Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "연합국 (제2차 세계 대전)" in Korean language version.
The USA entered World War Two against Germany and Japan in 1941, creating the Grand Alliance of the USA, Britain and the USSR. This alliance brought together great powers that had fundamentally different views of the world, but they did co-operate for four years against the Germans and Japanese. The Grand Alliance would ultimately fail and break down into the Cold War.
Although many factors manifestly contributed to the ultimately victory, not least the Soviet Union's joining of the coalition, the coalition partners ability to orchestrate their efforts and coordinate the many elements of modern warfare successfully must rank high in any assessment.
This collection by leading British and American scholars on twentieth century international history covers the strategy, diplomacy and intelligence of the Anglo-American-Soviet alliance during the Second World War. It includes the evolution of allied war aims in both the European and Pacific theatres, the policies surrounding the development and use of the atomic bomb and the evolution of the international intelligence community.
merging of their chiefs of staff organizations into the Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) to direct their combined forces and plan global strategy. ... the strategic, diplomatic, security, and civil-military views of the service chiefs and their planners were based to a large extent on events that had taken place before December 7, 1941
After a long chat, Stalin went away amused by the American president's cheery, casual approach to diplomacy but judged him a lightweight compared to the more formidable Churchill
The first peace treaty concluded between the Allies and a former Axis nation was with Italy. It was signed in Paris on 10 February, by representatives from Albania, Australia ....
The Soviet Union participated as a cobelligerent with Germany after September 17, 1939, when Soviet forces invaded eastern Poland
As a co-belligerent of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union secretly assisted the German invasion of central and western Poland before launching its own invasion of eastern Poland on September 17
There were bright hopes that the cooperative spirit of the Grand Alliance would persist after WWII, but with FDR's death only two months after Yalta, the political dynamics changed dramatically.
Groom describes how 'fake news' about the Soviet Union blinded Roosevelt to Stalin’s character and intentions ... Churchill [had] been on to Stalin from the beginning and he did not trust the Communists at their word. Roosevelt was more ambivalent.
In World War II, the three great Allied powers—Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union—formed a Grand Alliance that was the key to victory. But the alliance partners did not share common political aims, and did not always agree on how the war should be fought.
The Soviet Union participated as a cobelligerent with Germany after September 17, 1939, when Soviet forces invaded eastern Poland
The Soviet Union participated as a cobelligerent with Germany after September 17, 1939, when Soviet forces invaded eastern Poland