«On the South. The parallel of 33°17' North from Saisyu To (Quelpart) to the mainland. On the Southeast. From the Western extreme of Queipart to Ka Nyo or West Pinnacle Island (34°13'N) in the Mengoru Group, thence to the North point of Oku To (34°22'N), to the West point of Small South Stone Island (Syo-Zyonan To) and the North point of Great South Stone Island (Zyonan To 34°24'N) to a point on the coast of Tin To (34°25'N) along the Northwest coast of this island to the North point thereof, and thence on a line in a Northeasterly direction to the mainland of Tyosen (Korea)». Versión copia de la «International Hydrographic Organization».«Limits of oceans and seas»(en inglés). pp. 33—34. Archivado desde el original el 12 de marzo de 2021.
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«On the South. The parallel of 33°17' North from Saisyu To (Quelpart) to the mainland. On the Southeast. From the Western extreme of Queipart to Ka Nyo or West Pinnacle Island (34°13'N) in the Mengoru Group, thence to the North point of Oku To (34°22'N), to the West point of Small South Stone Island (Syo-Zyonan To) and the North point of Great South Stone Island (Zyonan To 34°24'N) to a point on the coast of Tin To (34°25'N) along the Northwest coast of this island to the North point thereof, and thence on a line in a Northeasterly direction to the mainland of Tyosen (Korea)». Versión copia de la «International Hydrographic Organization».«Limits of oceans and seas»(en inglés). pp. 33—34. Archivado desde el original el 12 de marzo de 2021.
Huogen W.; Yu W. (1998). «A Baird's Beaked Whale From the East China Sea». Fisheries Science, 1998-05: CNKI – The China National Knowledge Infrastructure. Archivado desde el original el 4 de marzo de 2016. Consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2015.