«Costumes», ASKA Kolo Ansambl, 2009, arkivert frå originalen 22. februar 2012, henta 26. mars 2009
Chivers, C. J. (24. mai 2006). «A Whirling Sufi Revival With Unclear Implications». The New York Times. Henta 22. april 2020. «Three circles of barefoot men, one ring inside another, sway to the cadence of chant. The men stamp in time as they sway, and grunt from the abdomen and throat, filling the room with a primal sound. One voice rises over the rest, singing variants of the names of God.»
«Kotsari». Pontian.info. Arkivert frå originalen 16. oktober 2012. Henta 6. november 2013.
«PontosWorld». pontosworld.com. Henta 22. april 2020.