AaronA.SmithAaronA., Laurie Segall and StacyL.S.S.CowleyLaurie Segall and StacyL.S.S., Facebook reaches one billion users [online], CNNMoney, 4 października 2012 [dostęp 2024-08-17].
Facebook is failing its black employees and its black users [online], web.archive.org, 27 listopada 2018 [dostęp 2024-10-04] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2018-11-27], Cytat: „Efforts that promote inclusion, not just diversity, are being halted at the managerial level”(ang.).
TomT.HodgkinsonTomT., With friends like these ... [online], the Guardian, 13 stycznia 2008 [dostęp 2024-10-02], Cytat: 46,000 users felt that this level of advertising was intrusive, and signed a petition called „Facebook! Stop invading my privacy!” to say so.(ang.).
Facebook is failing its black employees and its black users [online], web.archive.org, 27 listopada 2018 [dostęp 2024-10-04] [zarchiwizowane z adresu 2018-11-27], Cytat: „Efforts that promote inclusion, not just diversity, are being halted at the managerial level”(ang.).