Krishnan & Manoj (2008), Giving as a theme in the Indian psychology of values, in Handbook of Indian Psychology (Editors: Rao et al.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-8175966024, pages 361–382; summary of the articleArchiviato il 25 dicembre 2014 in Internet Archive.
(EN) Effective Altruism | Liv Boeree, su URL consultato l'11 aprile 2017 (archiviato dall'url originale l'11 aprile 2017).
Krishnan & Manoj (2008), Giving as a theme in the Indian psychology of values, in Handbook of Indian Psychology (Editors: Rao et al.), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-8175966024, pages 361–382; summary of the articleArchiviato il 25 dicembre 2014 in Internet Archive.