Den russisk-ukrainske krisen 2021–2022 (Norwegian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Den russisk-ukrainske krisen 2021–2022" in Norwegian language version.

Global rank Norwegian rank
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74th place

  • Thomas Vermes (17. juni 2015). «Nazi-anklage mot Ukraina: Norge vil ha retten til å avklare om Azov-bataljonen i Ukraina er nazistisk». «15. juni skrev ABC Nyheter at Kongressen i USA på tvers av partigrensene kuttet ut all forbindelse til den ukrainske gardens Azov-bataljon – med begrunnelse at den er nynazistisk. Hva mener så Norge, som har nært samarbeid med ukrainske myndigheter, om Azov-bataljonen og at den er integrert i det offisielle forsvaret? Tidligere har Utenriksdepartementet uttalt til ABC Nyheter at integreringen av en annen styrke som er anklaget for å være høyreekstremistisk, Høyre Sektor, kan sees som en oppfyllelse av fredsavtalen i Kiev»

  • David Child og Ramy Allahoum (21. februar 2022). «Putin orders Russian forces to Ukraine rebel regions». Al Jazeera Media Network. Besøkt 28. mars 2022. «Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian troops to “maintain peace” in two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, hours after the Russian president recognised Donetsk and Luhansk as independent entities.» 
  • «Profile: Who are Ukraine’s far-right Azov regiment?». (på engelsk). 1. mars 2022. Besøkt 12. mars 2022. «Russian President Vladimir Putin referenced the presence of such units within the Ukrainian military as one of the reasons for launching his so-called “special military operation … to de-militarise and de-Nazify Ukraine.» 
  • «Airspace closed in Ukraine, western Russia as Putin orders attack». (på engelsk). Besøkt 24. februar 2022. 
  • Russia-Ukraine war: Lavrov warns of risk of nuclear conflict interview med Sergey Lavrov 26.04.2022. sitat: Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned that the conflict in Ukraine risked escalating into a third world war and that NATO was “in essence” engaged in a proxy war with Moscow by supplying Kyiv with weapons.
  • «Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached». Al Jazeera. 22. februar 2014. Arkivert fra originalen 6. februar 2015. Besøkt 25. februar 2015. 
  • Ragozin, Leonid. «Annexation of Crimea: A masterclass in political manipulation» (på engelsk). Riga: Al Jazeera. Arkivert fra originalen 28. mai 2020. Besøkt 24. januar 2022. «Putin framed the invasion and eventual annexation of Crimea as an act of salvation rather than a clear violation of international law and turned a revolution which could have marked the end of his rule into a much-needed popularity booster – the wave of chauvinism triggered by the annexation of Crimea sent Putin’s approval ratings to an unbelievable 89 percent, while sidelining the opposition and giving him another five years of relatively trouble-free time at home.»

  • Matthew, Lee; Konstantin, Manenkov (10. januar 2022). «No progress seen after Russia-US talks over Ukraine tensions». Associated Press News (på engelsk). Geneva: Associated Press. Besøkt 31. januar 2022. «The United States and Russia locked horns over Ukraine and other security issues Monday with no sign of progress from either side at highly anticipated strategic talks. Low expectations from both Washington and Moscow about the high-stakes session in Geneva appeared to have been met as senior diplomats from the two countries emerged without offering any hint of success.» 
  • «Putin to mull options if West refuses guarantees on Ukraine». Associated Press (på engelsk). 26. desember 2021. Arkivert fra originalen 22. januar 2022. Besøkt 21. januar 2022. 
  • Matthew, Lee; Lorne, Cook (7. januar 2022). «US, NATO rule out halt to expansion, reject Russian demands». AP News (på engelsk). Associated Press. Arkivert fra originalen 24. januar 2022. Besøkt 24. januar 2022. «Their comments amounted to a complete dismissal of a key part of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demands for easing tensions with Ukraine. Putin wants NATO to halt membership plans for all countries, including Ukraine. The former Soviet republic is unlikely to join the alliance in the foreseeable future, but NATO nations won’t rule it out.»

  • Peter, Dickinson; Melinda, Haring; Danylo, Lubkivsky; Alexander, Motyl; Brian, Whitmore; Oleksiy, Gontsjarenko; Jevhen, Fedtsjenko; Brian, Bonner; Taras, Kuzio (15. juli 2021). «Putin's new Ukraine essay reveals imperial ambitions». Atlantic Council. Arkivert fra originalen 15. juli 2021. Besøkt 25. januar 2021. «Vladimir Putin’s inaccurate and distorted claims are neither new nor surprising. They are just the latest example of gaslighting by the Kremlin leader. This, after all, is the man who famously told US President George W. Bush that Ukraine was not a real country during a widely reported exchange at the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest. Putin’s claim that the “true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia” is grotesquely disingenuous. For Ukraine, partnership with Russia has mainly meant subjugation by Russia.»

  • U.S. warns China against a superpower proxy war in D. Lawler B. Allen-Ebrahimian 15.03.2022 sitat:The big picture: China is already providing its most powerful partner with tacit support, but U.S. officials are now trying to draw red lines to prevent a full-on superpower proxy war.

  • Iulian, Chifu (2009). «Russia–Georgia War of August 2008: Ukrainian Approach» (PDF). The Russian Georgian War: A trilateral cognitive institutional approach of the crisis decision-making process. București: Editura Curtea Veche. s. 181. ISBN 978-973-1983-19-6. Arkivert (PDF) fra originalen 30. september 2018. Besøkt 21. februar 2016. «Conceptually, Russia sees Ukraine within the sphere of own “privileged interests”; in fact, it means a modernized version of Brezhnev’s doctrine of “limited sovereignty”, realized after the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. The strategic vision of the Kremlin foresees that the sovereignty of Ukraine (and other states that do not belong to Russia’s sphere of “privileged interests”) can not be significantly wider than that of the members of Warsaw Pact prior to the collapse of “the socialist camp”. Correspondingly, the political approach of Russia towards Ukraine is built.»

  • Mykola, Bielieskov (21. september 2021). «The Russian and Ukrainian Spring 2021 War Scare» (på engelsk). Center for Strategic and International Studies. Arkivert fra originalen 25. november 2021. Besøkt 22. januar 2022. «Ukrainian estimates provided to the OSCE in June 2021 show that only 12,000 Russian forces were removed from the border, and the rest remain in place. As a result, the number of troops remaining is more or less the number of troops that was at the border before the exercise.» 
  • The Russian World in Moscow’s Grand Strategy Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). av Igor Zevelev. August 2016. sitat:The concepts of “compatriots abroad” and the “Russian World” have evolved within two different yet overlapping discourses. Each of these concepts has its own intellectual history. However, these ideas have something in common. Basically they both reflect the tension between actual Russian Federation state borders and the mental maps of “Russianness” that exist in the minds of many Russians. (...) Of the Russian communities abroad, none faces a greater challenge than that in Ukraine. Today, Ukraine is effectively a lost cause within the context of the Russian World. For much of the Ukrainian population and for the entire political class, the idea of the Russian World has become synonymous with war.

  • Berg (Grafikk), NTB |, Brage Lie Jor, Kaja Storrøsten, Kjell Erik (21. februar 2022). «Anerkjenner områder som uavhengige». (på norsk). Besøkt 22. februar 2022. 
  • «Nyhetsstudio - Lavrov: - Ukraina har ingen rett på suverenitet». dagbladet (på norsk). 22. februar 2022. Besøkt 23. februar 2022. 
  • Mia Engenes Bratlie, Frode Andresen (5. mars 2022). «Norge kjente til Putins plan». (på norsk). Besøkt 5. mars 2022. 
  • Mogen, Trym (11. mars 2022). «Her visste han Putins plan». (på norsk). Besøkt 17. april 2022. 
  • Jorun Gaarder, Johannes Fjeld (5. mars 2022). ««Nazi-løgnen»: - År med propaganda». (på norsk). Besøkt 5. mars 2022. «Historieprofessor og Russland-ekspert ved Forsvarets høgskole Sven G. Holtsmark sier at det er to røtter til denne nazi-retorikken: - Den ene er at det en reell forekomst av ekstreme høyrekrefter i Ukraina. Det var en realitet, og det er en realitet. Blant annet har en del av disse frivillige styrkene en sterk høyreorientert ideologi, sier han, og understreker: - Den ukrainske regjeringen er ikke preget av denne ideologien. I ethvert samfunn vil det være ekstreme krefter, og ikke minst i Russland selv. Men det er ikke disse kreftene som preger dagens Ukraina. Putin forsøker å spille på det historieprofessoren omtaler som et identitetsskapende og tungt minne i den russiske befolkningen: nemlig sårene fra Den store fedrelandskrigen 1941-1945. Det er den andre roten til Putins retorikk.(...) - På 1960-tallet utviklet Sovjetunionen et narrativ om «landet som bekjempet nazistene». Moderne Russland arvet dette narrativet, med sin 9. mai-kultus (Seiersdagen - Tyskland kapitulerte 9. mai i Moskvas tidssone, red.anm.), svarer analytiker Vitalii Rybakk.» 
  • Hagfors, Johannes Fjeld, Jesper Nordahl Finsveen, Caisa Linea (23. april 2022). «- Kunne endret spillet». (på norsk). Besøkt 24. april 2022.

  • Kozlowska, Hanna. «The Fascists are coming, the Fascists are coming!». Foreign Policy. D.C. Arkivert fra originalen 27. november 2014. Besøkt 28. februar 2022. «Experts agree that the group owes its popularity to Russian propaganda … painting [it] as a powerful neo-Nazi force determined to take over Ukraine. According to a survey by an online database of Russian media sources, Right Sector was the second-most mentioned political group in Russian mass media in 2014…» 
  • Putin’s Thousand-Year War (betalingsmur) av Michael Hirsh. 12.03.2022 sitat:Indeed, Putin may have been preparing for this moment longer than people realize: After the Russian leader annexed Crimea in 2014, the Kremlin’s longtime ideologist, Vladislav Surkov, wrote that it would mark "the end of Russia’s epic journey to the West, the cessation of repeated and fruitless attempts to become a part of Western civilization." Surkov predicted that Russia would exist in geopolitical solitude for at least the next hundred years.
  • Putin Has a Grimly Absolute Vision of the ‘Russian World’. The Ukraine war is fueled by a delusion of civilizational necessity. kommentar av Benjamin R. Young. sitat:Putin believes an invasion of Ukraine is a righteous cause and necessary for the dignity of the Russian civilization, which he sees as being genetically and historically superior to other Eastern European identities. The idea of protecting Russian-speakers in Eurasia has been a key part of Putin's "Russkiy Mir" worldview and 21st-century Russian identity. Under the rubric of Russkiy Mir (Russian World), Putin's government promotes the idea that Russia is not a mere nation-state but a civilization-state that has an important role to play in world history. (...) While security concerns regarding NATO expansion are certainly important to the Kremlin, the politico-cultural role that Ukraine plays in contemporary Russian ideology is of greater value to Putin's long-term vision of a rejuvenated Russian World. In February 2021, Putin's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov named Ukraine as a part of Russkiy Mir..
  • Putin Has a Grimly Absolute Vision of the ‘Russian World’. The Ukraine war is fueled by a delusion of civilizational necessity. kommentar av Benjamin R. Young. sitat:Putin believes an invasion of Ukraine is a righteous cause and necessary for the dignity of the Russian civilization, which he sees as being genetically and historically superior to other Eastern European identities. The idea of protecting Russian-speakers in Eurasia has been a key part of Putin's "Russkiy Mir" worldview and 21st-century Russian identity. Under the rubric of Russkiy Mir (Russian World), Putin's government promotes the idea that Russia is not a mere nation-state but a civilization-state that has an important role to play in world history. (...) While security concerns regarding NATO expansion are certainly important to the Kremlin, the politico-cultural role that Ukraine plays in contemporary Russian ideology is of greater value to Putin's long-term vision of a rejuvenated Russian World. In February 2021, Putin's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov named Ukraine as a part of Russkiy Mir..

  • Russernes broderkjærlighet til ukrainerne og Putins angrep på Ukraina: Hvor er sammenhengen? Pål Kolstø kronikk 07. mars 2022. sitat: Ukrainskhet ble oppfattet som en krysning mellom russiskhet og polskhet, og for å forhindre at ukrainsk identitet tippet i retning av det polske, ble det bestemt at ukrainerne måtte gjennomgå massiv russifisering. Et hemmelig dekret fra Innenriksdepartementet i juli 1863 – det såkalte Valuev-sirkulæret etter innenriksminister Pyotr Valuev – erklærte at «et eget lillerussisk språk har aldri eksistert, eksisterer ikke og skal ikke eksistere. Det (lillerussiske) språk som brukes av vanlige mennesker, er kun russisk som er blitt forkvaklet gjennom polsk påvirkning».

  • Hvor russisk er Ukraina? Olivia Durand 27.02.2022 sitat:Kulturelt hegemoni i Ukraina. Fremveksten til den ukrainske nasjonalistbevegelsen i det 19. århundret ble av russiske myndigheter oppfattet som et tegn på forstyrrende innflytelse fra utlandet – kanskje til og med et resultat av et vestlig komplott. Ukrainsk identitet ble omtalt som underlegen en for det meste urban, russisk høykultur, og det ukrainske språket ble forbundet med landsbygda. (...) Da Ukraina ble uavhengig i 1991 besto én tredjedel av befolkningen av disse russofile migrantene og etterfølgerne deres, spesielt i det industrielle øst og på Krim. Inntil denne dag huser Ukraina den største russisktalende befolkningen utenfor Russland. I 1991 stemte 90 prosent av befolkningen for et uavhengig Ukraina. Nå, 30 år senere, betrakter Ukraina seg selv som en postkolonial og multinasjonal stat – hverken som «russisk» eller «liten». Samtidig fortsetter russiske politikere å gi Ukraina en russisk innramming for egen vinnings skyld, ignorer dette synet hvordan Ukraina har holdt stand i møte med tvungen assimilering, kulturell differensiering, imperialistisk krigerskhet og kolonial utnyttelse for å bli sitt eget land.

  • Ensomhet hos en halvrase (14+) Vladislav Surkov. 04.09.2018 (via google translate) sitat:Det 14. året av vårt århundre huskes for viktige og svært viktige prestasjoner, som alle vet og alt er sagt. Men det viktigste av datidens hendelser blir først nå åpenbart for oss, og de langsomme, dype nyhetene om det når nå bare våre ører. Denne begivenheten er slutten på Russlands episke reise til Vesten, opphøret av gjentatte og fruktløse forsøk på å bli en del av den vestlige sivilisasjonen, for å gifte seg med den "gode familien" til europeiske folk. Fra det 14. året og utover strekker det seg en uendelig lang ny tid, epoken 14+, der vi vil ha hundre (to hundre? Tre hundre?) år med geopolitisk ensomhet. (orig:Одиночество полукровки (14+) (...) 14-й год нашего века памятен важными и очень важными свершениями, о которых всем известно и все сказано. Но важнейшее из тогдашних событий только теперь открывается нам, и медленная, глубинная новость о нем теперь только достигает наших ушей. Событие это – завершение эпического путешествия России на Запад, прекращение многократных и бесплодных попыток стать частью Западной цивилизации, породниться с «хорошей семьей» европейских народов. С 14-го года и далее простирается неопределенно долгое новое время, эпоха 14+, в которую нам предстоит сто ( двести? триста?) лет геополитического одиночества.

  • Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics Dunlop, John B Demokratizatsiya 12.1 2004. fra archive/GWASHU_DEMO_12_1/John Dunlop Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics.pdf original sitat:On the key question of Ukraine, Dugin underlines: "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning. It has no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness" (377). "Ukraine as an independent state with certain territorial ambitions," he warns, "represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics" (348). And he adds that, "[T]he independent existence of Ukraine (especially within its present borders) can make sense only as a 'sanitary cordon'" (379). However, as we have seen, for Dugin all such "sanitary cordons" are inadmissible. Dugin speculates that three extreme western regions of Ukraine--Volynia, Galicia, and Trans-Carpathia--heavily populated with Uniates and other Catholics, could be permitted to form an independent "Western Ukrainian Federation." But this area must not under any circumstances be permitted to fall under Atlanticist control (382). With the exception of these three western regions, Ukraine, like Belorussia, is seen as an integral part of Eurasia-Russia.

  • Feffer, John (14. mars 2014). «Who Are These 'People,' Anyway?». HuffPost. «At that point, his own party abandoned him and called for a vote to take place. Parliament then voted to remove Yanukovych from office by a margin of 328 to 0. There are 449 seats in the parliament, so there were some absences and abstentions, but the majority position was clear, and it included many deputies from Yanukovych's own party.»

  • Celeste Wallander (2021). «How the Putin Regime Really Works». Journal of Democracy (på engelsk). Besøkt 22. mars 2022. «Authoritarian regimes are typically led by a political party, the national military, or a powerful individual. In the first two types, institutions rule, as is the case in China under the Communist Party and Burma under the military. But in a personalist autocracy, such as Putin’s Russia, political power is exercised through individual relationships, and thus state institutions are feeble.»

  • «– USA er ikke Ukrainas venn». 2. februar 2022. Besøkt 15. mars 2022. «Vesten, og særlig USA, må ta storparten av skylda for eskaleringen og frykten for en russisk invasjon av Ukraina, sier John Mearsheimer, professor ved Universitetet i Chicago. Ukraina betaler nå prisen for USA og Natos idiotiske ekspansjonsforsøk, sier professor John Mearsheimer.»

  • Vladimir, Putin (12. juli 2021). «Article by Vladimir Putin 'On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians'». The Kremlin. Arkivert fra originalen 25. januar 2021. «During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian-Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people – a single whole. These words were not driven by some short-term considerations or prompted by the current political context. It is what I have said on numerous occasions and what I firmly believe. I therefore feel it necessary to explain my position in detail and share my assessments of today's situation.» 
  • On the historical unity of russians and ukrainians Vladimir Putin. 2021. attribute etter original sitat:Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus, which was the largest state in Europe. Slavic and other tribes across the vast territory - from Ladoga, Novgorod, and Pskov to Kiev and Chernigov - were bound together by one language (which we now refer to as Old Russian), economic ties, the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty, and - after the baptism of Rus - the Orthodox faith. The spiritual choice made by St. Vladimir, who was both Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kiev, still largely determines our affinity today.

  • Grytsenko, Oksana (12. april 2014). «Armed pro-Russian insurgents in Luhansk say they are ready for police raid». Kyiv Post. Lugansk. «The insurgents demand the authorities to stop an anti-terrorist operation against them and other separatists of Ukraine' southeast. They also want the Russian language to have official status as well a law allowing local referendums and legalization of their army. But their top aim is federalization of the country through all-Ukrainian referendum, one step from secession from the nation. “It should be a federation in the borders of Ukraine, but with the right to separate if people demand this,” Kariakin said, confident that 85 percent of people in Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine's seventh most populous with 2.2 million people, support him. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, in neighboring Donetsk on April 11, that local referendums are possible, but only to decide local issues. He also assured the residents of the mostly Russian-speaking southeast that the government would not revoke the current law on regional languages that, in fact, gives Russian official status in these regions.»

  • Is Europe Prepared for a Proxy War With Russia? Michel Wyss mars 2022.sitat:Proxies like the Ukrainian forces often enjoy an influx of resources that can significantly boost their combat effectiveness. In some instances, external support may even translate into increased political legitimacy. For the sponsors, meanwhile, proxy warfare provides several advantages. For starters, it is a cheaper alternative to conventional military intervention. It can also, in some instances, mitigate the risk of escalation through plausible deniability or by signaling to an adversary a desire to keep a conflict contained. And proxy interventions can decrease the political costs of involvement in a conflict, both at home by circumventing parliamentary approval and avoiding the public’s aversion to casualties, and abroad by limiting exposure to sanctions or legal prosecution. NATO, in essence, could fight to the last Ukrainian.

  • «Joe Biden marshals U.S. allies as Europe faces darkest hour since WW2». Newsweek (på engelsk). 24. februar 2022. Besøkt 24. februar 2022. «The U.S. and its allies have also warned that such an invasion would be a major conflict as around 150,000 to 190,000 Russian troops are amassed along Ukraine's borders. A military offensive of that size hasn't taken place in Europe since World War II.»

  • Putins lange tilstand. Om hva som skjer her Vladislav Surkov 02.11.2019 (via google translate)sitat: Det er nødvendig å forstå, forstå og beskrive Putins maktsystem og generelt hele komplekset av ideer og dimensjoner ved Putinismen som fremtidens ideologi. Det er fremtiden, siden den virkelige Putin neppe er en Putinist, akkurat som for eksempel Marx ikke er en marxist og det er ikke et faktum at han ville gått med på å være det hvis han visste hva det var. Men dette må gjøres for alle som ikke er Putin, men som gjerne vil være som ham. For å kunne kringkaste hans metoder og tilnærminger i tiden som kommer. ...Beskrivelsen skal ikke utføres i stil med to propagandaer, vår og ikke vår, men på et språk som både russisk embetsverk og anti-russisk embetsverk vil oppfatte som moderat kjettersk. Et slikt språk kan bli akseptabelt for et ganske bredt publikum, noe som kreves, siden det politiske systemet laget i Russland er egnet ikke bare for en innenlandsk fremtid, det har tydeligvis et betydelig eksportpotensial, etterspørselen etter det eller for dets individuelle komponenter allerede eksisterer, blir dens erfaring studert og delvis adoptert, imitert av både regjerende og opposisjonelle grupper i mange land. (Original:Владислав Сурков: Долгое государство Путина. О том, что здесь вообще происходит Необходимо осознание, осмысление и описание путинской системы властвования и вообще всего комплекса идей и измерений путинизма как идеологии будущего. Именно будущего, поскольку настоящий Путин едва ли является путинистом, так же, как, например, Маркс не марксист и не факт, что согласился бы им быть, если бы узнал, что это такое. Но это нужно сделать для всех, кто не Путин, а хотел бы быть, как он. Для возможности трансляции его методов и подходов в предстоящие времена. Описание должно быть исполнено не в стиле двух пропаганд, нашей и не нашей, а на языке, который и российский официоз, и антироссийский официоз воспринимали бы как умеренно еретический. Такой язык может стать приемлемым для достаточно широкой аудитории, что и требуется, поскольку сделанная в России политическая система пригодна не только для домашнего будущего, она явно имеет значительный экспортный потенциал, спрос на нее или на отдельные ее компоненты уже существует, ее опыт изучают и частично перенимают, ей подражают как правящие, так и оппозиционные группы во многих странах.)

  • Ukraine: Metropolit Onufrij wirft Putin Brudermord vor, Kirchenoberhäupter loben Verteidigungswillen Der Nachrichtendienst Östliche Kirchen 27.02.2022 sitat:Metropolit Onufrij (Berezovskij) hat die ukrainische Bevölkerung und alle Gläubigen der Ukrainischen Orthodoxen Kirche aufgerufen, nicht in Panik zu verfallen, mutig zu sein und Liebe für das Heimatland zu zeigen. Das Oberhaupt der zum Moskauer Patriarchat gehörenden Kirche appellierte am 27. Februar an die Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer, die Gebete für die Ukraine, „für unsere Armee und unser Volk“ zu intensivieren. „In dieser tragischen Zeit bringen wir unseren Soldaten besondere Liebe und Unterstützung dar, die Wache stehen und unser Land und unser Volk beschützen und verteidigen“, so Metropolit Onufrij. Er forderte den russischen Präsidenten auf, den Bruderkrieg sofort zu beenden. „Das ukrainische und das russische Volk entstammen dem Taubecken des Dnipro, ein Krieg zwischen diesen Völkern ist eine Wiederholung der Sünde Kains, der seinen eigenen Bruder aus Neid tötete. Für einen solchen Krieg gibt es keine Entschuldigung, weder von Gott noch von den Menschen.“ Bereits am 25. Februar hatte Metropolit Onufrij angeordnet, die Keller aller Gotteshäuser der UOK in Kiew für Schutz suchende Bürger zu öffnen, um Sicherheit vor Granaten und Bomben zu bieten.

  • «International New York Times and Chatham House to Host Debate in London - Russia, Ukraine and The West: Is Confrontation Inevitable?». The New York Times Company (på engelsk). 11. juni 2014. Besøkt 15. mars 2022. «The event will be chaired by New York Times columnist, Roger Cohen, and broadcast live on the web. The speakers, who hold very different views on whether compromise can be achieved or indeed whether it is desirable, include Chrystia Freedland, Member of the Canadian Parliament; Michael McFaul, US Ambassador to Russia (2012-14); John Mearsheimer, American professor of political science, University of Chicago and Dmitri Trenin, Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center.»

  • «UK’s Johnson tells Putin Ukraine invasion would be ‘tragic miscalculation’». POLITICO (på engelsk). 2. februar 2022. Besøkt 11. februar 2022. 
  • Paul, Taylor (23. november 2021). «Ukraine: NATO's original sin». Politico. «This Bucharest summit decision perhaps marked the culmination of the “unipolar moment,” when the U.S. believed it could reshape the world along Western lines, ignoring warnings by leaders like former French President Jacques Chirac, that “Russia should not be humiliated,” and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, that Moscow’s “legitimate security interests” should be taken into account. The result heightened Kremlin’s fears of encirclement and of losing the strategic depth that enabled Russia to prevail over Western invaders twice in two centuries — Napoleon in 1812 and Hitler from 1941 to 1945. It also failed to enhance the security of Georgia or Ukraine — no amount of assurances that NATO is not a threat to Russia, that its purpose is purely defensive or that none of its weapons would ever be used except in response to an attack could assuage Moscow.»

  • The West Overestimates Aleksandr Dugin’s Influence in Russia George Barros 2019 sitat:Correlation should never be conflated with causation. Many casual Russia observers and armchair Kremlinologists ascribe grand power to the controversial philosopher using speculative evidence based in hearsay. While Dugin does enjoy some publicity in Russia, his personal eccentrics and appearance of influence, coupled with Putin’s aggressive foreign policy, facilitated the plausible narrative in a Western media echo chamber that Dugin is Putin’s strategist. This myth has grown grossly out of proportion. As a result, Dugin is granted far more credibility than deserved. Proponents of the "Dugin the mastermind" argument need to substantiate their claims with evidence and ask themselves how effective, if at all, is Dugin at influencing Kremlin elites and Russian foreign policy.

  • Dobbins, James; Cohen, Raphael S.; Chandler, Nathan; Frederick, Bryan; Geist, Edward; DeLuca, Paul; Morgan, Forrest E.; Shatz, Howard J.; Williams, Brent (24. april 2019). «Extending Russia: Competing from Advantageous Ground» (på engelsk). RAND Corporation. Besøkt 2. april 2022.

  • Polityuk, Pavel; Robinson, Matt (22. februar 2014). Roche, red. «Ukraine parliament removes Yanukovich, who flees Kiev in "coup"». Reuters. Gabriela Baczynska, Marcin Goettig, Peter Graff, Giles Elgood. Kyiv. Arkivert fra originalen 9. juni 2016. Besøkt 12. februar 2022. «Underscoring Ukraine’s regional divisions, leaders of Russian-speaking eastern provinces loyal to Yanukovich voted to challenge anti-Yanukovich steps by the central parliament.»

  • In First Interview Since Departure, Russia's Former 'Gray Cardinal' Questions Existence Of Ukraine interview gjort av Mike Eckel. 26.02.2020 sitat:And he suggested that Ukrainians historically were upstarts who needed to be restrained by force. "Relations with Ukraine were never simple, even when Ukraine was part of Russia. Ukraine has always been troublesome for the imperial and Soviet bureaucracy," he was quoted as saying. "Forceful coercion for brotherly relations, this is the only method that has historically proven effective when it comes to Ukraine. I do not think that any other will be invented."
  • Sindelar, Daisy (23. februar 2014). «Was Yanukovych's Ouster Constitutional?». Radio Free Europe. Arkivert fra originalen 29. juli 2020. Besøkt 25. februar 2014. «A majority of 328 lawmakers of the 450-seat parliament voted on February 22 to remove Yanukovych from power, citing as grounds his abandoning office and the deaths of more than 80 protesters and police in the past chaotic week of violence.»

  • Andrew, Wilson (23. desember 2021). «Russia and Ukraine: 'One People' as Putin Claims?». Royal United Services Institute. Arkivert fra originalen 24. januar 2022. Besøkt 25. januar 2022. «Putin’s key trope is that Ukrainians and Russians are ‘one people’, and he calls them both ‘Russian’. He starts with a myth of common origin: ‘Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus', which was the largest state in Europe’ from the 9th–13th centuries AD. Here, Putin uses the right word – Rus’ – not the modern word for ‘Russia’, which is Rossiya, a Hellenism only introduced in the 17th century.»

  • Fredrik Fosaas, Jacob Aasland Ravndal og Kurt Dørum. «Antifascisme». Store norske leksikon. «Siden antifascismen eksisterte i kraft av å være en motreaksjon, svant den hen etter de alliertes seier over nazismen og fascismen etter andre verdenskrigs avslutning i 1945. Sovjetunionen benyttet seg imidlertid av antifascismen som et virkemiddel for å skape et kollektivt minne av seieren over nazismen, og fremmet det som en sentral del av den sovjetiske identiteten.» 
  • Cooper, Camilla Guldahl (14. oktober 2021). «Budapest-memorandumet». Store norske leksikon. Besøkt 12. februar 2022. 
  • Jarslett, Yngve (14. november 2019). «Ukrainas forsvar». Store norske leksikon. Besøkt 24. februar 2022.

  • Fischer, Sebastian; Stark, Holger (2. juli 2015). «Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski on Russia and Ukraine - DER SPIEGEL». Der Spiegel (på engelsk). ISSN 2195-1349. Besøkt 12. mars 2022. «We should make it more costly for the Russians to use force. I think it makes sense to give defensive weapons to the Ukrainians, like mortars and anti-tank rockets, for the defense of major cities. If you want to take over a large country, you have to take the big cities. And taking big cities is extremely expensive if people are willing to defend it. (...) Ukraine should be free to choose its political identity, its political philosophy, and institutionalize it by closer links with Europe. But at the same time, Russia should be assured credibly that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. I still think this is the formula for a solution.»

  • Timothy D., Snyder (18. januar 2022). «How to think about war in Ukraine». Thinking about... (newsletter). Arkivert fra originalen 19. januar 2022. Besøkt 25. januar 2021. «Nationality is about the way that people in the present think about the what is to come. If Ukrainians regard themselves as a national community with a future together in a state, then the issue is settled. Historically speaking, the idea that a dictator in another country decides who is a nation and who is not is known as imperialism.»

  • "Russkiy Mir" as the Kremlin’s Quasi-ideology sitat:The Kremlin defines anyone who, according to Vladimir Putin, "speaks and thinks in Russian", as a part of "Russkiy Mir". On such grounds Dmitriy Peskov, the spokesperson of the Russian President, has named Ukraine as a part of "Russkiy Mir" in February 2021. It yet again underlines the expansionist nature of the concept and refusal to agree with the national self-determination of other states.

  • «CIA Director Makes Rare Trip to Moscow for Talks on Russia-US Ties». VOA (på engelsk). 2. november 2021. Besøkt 26. februar 2022. «CIA Director William Burns is making a rare visit to Moscow to discuss U.S.-Russia relations, the latest in a series of high-level contacts that show both sides want to keep talking despite mutual distrust and a long list of disputes.»

  • Zack Beauchamp (24. februar 2022). «Putin’s “Nazi” rhetoric reveals his terrifying war aims in Ukraine». Besøkt 28. mars 2022. «Russian President Vladimir Putin gave his version of an answer in his televised speech Wednesday night, announcing a “special military operation” whose “goal is to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years.” Ultimately: “We will strive for the demilitarization and de-Nazification of Ukraine, as well as bringing to justice those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians.”» 
  • Zack Beauchamp (24. februar 2022). «Putin’s “Nazi” rhetoric reveals his terrifying war aims in Ukraine». «“Ukraine might have remained a sovereign state so long as it had a pro-Putin government,” says Seva Gunitsky, a political scientist at the University of Toronto who studies Russia. “Reuniting the lands formally would probably not have been at the forefront of the agenda if Putin felt he had enough political support from the Ukrainian regime.” [...] How Putin’s worldview helps us understand Russia’s true war aims With this history in mind, it’s possible to make sense of Putin’s seemingly unhinged ranting about genocide and the de-Nazification of Ukraine. For starters, the idea of Ukraine as a Nazi state is deeply rooted in the Russian nationalist narrative. “It goes back to World War II, [when some] Ukrainian partisans took the Nazi side against the Soviets,” Gunitsky explains. “The [new official] narrative in Russia [today] is that these are all neo-Nazis running the show.” Putin is wrapping this history into his basic idea that Ukraine is not and cannot be a legitimate sovereign state. Ukraine, in this view, is not merely a historically Russian territory wrongly severed; it is the inheritor of a neo-Nazi tradition that contributed to untold Russian deaths during World War II. Similarly, Putin’s claims of “genocide” in Ukraine reflect Russian nationalism. Ukraine has a large ethnic Russian population, especially in its East, and many Ukrainians of all ethnicities speak Russian. In Putin’s paranoid telling, these people are not merely rightful Russian citizens wrongfully separated from the motherland; they are potential victims of an ethnic cleansing campaign by the neo-Nazi Ukrainian government. “The formation of an ethnically pure Ukrainian state, aggressive towards Russia, is comparable in its consequences to the use of weapons of mass destruction against us,” as he put it in his 2021 essay. “As a result of such a harsh and artificial division of Russians and Ukrainians, the Russian people in all may decrease by hundreds of thousands or even millions.” There is a small amount of truth in this hyperbole. The Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia, played an important role in fighting Russia’s invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014; since then, it has been integrated into the Ukrainian national guard. Ukraine’s government has pushed to make Ukrainian the country’s dominant language. Many ethnic Russians — though by no means all — would rather live under Moscow than Kyiv. But there is an ocean of difference between these real concerns and hyperbolic claims that Ukraine is a neo-Nazi state committing genocide against ethnic Russians. In Ukraine’s 2019 national election, a far-right political alliance including Azov’s political arm only received 2 percent of the vote. There is no evidence that Zelensky’s government is engaging in large-scale extermination of Russians; no international human rights group nor credible expert has made such a claim.» 
  • Fisher, Max (3. september 2014). «Everything you need to know about the Ukraine crisis». Vox (på engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 22. januar 2022. Besøkt 24. januar 2022. 
  • Jonathan, Guyer (27. januar 2022). «How America's NATO expansion obsession plays into the Ukraine crisis». Vox. «Ukraine is a former Soviet republic. It isn’t joining NATO anytime soon, and President Joe Biden has said as much. Still, NATO’s open-door policy — the alliance’s foundational principle that any qualified European country could join — cuts both ways. To the West, it’s a statement of autonomy; to Russia, it’s a threat. The core of the NATO treaty is Article 5, a commitment that an attack on any country is treated as an attack on the entire alliance — meaning any Russian military engagement with a hypothetical NATO-member Ukraine would theoretically bring Moscow into conflict with the US, the UK, France, and the 27 other NATO members.»

  • «South Ossetia recognises independence of Donetsk People's Republic». Information Telegraph Agency of Russia. 27. juni 2014. Arkivert fra originalen 17. november 2016. Besøkt 11. februar 2022. 
  • «South Ossetia recognises independence of Donetsk People's Republic». Information Telegraph Agency of Russia. 27. juni 2014. Arkivert fra originalen 17. november 2016. Besøkt 11. februar 2022. 
  • «US small arms and ammo arrive in Ukraine as Pentagon details troops to train country's military». CNN. Arkivert fra originalen 9. desember 2021. Besøkt 11. desember 2021. 
  • Mykola, Bielieskov (21. september 2021). «The Russian and Ukrainian Spring 2021 War Scare» (på engelsk). Center for Strategic and International Studies. Arkivert fra originalen 25. november 2021. Besøkt 22. januar 2022. «Ukrainian estimates provided to the OSCE in June 2021 show that only 12,000 Russian forces were removed from the border, and the rest remain in place. As a result, the number of troops remaining is more or less the number of troops that was at the border before the exercise.» 
  • Address by the President of the Russian Federation arkivert av Tale av presidenten i den Russiske Føderasjon Vladimir Putin, 21 Februar 2022. sitat:It should be noted that Ukraine actually never had stable traditions of real statehood. And, therefore, in 1991 it opted for mindlessly emulating foreign models, which have no relation to history or Ukrainian realities. Political government institutions were readjusted many times to the rapidly growing clans and their self-serving interests, which had nothing to do with the interests of the Ukrainian people. (...) In this regard, I consider it necessary to take a long overdue decision and to immediately recognise the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic. I would like to ask the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to support this decision and then ratify the Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance with both republics. These two documents will be prepared and signed shortly.
  • Kozlowska, Hanna. «The Fascists are coming, the Fascists are coming!». Foreign Policy. D.C. Arkivert fra originalen 27. november 2014. Besøkt 28. februar 2022. «Experts agree that the group owes its popularity to Russian propaganda … painting [it] as a powerful neo-Nazi force determined to take over Ukraine. According to a survey by an online database of Russian media sources, Right Sector was the second-most mentioned political group in Russian mass media in 2014…» 
  • «Putin to mull options if West refuses guarantees on Ukraine». Associated Press (på engelsk). 26. desember 2021. Arkivert fra originalen 22. januar 2022. Besøkt 21. januar 2022. 
  • Gongloff, Mark (13. januar 2022). «Putin Launches an Unwelcome Cold War Reboot». Bloomberg L.P. Arkivert fra originalen 21. januar 2022. Besøkt 21. januar 2022. 
  • Transcript of a speech by the Deputy Head Arkivert 8. desember 2006 hos Wayback Machine. of the Administration of the President of Russia, aide to the president of the Russian Federation, Vladislav Surkov for the centre of partisan study and preparation of the staff of "United Russian", 7 February 2006. Arkivert 12 februar 2008 hos Wayback Machine
  • Iulian, Chifu (2009). «Russia–Georgia War of August 2008: Ukrainian Approach» (PDF). The Russian Georgian War: A trilateral cognitive institutional approach of the crisis decision-making process. București: Editura Curtea Veche. s. 181. ISBN 978-973-1983-19-6. Arkivert (PDF) fra originalen 30. september 2018. Besøkt 21. februar 2016. «Conceptually, Russia sees Ukraine within the sphere of own “privileged interests”; in fact, it means a modernized version of Brezhnev’s doctrine of “limited sovereignty”, realized after the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. The strategic vision of the Kremlin foresees that the sovereignty of Ukraine (and other states that do not belong to Russia’s sphere of “privileged interests”) can not be significantly wider than that of the members of Warsaw Pact prior to the collapse of “the socialist camp”. Correspondingly, the political approach of Russia towards Ukraine is built.» 
  • «Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached». Al Jazeera. 22. februar 2014. Arkivert fra originalen 6. februar 2015. Besøkt 25. februar 2015. 
  • Sindelar, Daisy (23. februar 2014). «Was Yanukovych's Ouster Constitutional?». Radio Free Europe. Arkivert fra originalen 29. juli 2020. Besøkt 25. februar 2014. «A majority of 328 lawmakers of the 450-seat parliament voted on February 22 to remove Yanukovych from power, citing as grounds his abandoning office and the deaths of more than 80 protesters and police in the past chaotic week of violence.» 
  • Polityuk, Pavel; Robinson, Matt (22. februar 2014). Roche, red. «Ukraine parliament removes Yanukovich, who flees Kiev in "coup"». Reuters. Gabriela Baczynska, Marcin Goettig, Peter Graff, Giles Elgood. Kyiv. Arkivert fra originalen 9. juni 2016. Besøkt 12. februar 2022. «Underscoring Ukraine’s regional divisions, leaders of Russian-speaking eastern provinces loyal to Yanukovich voted to challenge anti-Yanukovich steps by the central parliament.» 
  • Fisher, Max (3. september 2014). «Everything you need to know about the Ukraine crisis». Vox (på engelsk). Arkivert fra originalen 22. januar 2022. Besøkt 24. januar 2022. 
  • Ragozin, Leonid. «Annexation of Crimea: A masterclass in political manipulation» (på engelsk). Riga: Al Jazeera. Arkivert fra originalen 28. mai 2020. Besøkt 24. januar 2022. «Putin framed the invasion and eventual annexation of Crimea as an act of salvation rather than a clear violation of international law and turned a revolution which could have marked the end of his rule into a much-needed popularity booster – the wave of chauvinism triggered by the annexation of Crimea sent Putin’s approval ratings to an unbelievable 89 percent, while sidelining the opposition and giving him another five years of relatively trouble-free time at home.» 
  • Vladimir, Putin (12. juli 2021). «Article by Vladimir Putin 'On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians'». The Kremlin. Arkivert fra originalen 25. januar 2021. «During the recent Direct Line, when I was asked about Russian-Ukrainian relations, I said that Russians and Ukrainians were one people – a single whole. These words were not driven by some short-term considerations or prompted by the current political context. It is what I have said on numerous occasions and what I firmly believe. I therefore feel it necessary to explain my position in detail and share my assessments of today's situation.» 
  • Timothy D., Snyder (18. januar 2022). «How to think about war in Ukraine». Thinking about... (newsletter). Arkivert fra originalen 19. januar 2022. Besøkt 25. januar 2021. «Nationality is about the way that people in the present think about the what is to come. If Ukrainians regard themselves as a national community with a future together in a state, then the issue is settled. Historically speaking, the idea that a dictator in another country decides who is a nation and who is not is known as imperialism.» 
  • Edward, Lucas (15. september 2020). «Why Putin's history essay requires a rewrite». The Times. Arkivert fra originalen 25. januar 2022. Besøkt 25. januar 2022. 
  • Andrew, Roth (7. desember 2021). «Putin's Ukraine rhetoric driven by distorted view of neighbour». The Guardian. Moskva. Arkivert fra originalen 7. desember 2021. Besøkt 25. januar 2021. «Putin has threatened a broader war in Ukraine over Nato enlargement, demanding “legal guarantees” to ensure Ukraine does not join the military alliance or become a kind of “unofficial” member hosting troops or defence infrastructure. But that fear has gone hand-in-hand with chauvinistic bluster that indicates Moscow has a distorted view of modern Ukraine and the goals it wants to achieve there.» 
  • Peter, Dickinson; Melinda, Haring; Danylo, Lubkivsky; Alexander, Motyl; Brian, Whitmore; Oleksiy, Gontsjarenko; Jevhen, Fedtsjenko; Brian, Bonner; Taras, Kuzio (15. juli 2021). «Putin's new Ukraine essay reveals imperial ambitions». Atlantic Council. Arkivert fra originalen 15. juli 2021. Besøkt 25. januar 2021. «Vladimir Putin’s inaccurate and distorted claims are neither new nor surprising. They are just the latest example of gaslighting by the Kremlin leader. This, after all, is the man who famously told US President George W. Bush that Ukraine was not a real country during a widely reported exchange at the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest. Putin’s claim that the “true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia” is grotesquely disingenuous. For Ukraine, partnership with Russia has mainly meant subjugation by Russia.» 
  • Andrew, Wilson (23. desember 2021). «Russia and Ukraine: 'One People' as Putin Claims?». Royal United Services Institute. Arkivert fra originalen 24. januar 2022. Besøkt 25. januar 2022. «Putin’s key trope is that Ukrainians and Russians are ‘one people’, and he calls them both ‘Russian’. He starts with a myth of common origin: ‘Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus', which was the largest state in Europe’ from the 9th–13th centuries AD. Here, Putin uses the right word – Rus’ – not the modern word for ‘Russia’, which is Rossiya, a Hellenism only introduced in the 17th century.» 
  • Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics Dunlop, John B Demokratizatsiya 12.1 2004. fra archive/GWASHU_DEMO_12_1/John Dunlop Aleksandr Dugin's Foundations of Geopolitics.pdf original sitat:On the key question of Ukraine, Dugin underlines: "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning. It has no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness" (377). "Ukraine as an independent state with certain territorial ambitions," he warns, "represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics" (348). And he adds that, "[T]he independent existence of Ukraine (especially within its present borders) can make sense only as a 'sanitary cordon'" (379). However, as we have seen, for Dugin all such "sanitary cordons" are inadmissible. Dugin speculates that three extreme western regions of Ukraine--Volynia, Galicia, and Trans-Carpathia--heavily populated with Uniates and other Catholics, could be permitted to form an independent "Western Ukrainian Federation." But this area must not under any circumstances be permitted to fall under Atlanticist control (382). With the exception of these three western regions, Ukraine, like Belorussia, is seen as an integral part of Eurasia-Russia.
  • Matthew, Lee; Lorne, Cook (7. januar 2022). «US, NATO rule out halt to expansion, reject Russian demands». AP News (på engelsk). Associated Press. Arkivert fra originalen 24. januar 2022. Besøkt 24. januar 2022. «Their comments amounted to a complete dismissal of a key part of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s demands for easing tensions with Ukraine. Putin wants NATO to halt membership plans for all countries, including Ukraine. The former Soviet republic is unlikely to join the alliance in the foreseeable future, but NATO nations won’t rule it out.»

  • On the historical unity of russians and ukrainians Vladimir Putin. 2021. attribute etter original sitat:Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are all descendants of Ancient Rus, which was the largest state in Europe. Slavic and other tribes across the vast territory - from Ladoga, Novgorod, and Pskov to Kiev and Chernigov - were bound together by one language (which we now refer to as Old Russian), economic ties, the rule of the princes of the Rurik dynasty, and - after the baptism of Rus - the Orthodox faith. The spiritual choice made by St. Vladimir, who was both Prince of Novgorod and Grand Prince of Kiev, still largely determines our affinity today.

  • Strobel, Warren P. (7. desember 2021). «CIA Chief Says Intelligence Agencies Haven’t Concluded Russia Will Invade Ukraine». Wall Street Journal (på engelsk). ISSN 0099-9660. Besøkt 26. februar 2022. «U. S. intelligence agencies haven’t concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin will invade Ukraine, but he has assembled military forces that “could act in a very sweeping way” and may see an opportunity to move this winter,» 
  • Michael R. Gordon, Bojan Pancevski, Noemie Bisserbe og Marcus Walker (1. april 2022). «Vladimir Putin’s 20-Year March to War in Ukraine—and How the West Mishandled It». The Wall Street Journal. Besøkt 21. juli 2022. «“He then became a fervent nationalist,” said Mr. Heusgen. “His great anxiety was that Ukraine could become economically and politically successful and that the Russians would eventually ask themselves ‘Why are our brothers doing so well, while our situation remains dire?’ ”»