Ernst Haeckel (Malay Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ernst Haeckel" in Malay language version.

Global rank Malay rank
3rd place
10th place
6th place
27th place
2nd place
8th place
4th place
14th place
5th place
23rd place
low place
low place
26th place
45th place
489th place
316th place
40th place
60th place
387th place
332nd place
649th place
2,027th place
580th place
573rd place
low place
low place
7th place
44th place
low place
5,454th place
low place
low place
2,821st place
5,106th place

  • Haeckel, Ernst (1866). Generelle Morphologie der Organismen [The General Morphology of Organisms] (dalam bahasa Jerman). 1. Berlin, (Germany): G. Reimer. m/s. 28–29. Haeckel noted that species constantly evolved into new species that seemed to retain few consistent features among themselves and therefore few features that distinguished them as a group ("a self-contained unity"). "Wohl aber ist eine solche reale und vollkommen abgeschlossene Einheit die Summe aller Species, welche aus einer und derselben gemeinschaftlichen Stammform allmählig sich entwickelt haben, wie z. B. alle Wirbelthiere. Diese Summe nennen wir Stamm (Phylon)." (However, perhaps such a real and completely self-contained unity is the aggregate of all species which have gradually evolved from one and the same common original form, as, for example, all vertebrates. We name this aggregate [a] Stamm [i.e., race] (Phylon).)
  • (Haeckel, 1866), vol. 1, p. 29: "Die Untersuchung der Entwicklung dieser Stämme und die Feststellung der genealogischen Verwandtschaft aller Species, die zu einem Stamm gehören, halten wir für die höchste und letzte besondere Aufgabe der organischen Morphologie. Im sechsten Buche werden wir die Grundzüge dieser Phylogenie oder Entwicklungsgeschichte der organischen Stämme (Kreise oder "Typen") festzustellen haben." (The investigation of the evolution of these phyla and the identification of the genealogical kinship of all species that belong to a phylum—we deem [this] the highest and ultimately specific task of organic morphology. In the sixth book, we will have to establish the outline of this "phylogeny" or history of the evolution of the organic phyla (groups or "types").)
  • Desmond 1989 Desmond, Adrian J. (1989). The politics of evolution: morphology, medicine, and reform in radical London. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-14374-0.
  • Gould, Stephen Jay (1977). Ontogeny and Phylogeny. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. m/s. 77-78. ISBN 9780674639409.
  • Kelly, Alfred (1981). The Descent of Darwin: The Popularization of Darwinism in Germany, 1860–1914. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: University of North Carolina Press. m/s. 121. ISBN 9780807814604.

  • Haeckel, Ernst (1866). Generelle Morphologie der Organismen [The General Morphology of Organisms] (dalam bahasa Jerman). 2. Berlin, (Germany): Georg Reimer. From p. 286: "Unter Oecologie verstehen wir die gesammte Wissenschaft von den Beziehungen des Organismus zur umgebenden Aussenwelt, wohin wir im weiteren Sinne alle "Existenz-Bedingungen" rechnen können." (By "ecology" we understand the comprehensive science of the relationships of the organism to its surrounding environment, where we can include, in the broader sense, all "conditions of existence".)

  • New York Times Haeckel Again Honored in Spite of Himself on his 80th Birthday, published: 22 Februari 1914

  • "Ernst Haeckel" (article),German Wikipedia, 26 Oktober 2006, webpage: DE-Wiki-Ernst-Haeckel: last paragraph of "Leben" (Life) section.
  • Felden, Emil (1914). "Felden Pastor an St. Martini Bremen". Dalam Schmidt, Heinrich (penyunting). Was wir Ernst Haeckel Verdanken (What We Owe to Ernst Haeckel): Ein Buch der Verehrung und Dankbarkeit (dalam bahasa Jerman). 2. Deutscher Monistenbund. Leipzig: Verlag Unesma. m/s. 125–128. testimony of Emil Felden in Was wir Ernst Haeckel Verdanken, vol. ii, p. 125. Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (bantuan)

  • Felden, Emil (1914). "Felden Pastor an St. Martini Bremen". Dalam Schmidt, Heinrich (penyunting). Was wir Ernst Haeckel Verdanken (What We Owe to Ernst Haeckel): Ein Buch der Verehrung und Dankbarkeit (dalam bahasa Jerman). 2. Deutscher Monistenbund. Leipzig: Verlag Unesma. m/s. 125–128. testimony of Emil Felden in Was wir Ernst Haeckel Verdanken, vol. ii, p. 125. Unknown parameter |trans_title= ignored (bantuan)

  • (Haeckel, 1866), vol. 1, pp. 215 ff. From p. 215: "VII. Character des Protistenreiches." (VII. Character of the kingdom of Protists.) From p. 216: "VII. B. Morphologischer Character des Protistenreiches. Ba. Character der protistischen Individualitäten. Der wesentliche tectologische Character der Protisten liegt in der sehr unvollkommenen Ausbildung und Differenzirung der Individualität überhaupt, insbesondere aber derjenigen zweiter Ordnung, der Organe. Sehr viele Protisten erheben sich niemals über den morphologischen Werth von Individuen erster Ordnung oder Plastiden." (VII. B. Morphological character of the kingdom of protists. Ba. Character of the protist Individualities. The essential tectological character of protists lies in the very incomplete formation and differentiation of individuality generally, however particularly of those of the second order, the organs. Very many protists never rise above the morphological level of individuals of the first order or plastids.)