73; Greger, 109.
Pri McDougall Plan: Iacobbo and Iacobbo 2006, 75; pri Robbins: Wright 2015, 35, kaj
Preece 2008, 327; pri Ornish: Maurer 2002, 99–101.
Nick Pendergrast, "Environmental Concerns and the Mainstreaming of Veganism", en T. Raphaely (eld.), Impact of Meat Consumption on Health and Environmental Sustainability, IGI Global, 2015, 106.
Rynn Berry, "Veganism", The Oxford Companion to American Food and Drink, Oxford University Press, 2007, 604–605.
Rachel A. Ankeny, "Food and Ethical Consumption", in J. M. Pilcher (eld.), The Oxford Handbook of Food History, Oxford University Press, 2012, 464.
S. Aerts kaj aliaj, "Culling of day-old chicks: opening the debates of Moria?" in Kate Millar, Pru Hobson West, Brigitte Nerlich (eld.), Ethical Futures: Bioscience and Food Horizons, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2009, 117.
Erik Marcus, Veganism: The New Ethics of Eating, McBooks Press, 2000, 128–129.
Reed Mangels, Virginia Messina, and Mark Messina, "Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)", The Dietitian's Guide to Vegetarian Diets, Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2011, 181–192.
Debra Wasserman, Reed Mangels, Simply Vegan, The Vegetarian Resource Group, 2006, 171; also at Reed Mangels, "Vitamin B12 in the Vegan Diet", The Vegetarian Resource Group, alirita la 8-a de julio 2015.
Mangels, Messina and Messina 2011, 138ff, paĝoj 143–144. Detala diskuto "Iron", Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 2001, paĝoj 290–393.
Pri Freedman kaj Barnouin: Wright 2015, 104; for Earthlings: Wright 2015, 149.
Pri Campbell kaj Esselstyn: Gupta, Sanjay. Gupta: Becoming heart attack proof. CNN (25-a de aŭgusto 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Pri 'Eating Animals': Yonan, Joe, "Book Review: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer", 22 novembro 2009. Kontrolita 12-a de marto 2018.
Pri Esselystyn kaj 'Forks over Knives': Martin, David S.. The 'heart attack proof' diet?. CNN (25-a de novembro 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Pri Freedman kaj Barnouin: Wright 2015, 104; for Earthlings: Wright 2015, 149.
Pri Campbell kaj Esselstyn: Gupta, Sanjay. Gupta: Becoming heart attack proof. CNN (25-a de aŭgusto 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Pri 'Eating Animals': Yonan, Joe, "Book Review: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer", 22 novembro 2009. Kontrolita 12-a de marto 2018.
Pri Esselystyn kaj 'Forks over Knives': Martin, David S.. The 'heart attack proof' diet?. CNN (25-a de novembro 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
(2016) Vitamin B12 among Vegetarians: Status, Assessment and Supplementation8, p. 767. doi:10.3390/nu8120767.
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Foster, Meika; Ursula Nirmala Herulah, Ashlini Prasad, Peter Petocz kaj Samir Samman. (2015) Zinc Status of Vegetarians during Pregnancy: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies and Meta-Analysis of Zinc Intake7, p. 4512–4525. doi:10.3390/nu7064512.
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Wakefield, Lorelei A.; Shofer, Frances S. (1-a de julio 2006). “Evaluation of cats fed vegetarian diets and attitudes of their caregivers”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association229 (1), p. 70–3. doi:10.2460/javma.229.1.70.Rothgerber, Hank (1-a de septembro 2013). “A Meaty Matter: Pet Diet and the Vegetarian's Dilemma”, Appetite68, p. 76–82. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2013.04.012.Welch, Dan; Brown, Katy, "The ethics of veggie cats and dogs", 24-a de majo 2010. Kontrolita 12-a de aprilo 2018.Gonzalez, Robbie. The Animal-Lover's Dilemma: I Don't Eat Meat, but My Pet Does. io9 (31-a de julio 2015). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 12-a de aprilo 2018 .Greener, Helen Bee. Should we feed cats and dogs a vegan diet?. Anthem Publishing (15-a de novembro 2017). Arkivita el la originalo je 13-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 13-a de aprilo 2018 .
Gille, D; Schmid, A (februaro 2015). “Vitamin B12 in meat and dairy products”, Nutrition Reviews73 (2), p. 106–15. doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuu011.
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Steinfeld kaj aliaj 2006, 12, 42. La radikoj, legomoj kaj legomoj estas ĉefe manioko, terpomoj, batatoj, brasiko, banano, pizoj kaj faboj. /angle The roots and vegetables are mostly cassava, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, cooking banana, peas and beans.
Wakefield, Lorelei A.; Shofer, Frances S. (1-a de julio 2006). “Evaluation of cats fed vegetarian diets and attitudes of their caregivers”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association229 (1), p. 70–3. doi:10.2460/javma.229.1.70.Rothgerber, Hank (1-a de septembro 2013). “A Meaty Matter: Pet Diet and the Vegetarian's Dilemma”, Appetite68, p. 76–82. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2013.04.012.Welch, Dan; Brown, Katy, "The ethics of veggie cats and dogs", 24-a de majo 2010. Kontrolita 12-a de aprilo 2018.Gonzalez, Robbie. The Animal-Lover's Dilemma: I Don't Eat Meat, but My Pet Does. io9 (31-a de julio 2015). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 12-a de aprilo 2018 .Greener, Helen Bee. Should we feed cats and dogs a vegan diet?. Anthem Publishing (15-a de novembro 2017). Arkivita el la originalo je 13-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 13-a de aprilo 2018 .
Mangels, Messina and Messina 2011, 138ff, paĝoj 143–144. Detala diskuto "Iron", Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 2001, paĝoj 290–393.
"Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health", Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. The Adequate Intake for ALA is 1.1–1.6 g/day.
"Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Health", Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. Adequate Intakes for EPA and DHA have not been determined.
"Iodine", Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 110 mcg (0–six months), 130 mcg (7–12 months), 90 mcg (1–8 years), 120 mcg (9–13 years), 150 mcg (14+). The RDA for pregnancy and lactation is 220 and 290 mcg respectively.
(2004) Science, Medicine, and Animals. Safety Testing. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US): National Research Council (US) Committee to Update Science, Medicine, and Animals.
Fumio Watanabe kaj aliaj, "Vitamin B12-Containing Plant Food Sources for Vegetarians", Nutrients, 6(5), 5-a de majo 2014, 1861–1873. Fumio Watanabe kaj aliaj, "Biologically active vitamin B12 compounds in foods for preventing deficiency among vegetarians and elderly subjects", Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 61(280), 17-a de julio 2013, 6769–6775. Martin T. Croft kaj aliaj, "Algae acquire vitamin B12 through a symbiotic relationship with bacteria", Nature, 438(7064), 3-a de novembro 2005, 90–93.
Roman Pawlak kaj aliaj, "The prevalence of cobalamin deficiency among vegetarians assessed by serum vitamin B12: a review of literature", European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68(5), majo 2014, 541–548. COI:10.1038/ejcn.2014.46PubMed
Animal Ingredients A to Z, E. G. Smith Collective, 2004, 3rd edition; Lars Thomsen and Reuben Proctor, Veganissimo A to Z, The Experiment, 2013 (first published in Germany, 1996). Animal-Derived Ingredients Resource. PETA (18-a de aprilo 2012). Arkivita el la originalo je 15-a de marto 2018. Alirita 14-a de marto 2018 .
Walraven, Michel, "Vegetarian butchers make a killing", Radio Nederland Wereldomroep / Radio Nederlando Tutmonda Worldwide, 14-a de septembro 2011. Kontrolita 12-a de marto 2018.
Wakefield, Lorelei A.; Shofer, Frances S. (1-a de julio 2006). “Evaluation of cats fed vegetarian diets and attitudes of their caregivers”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association229 (1), p. 70–3. doi:10.2460/javma.229.1.70.Rothgerber, Hank (1-a de septembro 2013). “A Meaty Matter: Pet Diet and the Vegetarian's Dilemma”, Appetite68, p. 76–82. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2013.04.012.Welch, Dan; Brown, Katy, "The ethics of veggie cats and dogs", 24-a de majo 2010. Kontrolita 12-a de aprilo 2018.Gonzalez, Robbie. The Animal-Lover's Dilemma: I Don't Eat Meat, but My Pet Does. io9 (31-a de julio 2015). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 12-a de aprilo 2018 .Greener, Helen Bee. Should we feed cats and dogs a vegan diet?. Anthem Publishing (15-a de novembro 2017). Arkivita el la originalo je 13-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 13-a de aprilo 2018 .
Wakefield, Lorelei A.; Shofer, Frances S. (1-a de julio 2006). “Evaluation of cats fed vegetarian diets and attitudes of their caregivers”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association229 (1), p. 70–3. doi:10.2460/javma.229.1.70.Rothgerber, Hank (1-a de septembro 2013). “A Meaty Matter: Pet Diet and the Vegetarian's Dilemma”, Appetite68, p. 76–82. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2013.04.012.Welch, Dan; Brown, Katy, "The ethics of veggie cats and dogs", 24-a de majo 2010. Kontrolita 12-a de aprilo 2018.Gonzalez, Robbie. The Animal-Lover's Dilemma: I Don't Eat Meat, but My Pet Does. io9 (31-a de julio 2015). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 12-a de aprilo 2018 .Greener, Helen Bee. Should we feed cats and dogs a vegan diet?. Anthem Publishing (15-a de novembro 2017). Arkivita el la originalo je 13-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 13-a de aprilo 2018 .
Debra Wasserman, Reed Mangels, Simply Vegan, The Vegetarian Resource Group, 2006, 171; also at Reed Mangels, "Vitamin B12 in the Vegan Diet", The Vegetarian Resource Group, alirita la 8-a de julio 2015.
Pri Freedman kaj Barnouin: Wright 2015, 104; for Earthlings: Wright 2015, 149.
Pri Campbell kaj Esselstyn: Gupta, Sanjay. Gupta: Becoming heart attack proof. CNN (25-a de aŭgusto 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Pri 'Eating Animals': Yonan, Joe, "Book Review: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer", 22 novembro 2009. Kontrolita 12-a de marto 2018.
Pri Esselystyn kaj 'Forks over Knives': Martin, David S.. The 'heart attack proof' diet?. CNN (25-a de novembro 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Pri Freedman kaj Barnouin: Wright 2015, 104; for Earthlings: Wright 2015, 149.
Pri Campbell kaj Esselstyn: Gupta, Sanjay. Gupta: Becoming heart attack proof. CNN (25-a de aŭgusto 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Pri 'Eating Animals': Yonan, Joe, "Book Review: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer", 22 novembro 2009. Kontrolita 12-a de marto 2018.
Pri Esselystyn kaj 'Forks over Knives': Martin, David S.. The 'heart attack proof' diet?. CNN (25-a de novembro 2011). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de marto 2018. Alirita 12-a de marto 2018 .
Wakefield, Lorelei A.; Shofer, Frances S. (1-a de julio 2006). “Evaluation of cats fed vegetarian diets and attitudes of their caregivers”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association229 (1), p. 70–3. doi:10.2460/javma.229.1.70.Rothgerber, Hank (1-a de septembro 2013). “A Meaty Matter: Pet Diet and the Vegetarian's Dilemma”, Appetite68, p. 76–82. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2013.04.012.Welch, Dan; Brown, Katy, "The ethics of veggie cats and dogs", 24-a de majo 2010. Kontrolita 12-a de aprilo 2018.Gonzalez, Robbie. The Animal-Lover's Dilemma: I Don't Eat Meat, but My Pet Does. io9 (31-a de julio 2015). Arkivita el la originalo je 12-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 12-a de aprilo 2018 .Greener, Helen Bee. Should we feed cats and dogs a vegan diet?. Anthem Publishing (15-a de novembro 2017). Arkivita el la originalo je 13-a de aprilo 2018. Alirita 13-a de aprilo 2018 .
Animal Ingredients A to Z, E. G. Smith Collective, 2004, 3rd edition; Lars Thomsen and Reuben Proctor, Veganissimo A to Z, The Experiment, 2013 (first published in Germany, 1996). Animal-Derived Ingredients Resource. PETA (18-a de aprilo 2012). Arkivita el la originalo je 15-a de marto 2018. Alirita 14-a de marto 2018 .
Certification. Vegan Awareness Foundation. Arkivita el la originalo je 15-a de marto 2018. Alirita 14-a de marto 2018 .