북한 폭격 (Korean Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "북한 폭격" in Korean language version.

Global rank Korean rank
3,524th place
3,977th place
1st place
1st place
8,476th place
9,098th place
low place
low place


  • Armstrong, Charles K. (2010년 12월 20일). “The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950-1960” (PDF). 《The Asia-Pacific Journal》 8 (51): 1. 2022년 1월 16일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2019년 9월 13일에 확인함. The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war's end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those killed were in the North, which had half of the population of the South; although the DPRK does not have official figures, possibly twelve to fifteen percent of the population was killed in the war, a figure close to or surpassing the proportion of Soviet citizens killed in World War II. 




  • Armstrong, Charles K. (2010년 12월 20일). “The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950-1960” (PDF). 《The Asia-Pacific Journal》 8 (51): 1. 2022년 1월 16일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2019년 9월 13일에 확인함. The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war's end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those killed were in the North, which had half of the population of the South; although the DPRK does not have official figures, possibly twelve to fifteen percent of the population was killed in the war, a figure close to or surpassing the proportion of Soviet citizens killed in World War II. 
