Sabrina: Interview with Charlotte Wessels (DELAIN) January 14, 2015. Arkistoitu January 2, 2018. ”I've been aiming on having a complete vegan diet for a long time but I still cheat every now and then. Some things are very hard to get rid of even if there are plenty of good alternatives. I still cheat with cheese [...] Before going to the whole vegan thing, everybody told me : it's so hard, you're not going to be able to keep up. Actually, for 98% it's so easy.”
Sabrina: Interview with Charlotte Wessels (DELAIN) January 14, 2015. Arkistoitu January 2, 2018. ”I've been aiming on having a complete vegan diet for a long time but I still cheat every now and then. Some things are very hard to get rid of even if there are plenty of good alternatives. I still cheat with cheese [...] Before going to the whole vegan thing, everybody told me : it's so hard, you're not going to be able to keep up. Actually, for 98% it's so easy.”