Did Israel steal bomb-grade uranium from the United States? Victor Gilinsky en Roger J. Mattson, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 17 apr 2014. "[Brzezinski's] characterization of the CIA's views is excised [gecensureerd] in the version just released. His descriptions of the other agencies' views omit important evidence."
U.S. Embassy Israel telegram 74 to State Department, 17 July 1963, Secret. National Security Archive – The George Washington University, 2 mei 2019.
"Israel would do what it had to do for its national security and to safeguard its sovereign rights. … Eshkol asked how we would view a possible proposal from Israel that Israel would consult the U.S. in advance, in the event that, sometime in the distant future, developments in the Middle East made it necessary for [Israel] to embark on a nuclear weapons program."
History The plant of Marcoule. AREVA (maart 2014 gearchiveerd).
"1955 - Creation of the center for plutonium production Marcoule; 1956 - Divergence of G1 reactor, production of the first power generating kWh; 1958/1959 - Different reactors G2/G3"
Complaint for injunctive relief – verzoek document 'Freedom of Information Act, 13 feb 2015; zie p. 1-6, 9 en 'Exhibit 2', p. 23-29. (, 7,1 MB)
FBI-rapport Shapiro, 20 jan 1969 Rapport over contacten met de Israëlische regering in 1968. Op p. 2 over bezoek aan NUMEC op 10 september 1968 over "thermoelectric devices"