(en) Zhang Jiayan, Coping with Calamity: Environmental Change and Peasant Response in Central China, 1736-1949, UBC Press, (ISBN978-0-7748-2597-9, lire en ligne), p. 265.
(en) Robert Bickers et Isabella Jackson, Treaty Ports in Modern China: Law, Land and Power, (ISBN9781317266280, lire en ligne), p. 224
(zh) « Yingzhidu Station », National Energy Board Dam Safety Supervision Center (consulté le ).
(en) Brian Lander, « State Management of River Dikes in Early China: New Sources on the Environmental History of the Central Yangzi Region », T oung Pao, , p. 287-324 (DOI10.1163/15685322-10045P02, lire en ligne).
(en) Fengling Yua, Zhongyuan Chenb, Xianyou Ren et Guifang Yang, « Analysis of historicalfloods on the Yangtze River, China: Characteristicsand explanations », Geomorphology, vol. 113, , p. 210-216 (lire en ligne)
(en) Brian Lander, « State Management of River Dikes in Early China: New Sources on the Environmental History of the Central Yangzi Region », T oung Pao, , p. 287-324 (DOI10.1163/15685322-10045P02, lire en ligne).