“G7 초대, 높아진 한국 위상…“중국 견제” 난처”. KBS NEWS (12 June 2021). 13 June 2021閲覧。 “(English translation) South Korea was invited in G7 summits for 2 years in a row, but this time is the actual first attendance, because the summit was canceled last year due to COVID-19 pandemic.”
“문 대통령, G7정상회의 마무리…"선진국 반열 올랐다"(종합)” (Korean). 뉴스토마토 (13 June 2021). 13 June 2021閲覧。 “(English translation) Presiden Moon Jae-In was invited in G7 summits for 2 years in a row: last year by U.S. and this year by Britain. In 2008, president Lee Myeong-Park attended as a Korean president for the first time, but at that time 20 countries' leaders were invited because it was the G8 system which includes Russia.”