Davis, Richard S. (2017). "Determining the value of the fine-structure constant from a current balance: Getting acquainted with some upcoming changes to the SI". American Journal of Physics (dalam bahasa Inggris). 85 (5): 364–368. arXiv:1610.02910. Bibcode:2017AmJPh..85..364D. doi:10.1119/1.4976701. ISSN0002-9505.
Davis, Richard S. (2017). "Determining the value of the fine-structure constant from a current balance: Getting acquainted with some upcoming changes to the SI". American Journal of Physics (dalam bahasa Inggris). 85 (5): 364–368. arXiv:1610.02910. Bibcode:2017AmJPh..85..364D. doi:10.1119/1.4976701. ISSN0002-9505.
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α sebanding dengan kuadrat konstanta sambatan bagi sebuah partikel bermuatan ke medan elektromagnetik. Terdapat konstanta serupa yang menjadi parameter bagi kekuatan interaksi gaya nuklir kuat, yang dikenal sebagai αs (≈1), dan gaya nuklir lemah, yang dikenal sebagai αw (≈10−6 hingga 10−7). "Coupling Constants for the Fundamental Forces". HyperPhysics. Georgia State University. Diakses tanggal 12 May 2020.
Davis, Richard S. (2017). "Determining the value of the fine-structure constant from a current balance: Getting acquainted with some upcoming changes to the SI". American Journal of Physics (dalam bahasa Inggris). 85 (5): 364–368. arXiv:1610.02910. Bibcode:2017AmJPh..85..364D. doi:10.1119/1.4976701. ISSN0002-9505.
Sommerfeld, A. (1916). "Zur Quantentheorie der Spektrallinien" [On the quantum theory of spectral lines]. Annalen der Physik. 4th series (dalam bahasa German). 51 (17): 1–94.Pemeliharaan CS1: Bahasa yang tidak diketahui (link) From p.91:"Wir fügen den Bohrschen Gleichungen (46) und (47) die charakteristische Konstante unserer Feinstrukturen (49) α = 2πe2/ch hinzu, die zugleich mit der Kenntnis des Wasserstoffdubletts oder des Heliumtripletts in §10 oder irgend einer analogen Struktur bekannt ist." (We add the characteristic constant of our fine structures (49) α = 2πe2/ch to Bohr's equations (46) and (47), which is recognized at the same time from knowledge of the hydrogen doublet or the helium triplet in §10 or any analogous structure.)
Davis, Richard S. (2017). "Determining the value of the fine-structure constant from a current balance: Getting acquainted with some upcoming changes to the SI". American Journal of Physics (dalam bahasa Inggris). 85 (5): 364–368. arXiv:1610.02910. Bibcode:2017AmJPh..85..364D. doi:10.1119/1.4976701. ISSN0002-9505.