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Rankin, S.; Barlow, J. (2005). «Source of the North Pacific "boing" sound attributed to minke whales"». Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118 (5): 3346–3351. Bibcode:2005ASAJ..118.3346R. PMID16334704. doi:10.1121/1.2046747
Zerbini, A. N.; Waite, J. M.; Laake, J. L.; Wade, P. R. (2006). «Abundance, trends and distribution of baleen whales off Western Alaska and the central Aleutian Islands». Deep-Sea Research. 53 (11): 1772–1790. Bibcode:2006DSRI...53.1772Z. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2006.08.009
Árnason, Ú.; Gullberg, A.; Widegren, B. (1993). «Cetacean mitochondrial DNA control region: sequences of all extant baleen whales and two sperm whale species». Molecular Biology and Evolution. 10 (5): 960–970. PMID8412655. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a040061
Pastene, L. A.; Goto, M.; Kanda, N.; Zerbini, A. N.; Kerem, D. A. N.; Watanabe, K.; Bessho, Y.; Hasegawa, M; Nielsen, R.; Larsen, F.; Palsböll, P. J. (2007). «Radiation and speciation of pelagic organisms during periods of global warming: the case of the common minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata». Molecular Ecology. 16 (7): 1481–1495. PMID17391271. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294x.2007.03244.x
Rankin, S.; Barlow, J. (2005). «Source of the North Pacific "boing" sound attributed to minke whales"». Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 118 (5): 3346–3351. Bibcode:2005ASAJ..118.3346R. PMID16334704. doi:10.1121/1.2046747
Nichols, O. C.; Tscherter, U. T. (2010). «Feeding of sea lampreys Petromyzon marinus on minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata in the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada». Journal of Fish Biology. 78 (1): 338–343. PMID21235565. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2010.02842.x
Skaug, H. J.; Øien, N.; Schweder, T.; Bøthun, G. (2004). «Abundance of minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in the Northeast Atlantic: variability in time and space». Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 61 (6): 870–886. CiteSeerX10. doi:10.1139/f04-020