The Carbon Cycle and Earth's Climate Information sheet for Columbia University Summer Session 2012 Earth and Environmental Sciences Introduction to Earth Sciences I
Falkowski, P.; Scholes, R. J.; Boyle, E.; Canadell, J.; Canfield, D.; Elser, J.; Gruber, N.; Hibbard, K.; Högberg, P.; Linder, S.; MacKenzie, F. T.; Moore b, 3.; Pedersen, T.; Rosenthal, Y.; Seitzinger, S.; Smetacek, V.; Steffen, W. (2000). «The Global Carbon Cycle: A Test of Our Knowledge of Earth as a System». Science290 (5490): 291-296. Bibcode:2000Sci...290..291F. PMID11030643. doi:10.1126/science.290.5490.291.
Kleypas, J. A.; Buddemeier, R. W.; Archer, D.; Gattuso, J. P.; Langdon, C.; Opdyke, B. N. (1999). «Geochemical Consequences of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Coral Reefs». Science284 (5411): 118-120. Bibcode:1999Sci...284..118K. PMID10102806. doi:10.1126/science.284.5411.118.
Langdon, C.; Takahashi, T.; Sweeney, C.; Chipman, D.; Goddard, J.; Marubini, F.; Aceves, H.; Barnett, H. et al. (2000). «Effect of calcium carbonate saturation state on the calcification rate of an experimental coral reef». Global Biogeochemical Cycles14 (2): 639. Bibcode:2000GBioC..14..639L. doi:10.1029/1999GB001195.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
Falkowski, P.; Scholes, R. J.; Boyle, E.; Canadell, J.; Canfield, D.; Elser, J.; Gruber, N.; Hibbard, K.; Högberg, P.; Linder, S.; MacKenzie, F. T.; Moore b, 3.; Pedersen, T.; Rosenthal, Y.; Seitzinger, S.; Smetacek, V.; Steffen, W. (2000). «The Global Carbon Cycle: A Test of Our Knowledge of Earth as a System». Science290 (5490): 291-296. Bibcode:2000Sci...290..291F. PMID11030643. doi:10.1126/science.290.5490.291.
Kleypas, J. A.; Buddemeier, R. W.; Archer, D.; Gattuso, J. P.; Langdon, C.; Opdyke, B. N. (1999). «Geochemical Consequences of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Coral Reefs». Science284 (5411): 118-120. Bibcode:1999Sci...284..118K. PMID10102806. doi:10.1126/science.284.5411.118.
Langdon, C.; Takahashi, T.; Sweeney, C.; Chipman, D.; Goddard, J.; Marubini, F.; Aceves, H.; Barnett, H. et al. (2000). «Effect of calcium carbonate saturation state on the calcification rate of an experimental coral reef». Global Biogeochemical Cycles14 (2): 639. Bibcode:2000GBioC..14..639L. doi:10.1029/1999GB001195.Se sugiere usar |número-autores= (ayuda)
Buis, Alan; Ramsayer, Kate; Rasmussen, Carol (12 de noviembre de 2015). «A Breathing Planet, Off Balance». NASA. Consultado el 13 de noviembre de 2015.
Bond-Lamberty, B. & Thomson, A.[1] Nature 464, 579-582 (2010)
Falkowski, P.; Scholes, R. J.; Boyle, E.; Canadell, J.; Canfield, D.; Elser, J.; Gruber, N.; Hibbard, K.; Högberg, P.; Linder, S.; MacKenzie, F. T.; Moore b, 3.; Pedersen, T.; Rosenthal, Y.; Seitzinger, S.; Smetacek, V.; Steffen, W. (2000). «The Global Carbon Cycle: A Test of Our Knowledge of Earth as a System». Science290 (5490): 291-296. Bibcode:2000Sci...290..291F. PMID11030643. doi:10.1126/science.290.5490.291.
Kleypas, J. A.; Buddemeier, R. W.; Archer, D.; Gattuso, J. P.; Langdon, C.; Opdyke, B. N. (1999). «Geochemical Consequences of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Coral Reefs». Science284 (5411): 118-120. Bibcode:1999Sci...284..118K. PMID10102806. doi:10.1126/science.284.5411.118.
Prentice, I.C. (2001). «The carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide». Climate change 2001: the scientific basis: contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change / Houghton, J.T. [edit.] Consultado el 31 de mayo de 2012.