Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Parti Demokratik Korea" in Malay language version.
Conservative Yoon Suk-yeol is slightly ahead of liberal Lee Jae-myung, according to projections after voting ends.
Lee no longer compares himself to Sanders, the progressive senator who unsuccessfully sought the Democratic Party nomination for U.S. president, and has expressed willingness to adjust his policies to avoid strife while embracing "compromise and consensus".
더불어민주당은 중도개혁 성향의 정당으로 평가된다.
Park Won-soon was a member of President Moon Jae-in's liberal Democratic Party and had been touted for a run at becoming South Korea's president in the country's next national elections in 2022.
The country now faces a snap presidential election on May 9th. After almost a decade of conservative rule, the ballot looks likely to be a victory for the more socially liberal Minjoo party: its support is the highest it has ever been, at 50%. Mr Moon, who led the party until January last year, has topped the polls for president for almost three months. The latest sounding puts his support at 35% in a crowded field.
The social-liberal Minjoo Party of Korea (MPK, Together Democratic Party) is the main opposition force.
However, the repression and persecution of leftists led to a stark division in Korean politics and a conservative political leadership. .(syncopation).. Korea still remains a conservative society to this day which does not help for the already struggling progressive activists.
Twelve candidates are officially registered for the election, but two candidates are taking lead: Lee Jae-myung of the ruling left-liberal Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) and Yoon Seok-yeol of the conservative opposition People Power Party (PPP). ... His main rival, conservative Yoon Seok-yeol, is former Prosecutor General. Independent and prominent, Yoon was appointed by the left-liberal President Moon. ... The left-liberal candidate Lee stresses distribution and regulation.
Twelve candidates are officially registered for the election, but two candidates are taking lead: Lee Jae-myung of the ruling left-liberal Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) and Yoon Seok-yeol of the conservative opposition People Power Party (PPP). ... His main rival, conservative Yoon Seok-yeol, is former Prosecutor General. Independent and prominent, Yoon was appointed by the left-liberal President Moon. ... The left-liberal candidate Lee stresses distribution and regulation.
.문재인 대통령은 2013년 펴낸 <1219 끝이 시작이다>라는 책에서 김대중 노무현 정부를 줄곧 ‘민주정부 10년’으로 표현하고 있습니다. “좌파는커녕 중도에도 미치지 못하는 한국의 중도우파 노선 정치세력이 극우 세력으로부터 ‘종북좌파’로 몰리는 건, 한국만의 후진적 정치 현실일 뿐”이라는 내용도 들어 있습니다..
... 전통적인 ‘비판적 지지론’의 성격도 있지만, 그것이 전부는 아니다. 실제 민주당이 다소 진보화된 과정이 있었고, 이제 민주당이 ‘어느 정도’ 진보적 정당이라고 생각하는 시민들이 있다... ...
... 전통적인 ‘비판적 지지론’의 성격도 있지만, 그것이 전부는 아니다. 실제 민주당이 다소 진보화된 과정이 있었고, 이제 민주당이 ‘어느 정도’ 진보적 정당이라고 생각하는 시민들이 있다... ...
. 보수색이 짙은 기독교민주연합(기민련)의 부스도 보였다. 서울광장에서 집권여당인 국민의힘과 제1야당인 더불어민주당 차원의 움직임은 없었다. 지지세가 크지 않은 진보당·녹색당이 부스를 차렸을 뿐이었다...
This allows a populist figure like Lee Jae-myung, mayor of wealthy satellite city Seongnam, to be presented as a progressive presidential candidate
... At the same time, however, he belongs to the Catholic Church and holds some socially conservative views. When asked during a debate about the military’s persecution of gay soldiers, Moon responded that he opposed homosexuality in general.
... At the same time, however, he belongs to the Catholic Church and holds some socially conservative views. When asked during a debate about the military’s persecution of gay soldiers, Moon responded that he opposed homosexuality in general.
... At the same time, however, he belongs to the Catholic Church and holds some socially conservative views. When asked during a debate about the military’s persecution of gay soldiers, Moon responded that he opposed homosexuality in general.
tidak sah, nama "auto3" digunakan secara berulang dengan kandungan yang berbeza. 이 대표는 “유럽의 개혁적인 정당에 비하면 (민주당) 정강·정책이 훨씬 더 보수적”이라며 “보수적일 수밖에 없는 환경 속에서 활동을 해왔기 때문에 그렇다고 보고 이제는 조금 더 개혁적으로 가야 한다고 생각한다”고 설명했다..
전문가들은 국가재정이 보수, 진보 정권 할 것 없이 관료 주도로 보수적으로 운용해 왔다고 지적했다. 하준경 한양대 경제학부 교수는 “정권마다 접근법의 차이가 있어도 기본적으로 기획재정부 주도의 재정 보수주의가 국내 재정 정책을 지배해왔다”며 “코로나19 대응과 물가 상승 상황에서의 취약 계층 지원, 기술 패권 경쟁에 따른 정부의 역할 확대 등을 고려하면 긴축재정은 시대적 과제에 대응하기 어렵다”고 말했다.
ignored (bantuan)... 집값은 오르고 불로소득은 넘쳐 나고 빈부격차도 심해졌다. 노동 개혁도 엉망진창이다. 코로나19라는 악재가 있으나, 보수적 자유주의 정당인 더불어민주당의 성격을 고려할 때 정권 출범부터 예견됐던 일이다.
In recent years, the main liberal party, now the Minjoo Party, has changed its name, and had many high-profile members defect amid infighting and electoral defeats.
This particular decision was strongly supported by the ruling Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), whose variant of Korean nationalism is built upon a strong sense of grievance against Japan.
더불어민주당이 21대 총선에서 163석의 '슈퍼 여당'으로 몸집을 키우면서 내부에서는 보수적 색채가 점차 번져 가고 있다. (As the Democratic Party of Korea has grown into a 163-seat "super ruling party" in the 21st general elections, conservative colors are gradually deepening inside.)
한국이 올해 세계언론자유지수에서 43위를 기록해 언론 자유가 크게 개선된 것으로 나타났다.
Mr. Lee favors a strong New Deal-like approach
El Partido de la Libertad de Corea (conservador) ha criticado al actual gobierno (del socio-liberal Partido Demócrata) por promover iniciativas en este ámbito.
Yoon won 58% of men in their 20s, while liberal Lee Jae-myung gained the same percentage of women, according to exit polls. Yoon prevailed in the election by a margin of just 0.7%.
Yoon won 58% of men in their 20s, while liberal Lee Jae-myung gained the same percentage of women, according to exit polls. Yoon prevailed in the election by a margin of just 0.7%.
South Korea's main opposition social-liberal party is reeling (again) from intraparty factional struggle. Rebranded earlier this week "the Minjoo Party of Korea" (formerly New Politics Alliance for Democracy), the party is searching for a new identity and direction after high profile and popular assemblyperson Ahn Cheol-soo defected on December 13.
historically, South Korean progressives and Japanese conservatives mix like oil and water. Condemning cooperation with Japan has long been the linchpin of South Korea’s progressive agenda from both a human rights and decolonization perspective.
더불어민주당은 중도개혁 성향의 정당으로 평가된다.
ignored (bantuan)