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(en) Khalid I. El Fadli, Randall S. Cerveny, Christopher C. Burt, Philip Eden, David Parker, Manola Brunet, Thomas C. Peterson, Gianpaolo Mordacchini, Vinicio Pelino, Pierre Bessemoulin, José Luis Stella, Fatima Driouech, M. M Abdel Wahab et Matthew B. Pace, « World Meteorological Organization Assessment of the Purported World Record 58 °C Temperature Extreme at El Azizia, Libya (13 September 1922) », BAMS, AMS, vol. 94, no 2, , p. 199-204 (ISSN0003-0007, DOI10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00093.1, lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) Andrea Merloneet al., « Temperature extreme records : World Meteorological Organization metrological and meteorological evaluation of the 54 °C observations in Mitribah, Kuwait and Turbat, Pakistan in 2016/2017 », International Journal of Climatology, Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 39, no 13, , p. 5154-5169 (DOI10.1002/joc.6132, lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le ).
(en) Khalid I. El Fadli, Randall S. Cerveny, Christopher C. Burt, Philip Eden, David Parker, Manola Brunet, Thomas C. Peterson, Gianpaolo Mordacchini, Vinicio Pelino, Pierre Bessemoulin, José Luis Stella, Fatima Driouech, M. M Abdel Wahab et Matthew B. Pace, « World Meteorological Organization Assessment of the Purported World Record 58 °C Temperature Extreme at El Azizia, Libya (13 September 1922) », BAMS, AMS, vol. 94, no 2, , p. 199-204 (ISSN0003-0007, DOI10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00093.1, lire en ligne [PDF]).
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(en) Andrea Merloneet al., « Temperature extreme records : World Meteorological Organization metrological and meteorological evaluation of the 54 °C observations in Mitribah, Kuwait and Turbat, Pakistan in 2016/2017 », International Journal of Climatology, Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 39, no 13, , p. 5154-5169 (DOI10.1002/joc.6132, lire en ligne [PDF], consulté le ).