サーンチー (Japanese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "サーンチー" in Japanese language version.

Global rank Japanese rank
3rd place
61st place
6th place
146th place
low place
low place
52nd place
2,179th place
5,223rd place
low place
649th place
352nd place
1,505th place
2,425th place
9th place
8th place
low place
low place
1st place
1st place
482nd place
1,504th place
40th place
156th place
2,798th place
6,805th place
1,856th place
142nd place
2nd place
6th place
26th place
275th place
1,234th place
4,423rd place







  • Rhi, Ju-Hyung (1994). “From Bodhisattva to Buddha: The Beginning of Iconic Representation in Buddhist Art”. Artibus Asiae 54 (3/4): 220–221. doi:10.2307/3250056. JSTOR 3250056. 



  • Rhi, Ju-Hyung (1994). “From Bodhisattva to Buddha: The Beginning of Iconic Representation in Buddhist Art”. Artibus Asiae 54 (3/4): 220–221. doi:10.2307/3250056. JSTOR 3250056. 



  • Asoka and the Buddha-Relics, T.W. Rhys Davids, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1901, pp. 397-410 [3]



  • An Indian Statuette From Pompeii, Mirella Levi D'Ancona, in Artibus Asiae, Vol. 13, No. 3 (1950) p. 171







  • 英語版の項目「en:Sanchi」の2024年1月20日時点のサブセクション 「Aniconism」に引用された次の英文の訳。""Since it is not permitted to make an image of the Buddha's body, I pray that the Buddha will grant that I can make an image of the attendant Bodhisattva. Is that acceptable?" The Buddha answered: "You may make an image of the Bodhisattava"". この原典はおそらく、十誦律の以下の部分と思われる。「爾時給孤獨居士信心清淨。往到佛所頭面作禮一面坐已。白佛言。世尊。如佛身像不應作。願佛聽我作菩薩侍像者善佛言。聽作。」、大正新脩大藏経 律部 第23巻 十誦律卷第四十八第八誦之一、(T1435、SAT大蔵経DB 2018)




  •  "Asoka and Sanchi Asoka also built the core of Stupa 1, known as Mahastupa or the Great Stupa, at Sanchi. The archaeologist M.K. Dhavalikar says this is indicated by the fact that the level of the stupa’s floor is the same as that of the Asokan pillar near by. Further, fragments of the chunar sandstone umbrella over the structure bear the characteristic mirror-like polish seen on Asokan pillars.", <https://frontline.thehindu.com/arts-and-culture/heritage/buddhism-in-stone/article8932251.ece>、2024年1月15日閲覧
  • The en:Butkara Stupa is an example of such a hemispherical stupa structure from the Maurya period, that was extensively documented through archaeological work
  • "Who was responsible for the wanton destruction of the original brick stupa of en:Ashoka and when precisely the great work of reconstruction was carried out is not known, but it seems probable that the author of the former was Pushyamitra, the first of the Shunga kings (184-148 BC), who was notorious for his hostility to Buddhism, and that the restoration was affected by en:Agnimitra or his immediate successor." in John Marshall, A Guide to Sanchi, p. 38. Calcutta: Superintendent, Government Printing (1918).
  • An Encyclopaedia of Indian Archaeology, by en:Amalananda Ghosh, BRILL p. 295
  • Strong, J.S. (2007). Relics of the Buddha. en:Princeton University Press. pp. 136–37. ISBN 978-0-691-11764-5. https://books.google.com/books?id=_KLAxmR8PZAC 
  • "Sculptures showing Greeks or the Greek type of human figures are not lacking in ancient India. Apart from the proverbial Gandhara, Sanchi and Mathura have also yielded many sculptures that betray a close observation of the Greeks." in Graeco-Indica, India's cultural contacts, by en:Udai Prakash Arora, published by Ramanand Vidya Bhawan, 1991, p. 12
  • The Idea of Ancient India: Essays on Religion, Politics, and Archaeology, en:SAGE Publications India, Upinder Singh, 2016 p. 18
  • 英語版の項目「en:Sanchi」の2024年1月20日時点のサブセクション 「Aniconism」に引用された次の英文の訳。""Since it is not permitted to make an image of the Buddha's body, I pray that the Buddha will grant that I can make an image of the attendant Bodhisattva. Is that acceptable?" The Buddha answered: "You may make an image of the Bodhisattava"". この原典はおそらく、十誦律の以下の部分と思われる。「爾時給孤獨居士信心清淨。往到佛所頭面作禮一面坐已。白佛言。世尊。如佛身像不應作。願佛聽我作菩薩侍像者善佛言。聽作。」、大正新脩大藏経 律部 第23巻 十誦律卷第四十八第八誦之一、(T1435、SAT大蔵経DB 2018)



  • 仏塔のまわりに設置される玉垣のような低い壁ないし柵で、その途中にトーラナ(門)が設置される。石柱と笠石、貫石で構成されることが多い[1]
