Hickey, Donal (26. februar 2013): «Hillwalkers at risk by ignoring danger sign», Irish Examiner. Sitat: «Hillwalkers ignoring a sign warning them to stay away from potentially dangerous paths near the summit of Ireland's highest mountain are putting themselves in serious danger. The KMRT is concerned about a rising number of accidents and rescues on the northern and eastern sides of Carrantuohill. The warning sign, with a skull and crossbones, is on the summit of the mountain.»
English, Eoin (21. november 2006): «Praise for Carrauntoohil owners in walkers' guide», Irish Examiner. Sitat: «He praised landowners Donal Doona, John O'Shea, John B Doona, James Sullivan and Michael O'Sullivan for allowing public access to their lands on and around Carrauntoohil and the Macgillycuddy's Reeks over the years. "They are amongst the most welcoming people in the country," he said. He met the men, their families and recorded their history and association with the lands for the book.»
Hickey, Donal (31. juli 2013): «Dogs banned from Carrauntoohil», Irish Examiner. Sitat: «Carrantuohill is actually owned by private landowners and some people don't realise that. The owners mainly earn their livelihoods from the land through farming.»
Fairborn, Helen (30. juni 2018): «Fancy a swim in Ireland's highest lake, halfway up Carrauntoohil?», Irish Times. Sitat: «Located at an elevation of 707m, Lough Cummeenoughter in Co Kerry is a unique swimming spot. Not only is this the highest lake in Ireland, it's also one of the most dramatic. Nestled at the base of a natural amphitheatre with the country's two tallest peaks towering on either side, Irish swimming doesn't come any wilder than this. The lake itself is surprisingly hospitable; it has a sandy bed and becomes deep quickly enough to dive into.»
Hill Lists: FurthsArkivert 5. oktober 2018 hos Wayback Machine., Scottish Mountaineering Club. Sitat: «The list of peaks of 3000ft or more within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland outside (furth) of Scotland. There are currently 34 Furths.»
Hill Lists: FurthsArkivert 5. oktober 2018 hos Wayback Machine., Scottish Mountaineering Club. Sitat: «The list of peaks of 3000ft or more within the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland outside (furth) of Scotland. There are currently 34 Furths.»