Ford, Clementine (19 de junio de 2014). «A lesson for men's rights activists on real oppression». ABC News. Archivado desde el original el 1 de noviembre de 2016. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2015. «Unfortunately, as it's being hosted by A Voice for Men – a motley crew who espouse hatred and fear of women – it promises to be about as useful to the advancement of men's issues as a condom made out of sticky tape.»
Serwer, A.; Baker, K.J.M. (6 de febrero de 2015). «How Men's Rights Leader Paul Elam Turned Being A Deadbeat Dad into A Moneymaking Movement». BuzzFeed. Consultado el 6 de abril de 2015. «The claim that Elam and his friends are merely trying to have a conversation about the rights of men in modern society is bogus. What it's really about is the defamation of women as a group; that's called misogyny.»
Gheciu, Alex Nino (3 de noviembre de 2013). «Are Men the New Underclass?». Chill Magazine. Archivado desde el original el 11 de diciembre de 2014. Consultado el 8 de diciembre de 2014.
Leah McLaren (12 de marzo de 2015). «How men's rights groups are distorting the debate about equality». The Globe and Mail. Consultado el 26 de abril de 2015. «They are actively supported by the U.S. organization A Voice For Men, the very openly misogynist men's rights organization that coined the term "rape farmers" for feminists.»
Casey, Brad (17 de abril de 2013). «We Went to a Men's Rights Lecture in Toronto». Vice. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2015. «AVFM is run by a man named Paul Elam and provides a forum for vitriolic hatred against women and feminists.»
Gheciu, Alex Nino (3 de noviembre de 2013). «Are Men the New Underclass?». Chill Magazine. Archivado desde el original el 11 de diciembre de 2014. Consultado el 8 de diciembre de 2014.
«Male Supremacy». Southern Poverty Law Center. Archivado desde el original el 7 de junio de 2018. Consultado el 8 de junio de 2018.
Ford, Clementine (19 de junio de 2014). «A lesson for men's rights activists on real oppression». ABC News. Archivado desde el original el 1 de noviembre de 2016. Consultado el 8 de mayo de 2015. «Unfortunately, as it's being hosted by A Voice for Men – a motley crew who espouse hatred and fear of women – it promises to be about as useful to the advancement of men's issues as a condom made out of sticky tape.»