Assange, Julian (2006年7月12日). “The cream of Australian Physics”. IQ.ORG. 2007年10月20日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年2月12日閲覧。 “A year before, also at ANU, I represented my university at the Australian National Physics Competition. At the prize ceremony, the head of ANU physics, motioned to us and said, 'You are the cream of Australian physics'.”
Assange stated, "In this limited application strobe is said to be faster and more flexible than ISS2.1 (an expensive, but verbose security checker by Christopher Klaus) or PingWare (also commercial, and even more expensive)." See Strobe v1.01: Super Optimised TCP port surveyor
Assange, Julian (2006年7月12日). “The cream of Australian Physics”. IQ.ORG. 2007年10月20日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年2月12日閲覧。 “A year before, also at ANU, I represented my university at the Australian National Physics Competition. At the prize ceremony, the head of ANU physics, motioned to us and said, 'You are the cream of Australian physics'.”