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Paul Shorey, The Unity of Plato’s Thought, Chicago 1903; Paul Shorey, What Plato Said Chicago 1933; Paul Shorey, Platonism, Ancient and Modern, Berkeley 1938.
Leo Strauss, On Plato’s Republic, w: The City and Man, Chicago 1964; Leo Strauss, Plato, w: An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays, 1989; Leo Strauss, Plato’s Republic, 1957; Leo Strauss, Platon, w: Leo Strauss, John Cropsey (red.), Historia filozofii politycznej, Warszawa 2010; Leo Strauss, Sokrates i Arystofanes, Warszawa 2018; Catherine Zuckert, Strauss’s Way Back to Plato, w: Postmodern Platos: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss, Derrida, Chicago and London 1996; Leo Strauss Center: Audio & Transcripts.
Artur Pacewicz, Koncepcja przyjemności w filozofii Platona, Wrocław 2016; Artur Pacewicz, Między Dobrem a Jednością. Związek Dobra i Jedna w filozofii Platona, Wrocław 2004.
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Allan Bloom, Plato’s Philosopher-King; Allan Bloom, Response to Hall; Allan Bloom, Lectures on Socrates, 1983; The Republic of Plato (translated with notes and an interpretive essay, New York 1968; Plato’s Symposium: A translation by Seth Benardete with commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete, Chicago 2001.
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Leo Strauss, On Plato’s Republic, w: The City and Man, Chicago 1964; Leo Strauss, Plato, w: An Introduction to Political Philosophy: Ten Essays, 1989; Leo Strauss, Plato’s Republic, 1957; Leo Strauss, Platon, w: Leo Strauss, John Cropsey (red.), Historia filozofii politycznej, Warszawa 2010; Leo Strauss, Sokrates i Arystofanes, Warszawa 2018; Catherine Zuckert, Strauss’s Way Back to Plato, w: Postmodern Platos: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss, Derrida, Chicago and London 1996; Leo Strauss Center: Audio & Transcripts.
Allan Bloom, Plato’s Philosopher-King; Allan Bloom, Response to Hall; Allan Bloom, Lectures on Socrates, 1983; The Republic of Plato (translated with notes and an interpretive essay, New York 1968; Plato’s Symposium: A translation by Seth Benardete with commentaries by Allan Bloom and Seth Benardete, Chicago 2001.
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Gilles Deleuze, Plato and the Simulacrum, 1983; Gilles Deleuze, Różnica i Powtórzenie, Warszawa 1997; Gilles Deleuze, Logika sensu, Warszawa 2011; James Brusseau, Isolated Experiences: Gilles Deleuze and the Solitudes of Reversed Platonism, Albany 1998; John Sellars, Gilles Deleuze and the History of Philosophy, 2007; Michael James Bennett, Deleuze and Ancient Greek Physics: The Image of Nature, London 2017; Valeria Sonna Correiro, Gilles Deleuze’s critical reception of Platonism.
Krzysztof Maurin, Plato’s cave parable and the development of modern physics, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Politec. Torino 40 (1982), s. 1–31; Krzysztof Maurin, The Riemann Legacy: Riemannian Ideas in Mathematics and Physics, Dodrecht 1997, s. xix.
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SlavojS.ŽižekSlavojS., FrankF.RudaFrankF., AgonA.HamzaAgonA., Reading Marx, Polity Press, 2018, ISBN 978-1-5095-2144-9, OCLC1045037782 [dostęp 2019-09-28]. Brak numerów stron w książce
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Ryszard Legutko, Spór o Platona, Znak nr 5 (408) / 1989; Ryszard Legutko, Krytyka demokracji w filozofii politycznej Platona, Kraków 1990.
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