“Find a County”. National Association of Counties. 2011년 6월 7일에 확인함.
“Station: Pittsburgh INTL AP, PA”. 《U.S. Climate Normals 2020: U.S. Monthly Climate Normals (1991-2020)》. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2021년 6월 10일에 확인함.
Records kept January 1871 to June 1935 at the Weather Bureau Office across the Allegheny River from downtown, at Allegheny County Airport from July 1935 to 14 September 1952, and at Pittsburgh Int'l (KPIT) since 15 September 1952. Due to its river valley and urban location as well as elevation, many of the summertime warm minima temperature records set at the WBO have not even come close to being matched at KPIT, which is at-elevation and located in the western suburbs. For more information, see Threadex