Triunes that are metonymic of the ananda-chakra (Tib. gankyil; the trishula; triratna; the heavenly, earthly and hellish realms; three eyes, third eye; trimurti; trikaya; the directionality of left, middle, right and forward, stationary, backwards; past, present, future; polarities and their synthesis; upperworld or akash, middleworld or dharti and underworld or patal, etc.
A working kīla has the face(s), pommel and hilt bound (depending on the nature of the kīla) with fabric [often green according to Müller-Ebelling, et al. (2002)] and in this binding rite Vajrakilaya is installed in the tool as a Nirmanakaya manifestation, by association the tool accesses all three realms of the Trikaya.
Herein resides the rationale why the centrality of the kīla has often been overlooked by the observer and the scholar, as the kīla may not be a tool ostensibly engaged in a particular rite but is actualized on the principal altar away from all the 'action'.
These naga are often considered to be Nagaraja and Nagarani: the divine Nāga couple who rule the underworld or underwater world.
Three vajra: Body (Head), Voice (Throat), Mind (Heart), Qualities (solar plexus), Activities (secret place).
Triunes that are metonymic of the ananda-chakra (Tib. gankyil; the trishula; triratna; the heavenly, earthly and hellish realms; three eyes, third eye; trimurti; trikaya; the directionality of left, middle, right and forward, stationary, backwards; past, present, future; polarities and their synthesis; upperworld or akash, middleworld or dharti and underworld or patal, etc.