سلسیوس (Persian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "سلسیوس" in Persian language version.

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2,088th place
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360th place
534th place
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5,064th place
2,130th place





  • "Celsius temperature scale". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 19 February 2012. Celsius temperature scale, also called centigrade temperature scale, scale based on 0° for the freezing point of water and 100° for the boiling point of water.



  • According to The Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the term "Celsius' thermometer" had been used at least as early as 1797. Further, the term "The Celsius or Centigrade thermometer" was again used in reference to a particular type of thermometer at least as early as 1850. The OED also cites this 1928 reporting of a temperature: "My altitude was about 5,800 metres, the temperature was 28° Celsius." However, dictionaries seek to find the earliest use of a word or term and are not a useful resource as regards to the terminology used throughout the history of science. According to several writings of Dr. Terry Quinn CBE FRS, Director of the BIPM (1988–2004), including Temperature Scales from the early days of thermometry to the 21st century (hereپی‌دی‌اف (146 KiB)) as well as Temperature (2nd Edition / 1990 / Academic Press / 0125696817), the term Celsius in connection with the centigrade scale was not used whatsoever by the scientific or thermometry communities until after the CIPM and CGPM adopted the term in 1948. The BIPM was not even aware that "degree Celsius" was in sporadic, non-scientific use before that time. It is also noteworthy that the twelve-volume, 1933 edition of OED didn't even have a listing for the word Celsius (but did have listings for both centigrade and centesimal in the context of temperature measurement). The 1948 adoption of Celsius accomplished three objectives:
    1.    All common temperature scales would have their units named after someone closely associated with them; namely, Kelvin, Celsius, Fahrenheit, Réaumur and Rankine.
    2.    Notwithstanding the important contribution of Linnaeus who gave the Celsius scale its modern form, Celsius' name was the obvious choice because it began with the letter C. Thus, the symbol °C that for centuries had been used in association with the name centigrade could continue to be used and would simultaneously inherit an intuitive association with the new name.
    3.    The new name eliminated the ambiguity of the term "centigrade", freeing it to refer exclusively to the French-language name for the unit of angular measurement.




  • The ice point of purified water has been measured to be 0.000 089(10) degrees Celsius – see Magnum، B.W. (June 1995). «Reproducibility of the Temperature of the Ice Point in Routine Measurements» (PDF). Nist Technical Note. ۱۴۱۱. بایگانی‌شده از اصلی (PDF) در Mar 07, 2007. دریافت‌شده در 11 February 2007. تاریخ وارد شده در |archivedate= را بررسی کنید (کمک)



  • Helmenstine, Anne Marie; sciences, Ph D. Dr Helmenstine holds a Ph D. in biomedical; Writer, Is a Science; educator; school, consultant She has taught science courses at the high; college; Levels, Graduate. "The Difference Between Celsius and Centigrade Depends on Zero". ThoughtCo (به انگلیسی). Retrieved 2019-04-27.






  • "SI brochure, section". International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Archived from the original on 26 September 2007. Retrieved 9 May 2008.
  • The ice point of purified water has been measured to be 0.000 089(10) degrees Celsius – see Magnum، B.W. (June 1995). «Reproducibility of the Temperature of the Ice Point in Routine Measurements» (PDF). Nist Technical Note. ۱۴۱۱. بایگانی‌شده از اصلی (PDF) در Mar 07, 2007. دریافت‌شده در 11 February 2007. تاریخ وارد شده در |archivedate= را بررسی کنید (کمک)
  • Elert، Glenn (۲۰۰۵). «Temperature of a Healthy Human (Body Temperature)». The Physics Factbook. بایگانی‌شده از اصلی در ۲۶ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۰. دریافت‌شده در ۲۰۰۷-۰۸-۲۲.



  • "Celsius". Wikipedia (به انگلیسی). 2019-04-18.
