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André Thevet, Les singularitez de la France antarctique, autrement nommée Amérique, & de plusieurs terres & isles découvertes de nostre temps : par F. André Thevet, natif d'Angoulesme, Anvers, imprimerie de Christophe Plantin, , lire en ligne sur Gallica et Sur archive.org.
(en) James Lang, Hubert G. Zandstra, Hubert G. Zandstra, Notes of a Potato Watcher : numéro 4 de Texas A & M University agriculture series, Centre international de la pomme de terre (CIP), , 365 p. (ISBN978-1-58544-138-9, lire en ligne).
(en) Umberto Quattrocchi, CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants : Common Names, Scientific Names, Eponyms, Synonyms, and Etymology (5 Volume Set), Boca Raton, CRC Press, , 3960 p. (ISBN978-1-4200-8044-5, lire en ligne), p. 2082.
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Adabe, K.E., Maïga, A. et Diendere, J., Production et transformation de la patate douce, Yaoundé, Ingénieurs Sans Frontières Cameroun, , 48 p. (ISBN978-92-9081-658-4, lire en ligne)
(en) Geert Claessens, « Regeneration guidelines for sweet potato », sur Crop Genebank Knowledge Base, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). (consulté le ).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Caroline Roullier, Laure Benoit, Doyle B. McKey et Vincent Lebot, « Historical collections reveal patterns of diffusion of sweet potato in Oceania obscured by modern plant movements and recombination », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol. 110, no 6, , p. 2205-2210 (DOI10.1073/pnas.1211049110, lire en ligne).
(en) Tim Denham, « Ancient and historic dispersals of sweet potato in Oceania », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol. 110, no 6, (DOI10.1073/pnas.1221569110, lire en ligne).
(en) J. Y. Feng, M. Li, S. Zhao, C. Zhang, S. T. Yang, S. Qiao, W. F. Tan, H. J. Qu, D. Y. Wang, Z. G. Pu, « Analysis of evolution and genetic diversity of sweetpotato and its related different polyploidy wild species I. trifida using RAD-seq », BMC Plant Biology, vol. 18, no 181, (PMID30185158, PMCIDPMC6126004, DOI10.1186/s12870-018-1399-x, lire en ligne).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) T. V. Matveeva, « Naturally transgenic plants as a model for the study of the delayed environmental risks of GMO cultivation », Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, vol. 6, no 6, , p. 698–704 (ISSN2079-0597, DOI10.1134/S2079059716060046, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Janice R. Bohac, Daniel F. Austin, Alfred Jones, « Discovery of wild tetraploid sweetpotatoes », Economic Botany, vol. 47, no 2, , p. 193–201 (ISSN0013-0001, DOI10.1007/BF02862022, lire en ligne)
(en) D. E. Yen, « The New Zealand Kumara or Sweet Potato », Economic Botany, vol. 17, , p. 31–45 (DOI10.1007/bf02985351).
(en) Hall AJ & Devereau D., « Low-cost storage of fresh sweet potatoes in Uganda: Lessons from participatory and on-station approaches to technology choice and adaptive testing », Outlook on Agriculture, vol. 29, no 4, , p. 275-282 (DOI10.5367/000000000101293347, lire en ligne)
(en) Nozipho M. Motsa, Albert T. Modi, Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi, « Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) as a drought tolerant and food security crop », South African Journal of Science, vol. 111, nos 11/12, , p. 2014-0252 http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2015/20140252 (lire en ligne).
(en) Robert O. M. Mwanga, Maria I. Andrade, Edward E. Carey, Jan W. Low, G. Craig Yencho, Wolfgang J. Grüneberg, « Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) », dans Hugo Campos, Peter D.S. Caligari, Genetic Improvement of Tropical Crops, , 320 p. (DOI10.1007/978-3-319-59819-2_6, lire en ligne), p. 181-218.
(en) Remya Mohanraj & Subha Sivasankar, « Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) - A Valuable Medicinal Food: A Review », Journal of medicinal food, vol. 17, (DOI10.1089/jmf.2013.2818, lire en ligne).
(en) B. J. Willcox, D. C. Willcox, H. Todoriki et A. Fujiyoshi, « Caloric Restriction, the Traditional Okinawan Diet, and Healthy Aging: The Diet of the World's Longest-Lived People and Its Potential Impact on Morbidity and Life Span », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1114, no 1, , p. 434–455 (ISSN0077-8923, DOI10.1196/annals.1396.037, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) I. Suda, F. Ishikawa, M. Hatakeyama, M. Miyawaki, T. Kudo, K. Hirano, A. Ito, O. Yamakawa & S. Horiuchi, « Intake of purple sweet potato beverage affects on serum hepatic biomarker levels of healthy adult men with borderline hepatitis », European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 62, , p. 60-67 (DOI10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602674, lire en ligne).
(en) Soyoung Lim, Jianteng Xu, Jaeyong Kim, Tzu-Yu Chen, Xiaoyu Su, Joseph Standard, Edward Carey, Jason Griffin, Betty Herndon, Benjamin Katz, John Tomich, Weiqun Wang, « Role of Anthocyanin-enriched Purple-fleshed Sweet Potato P40 in Colorectal Cancer Prevention », Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, vol. 57, no 11, , p. 1908-1917 (DOI10.1002/mnfr.201300040, lire en ligne).
(en) Miyazaki K., Makino K., Iwadate E., Deguchi Y., Ishikawa F.., « Anthocyanins from Purple Sweet Potato Ipomoea batatas Cultivar Ayamurasaki Suppress the Development of Atherosclerotic Lesions and Both Enhancements of Oxidative Stress and Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice », Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 56, no 23, , p. 11485-11492 (DOI10.1021/jf801876n, lire en ligne).
(en) Choi J.H., Choi C.Y., Lee K.J., Hwang Y.P., Chung Y.C., Jeong H.G., « Hepatoprotective effects of an anthocyanin fraction from purple-fleshed sweet potato against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice », Journal of Medicinal Food, vol. 12, no (2, , p. 320-326 (DOI10.1089/jmf.2007.0691, lire en ligne).
(en) Melissa Johnson et Ralphenia D Pace, « Sweet potato leaves: properties and synergistic interactions that promote health and prevent disease », Nutrition Reviews, vol. 68, , p. 604–615 (DOIdoi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00320.x, lire en ligne).
(en) Truong V.D., McFeeters R.F., Thompson R.T., Dean L.L., Shofran B., « Phenolic acid content and composition in leaves and roots of common commercial sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas L.) cultivars in the United States », Journal of Food Science, vol. 72, no 6, , C343-9 (PMID17995676, DOI10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00415.x, lire en ligne).
(en) Sachiko Isobe, Kenta Shirasawa, Hideki Hirakawa, « Current status in whole genome sequencing and analysis of Ipomoea spp. », Plant Cell Reports, vol. 38, , p. 1365-1371 (lire en ligne [PDF]).
« Directive 2001/113/CE du Conseil du 20 décembre 2001 relative aux confitures, gelées et marmelades de fruits, ainsi qu'à la crème de marrons, destinées à l'alimentation humaine », Journal officiel des Communautés européennes, no L 10, , p. 67-69 (lire en ligne).
(en) Elyana Cuevas Montilla, Silke Hillebrand, Peter Winterhalter, « Anthocyanins in Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties », Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology, vol. 5, no 2 (numéro special), , p. 19-24 (lire en ligne).
(en) Monika & Parle Milind, « Sweetpotato as à Super Food », International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, vol. 6, no 4, (lire en ligne).
(en) Parle et Monika Milind, « Sweetpotato as a super-food », International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, vol. 6, no 4, (lire en ligne).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) T. V. Matveeva, « Naturally transgenic plants as a model for the study of the delayed environmental risks of GMO cultivation », Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, vol. 6, no 6, , p. 698–704 (ISSN2079-0597, DOI10.1134/S2079059716060046, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Janice R. Bohac, Daniel F. Austin, Alfred Jones, « Discovery of wild tetraploid sweetpotatoes », Economic Botany, vol. 47, no 2, , p. 193–201 (ISSN0013-0001, DOI10.1007/BF02862022, lire en ligne)
(en) B. J. Willcox, D. C. Willcox, H. Todoriki et A. Fujiyoshi, « Caloric Restriction, the Traditional Okinawan Diet, and Healthy Aging: The Diet of the World's Longest-Lived People and Its Potential Impact on Morbidity and Life Span », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1114, no 1, , p. 434–455 (ISSN0077-8923, DOI10.1196/annals.1396.037, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Taiwo Betty Ayeleso, Khosi Ramachela & Emmanuel Mukwevho, « A review of therapeutic potentials of sweet potato: Pharmacological activities and influence of the cultivar », Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 15, no 12, , p. 2751-2761 (ISSN1596-5996, lire en ligne).
(en) Paloma Albalá, « Hispanic Words of Indoamerican Origin in the Philippines », Philippine Studies, vol. 51, no 1, , p. 125-146 (lire en ligne).
(en) Vo Lam, « Agricultural potential of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas, L. (Lam)) for forage production », Livestock Research for Rural Development, vol. 28, no 6, (lire en ligne).
(en) I. Suda, F. Ishikawa, M. Hatakeyama, M. Miyawaki, T. Kudo, K. Hirano, A. Ito, O. Yamakawa & S. Horiuchi, « Intake of purple sweet potato beverage affects on serum hepatic biomarker levels of healthy adult men with borderline hepatitis », European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 62, , p. 60-67 (DOI10.1038/sj.ejcn.1602674, lire en ligne).
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(en) Jin Y.R., Lee M.S., Lee J.H., Hsu H.K., Lu J.Y., Chao S.S., Chen K.T., Liou S.H., Ger L.P., « Intake of vitamin A-rich foods and lung cancer risk in Taiwan: with special reference to garland chrysanthemum and sweet potato leaf consumption », Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 16, no 3, , p. 477-488 (PMID17704030, lire en ligne).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) J. Y. Feng, M. Li, S. Zhao, C. Zhang, S. T. Yang, S. Qiao, W. F. Tan, H. J. Qu, D. Y. Wang, Z. G. Pu, « Analysis of evolution and genetic diversity of sweetpotato and its related different polyploidy wild species I. trifida using RAD-seq », BMC Plant Biology, vol. 18, no 181, (PMID30185158, PMCIDPMC6126004, DOI10.1186/s12870-018-1399-x, lire en ligne).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Soyoung Lim, Jianteng Xu, Jaeyong Kim, Tzu-Yu Chen, Xiaoyu Su, Joseph Standard, Edward Carey, Jason Griffin, Betty Herndon, Benjamin Katz, John Tomich, Weiqun Wang, « Role of Anthocyanin-enriched Purple-fleshed Sweet Potato P40 in Colorectal Cancer Prevention », Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, vol. 57, no 11, , p. 1908-1917 (DOI10.1002/mnfr.201300040, lire en ligne).
(en) Miyazaki K., Makino K., Iwadate E., Deguchi Y., Ishikawa F.., « Anthocyanins from Purple Sweet Potato Ipomoea batatas Cultivar Ayamurasaki Suppress the Development of Atherosclerotic Lesions and Both Enhancements of Oxidative Stress and Soluble Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice », Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 56, no 23, , p. 11485-11492 (DOI10.1021/jf801876n, lire en ligne).
(en) Choi J.H., Choi C.Y., Lee K.J., Hwang Y.P., Chung Y.C., Jeong H.G., « Hepatoprotective effects of an anthocyanin fraction from purple-fleshed sweet potato against acetaminophen-induced liver damage in mice », Journal of Medicinal Food, vol. 12, no (2, , p. 320-326 (DOI10.1089/jmf.2007.0691, lire en ligne).
(en) Jin Y.R., Lee M.S., Lee J.H., Hsu H.K., Lu J.Y., Chao S.S., Chen K.T., Liou S.H., Ger L.P., « Intake of vitamin A-rich foods and lung cancer risk in Taiwan: with special reference to garland chrysanthemum and sweet potato leaf consumption », Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 16, no 3, , p. 477-488 (PMID17704030, lire en ligne).
(en) Truong V.D., McFeeters R.F., Thompson R.T., Dean L.L., Shofran B., « Phenolic acid content and composition in leaves and roots of common commercial sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas L.) cultivars in the United States », Journal of Food Science, vol. 72, no 6, , C343-9 (PMID17995676, DOI10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00415.x, lire en ligne).
(en) Melissa Johnson et Ralphenia D Pace, « Sweet potato leaves: properties and synergistic interactions that promote health and prevent disease », Nutrition Reviews, vol. 68, , p. 604–615 (DOIdoi:10.1111/j.1753-4887.2010.00320.x, lire en ligne).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Caroline Roullier, Laure Benoit, Doyle B. McKey et Vincent Lebot, « Historical collections reveal patterns of diffusion of sweet potato in Oceania obscured by modern plant movements and recombination », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol. 110, no 6, , p. 2205-2210 (DOI10.1073/pnas.1211049110, lire en ligne).
(en) Tina Kyndt, Dora Quispe, Hong Zhai et Robert Jarret, « The genome of cultivated sweet potato contains Agrobacterium T-DNAs with expressed genes: An example of a naturally transgenic food crop », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, no 18, , p. 5844–5849 (ISSN0027-8424 et 1091-6490, PMID25902487, DOI10.1073/pnas.1419685112, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) D. Peters, « Use of sweet potato in pig production in Asia: agricultural and socio-economic aspects », animalscience.com Reviews No. 4 : Pig News and Information, CAB International, vol. 25, no 1, , p. 25N-34N (lire en ligne).
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(en) Barbara Sawicka, Jacek Słupski, T. Cybulak, Katarzyna Paradowska et Barbara Krochmal-Marczak, « Nutrition value of the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) cultivated in south-eastern Polish conditions », International Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 4, no 4, , p. 169-178 (lire en ligne).
(en) Hall AJ & Devereau D., « Low-cost storage of fresh sweet potatoes in Uganda: Lessons from participatory and on-station approaches to technology choice and adaptive testing », Outlook on Agriculture, vol. 29, no 4, , p. 275-282 (DOI10.5367/000000000101293347, lire en ligne)
(en) Robert O. M. Mwanga, Maria I. Andrade, Edward E. Carey, Jan W. Low, G. Craig Yencho, Wolfgang J. Grüneberg, « Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) », dans Hugo Campos, Peter D.S. Caligari, Genetic Improvement of Tropical Crops, , 320 p. (DOI10.1007/978-3-319-59819-2_6, lire en ligne), p. 181-218.
(en) Remya Mohanraj & Subha Sivasankar, « Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) - A Valuable Medicinal Food: A Review », Journal of medicinal food, vol. 17, (DOI10.1089/jmf.2013.2818, lire en ligne).
(en) Taiwo Betty Ayeleso, Khosi Ramachela & Emmanuel Mukwevho, « A review of therapeutic potentials of sweet potato: Pharmacological activities and influence of the cultivar », Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 15, no 12, , p. 2751-2761 (ISSN1596-5996, lire en ligne).
(en) Tim Denham, « Ancient and historic dispersals of sweet potato in Oceania », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol. 110, no 6, (DOI10.1073/pnas.1221569110, lire en ligne).
(en) Nozipho M. Motsa, Albert T. Modi, Tafadzwanashe Mabhaudhi, « Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) as a drought tolerant and food security crop », South African Journal of Science, vol. 111, nos 11/12, , p. 2014-0252 http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2015/20140252 (lire en ligne).
(en) M.O. Oke & T.S. Workneh, « A review on sweet potato postharvest processing and preservation technology », International Journal of Agricultural Research and Reviews, vol. l [numéro= 1, , p. 1-14 (lire en ligne).
(en) S. O. Odebode, N. Egeonu & M. O. Akoroda, « Promotion of sweetpotato for the food industry in Nigeria », Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, vol. 14, , p. 300-308 (lire en ligne).
(en) T. V. Matveeva, « Naturally transgenic plants as a model for the study of the delayed environmental risks of GMO cultivation », Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research, vol. 6, no 6, , p. 698–704 (ISSN2079-0597, DOI10.1134/S2079059716060046, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Janice R. Bohac, Daniel F. Austin, Alfred Jones, « Discovery of wild tetraploid sweetpotatoes », Economic Botany, vol. 47, no 2, , p. 193–201 (ISSN0013-0001, DOI10.1007/BF02862022, lire en ligne)
(en) Hui-Shung Christie Changa, Rene Villanob, Donald Irvingc, John Lark Kewad & Anton Mais, « Understanding Consumer Preferences for Sweetpotato in Papua New Guinea », Australasian Agribusiness Perspectives, vol. 20, no 4, , p. 59-77 (lire en ligne).
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(en) Zhangjun Fei, Boyce Thompson, « Sweet potato reference genome sequencing », sur www.sweetpotatoknowledge.org, Institute for Plant Research, Cornell University (consulté le ).
(en) B. J. Willcox, D. C. Willcox, H. Todoriki et A. Fujiyoshi, « Caloric Restriction, the Traditional Okinawan Diet, and Healthy Aging: The Diet of the World's Longest-Lived People and Its Potential Impact on Morbidity and Life Span », Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol. 1114, no 1, , p. 434–455 (ISSN0077-8923, DOI10.1196/annals.1396.037, lire en ligne, consulté le )