Coordinadores: Jaime Gómez Márquez, Ana Mª Viñas Díaz e Manuel González González. Redactores: David Villar Docampo e Luís Vale Ferreira. Revisores lingüísticos: Víctor Fresco e Mª Liliana Martínez Calvo. (2010). Dicionario de bioloxía galego-castelán-inglés.(PDF). Xunta de Galicia. p. 55. ISBN978-84-453-4973-1.
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Kobayashi, H; Yamada, K; Morita, S; Hiura, H; Fukuda, A; Kagami, M; Ogata, T; Hata, K; Sotomaru, Y (2009). "Identification of the mouse paternally expressed imprinted gene Zdbf2 on chromosome 1 and its imprinted human homolog ZDBF2 on chromosome 2". Genomics93 (5): 461–72. PMID19200453. doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2008.12.012.
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Alleman, Mary; John Doctor (2000). "Genomic imprinting in plants: observations and evolutionary implications". Plant Molecular Biology43 (2–3): 147–61. PMID10999401. doi:10.1023/A:1006419025155. (require subscrición (?)).
Tycko, B.; I. M. Morison (2002). "Physiological functions of imprinted genes". Journal of Cellular Physiology192 (3): 245–58. PMID12124770. doi:10.1002/jcp.10129.
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Pardo-Manuel De Villena, F; De La Casa-Esperón, E; Sapienza, C (2000). "Natural selection and the function of genome imprinting: Beyond the silenced minority". Trends in Genetics16 (12): 573–579. PMID11102708. doi:10.1016/S0168-9525(00)02134-X.
Nowack, Moritz K.; Reza Shirzadi, Nico Dissmeyer, Andreas Dolf, Elmar Endl, Paul E. Grini and Arp Schnittger (2007). "Bypassing genomic imprinting allows seed development". Nature447 (7142): 312–5. PMID17468744. doi:10.1038/nature05770.
Beechey, Colin; B. M. Cattanach, Andrew Blake and Jo Peters (2008). "Mouse Imprinting Data and References". MRC Harwell. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 03 de xullo de 2012. Consultado o 2008-07-02.
Mann, J. R.; R.H. Lovell-Badge (1984). "Inviability of parthenogenones is determined by pronuclei, not egg cytoplasm". Nature310 (5972): 66–7. PMID6738704. doi:10.1038/310066a0.
Kobayashi, H; Yamada, K; Morita, S; Hiura, H; Fukuda, A; Kagami, M; Ogata, T; Hata, K; Sotomaru, Y (2009). "Identification of the mouse paternally expressed imprinted gene Zdbf2 on chromosome 1 and its imprinted human homolog ZDBF2 on chromosome 2". Genomics93 (5): 461–72. PMID19200453. doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2008.12.012.
Alleman, Mary; John Doctor (2000). "Genomic imprinting in plants: observations and evolutionary implications". Plant Molecular Biology43 (2–3): 147–61. PMID10999401. doi:10.1023/A:1006419025155. (require subscrición (?)).
Tycko, B.; I. M. Morison (2002). "Physiological functions of imprinted genes". Journal of Cellular Physiology192 (3): 245–58. PMID12124770. doi:10.1002/jcp.10129.
Pardo-Manuel De Villena, F; De La Casa-Esperón, E; Sapienza, C (2000). "Natural selection and the function of genome imprinting: Beyond the silenced minority". Trends in Genetics16 (12): 573–579. PMID11102708. doi:10.1016/S0168-9525(00)02134-X.
Nowack, Moritz K.; Reza Shirzadi, Nico Dissmeyer, Andreas Dolf, Elmar Endl, Paul E. Grini and Arp Schnittger (2007). "Bypassing genomic imprinting allows seed development". Nature447 (7142): 312–5. PMID17468744. doi:10.1038/nature05770.
Beechey, Colin; B. M. Cattanach, Andrew Blake and Jo Peters (2008). "Mouse Imprinting Data and References". MRC Harwell. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 03 de xullo de 2012. Consultado o 2008-07-02.