«Columbia University - Asia for Educators». The Opium War and Foreign Encroachment. Besøkt 9. april 2023. «The British did all they could to increase the trade: They bribed officials, helped the Chinese work out elaborate smuggling schemes to get the opium into China's interior, and distributed free samples of the drug to innocent victims.»
«United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)»(PDF). UNODC World Drug Report 2008. Besøkt 9. april 2023. «Opium use spread rapidly along the coastal areas of China in the 17th century, and the first wide-scale opium addiction problem was detected in the port of Amoy (Xiamen) in Formosa (Taiwan) in 1683. In response to rising addiction levels, Chinese emperor Yongzheng issued a decree banning the import and sale of opium in 1729. Following the first edict of 1729 and the edict of 1799, the Chinese Emperor decreed even stricter laws against the importation and sale of opium in both 1814 and 1831.»