Charlotte Wessels (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Charlotte Wessels" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
9th place
19th place
1,061st place
2,610th place
298th place
532nd place
2,466th place
4,390th place
low place
low place

  • « DELAIN's CHARLOTTE WESSELS: 'I Was Totally Bewitched By KATE BUSH As A Kid' », sur,  : « "I was totally bewitched by Kate Bush as a kid, like probably a lot of singers," said Charlotte. "There were a lot of bands that my parents listened to that I really, really loved, but, for me somehow, hearing a female singer, I responded to that more. I could sing the songs better. That was musically a really big influence and also made me take classical lessons because I like singing high pitched so much. That was musically, I think, the biggest influence. Lyrically, Nick Cave, all the way. [Laughs] Just the storytelling in the lyrics, which I don't do enough, but it's always been a goal. He's been really inspirational." »