Ácido butírico (Spanish Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ácido butírico" in Spanish language version.

Global rank Spanish rank
3rd place
7th place
355th place
83rd place


  • Chevreul (1815) "Lettre de M. Chevreul à MM. les rédacteurs des Annales de chimie" (Letter from Mr. Chevreul to the editors of the Annals of Chemistry), Annales de chimie, 94 : 73–79; in a footnote spanning pages 75–76, he mentions that he had found a substance that is responsible for the smell of butter.
  • Chevreul (1817) "Extrait d'une lettre de M. Chevreul à MM. les Rédacteurs du Journal de Pharmacie" (Extract of a letter from Mr. Chevreul to the editors of the Journal of Pharmacy), Journal de Pharmacie et des sciences accessoires, 3 : 79–81. On p. 81, he named butyric acid: "Ce principe, que j'ai appelé depuis acid butérique, … " (This principle [i.e., constituent], which I have since named "butyric acid", … )
  • E. Chevreul, Recherches chimiques sur les corps gras d'origine animale [Chemical researches on fatty substances of animal origin] (Paris, France: F.G. Levrault, 1823), pages 115–133.

