«Are two condoms better than one?». Go Ask Alice!. Columbia University. 21 de janeiro de 2005. Consultado em 30 de junho de 2008. Arquivado do original em 19 de Julho de 2008
Hogewoning 2003. Hogewoning, Cornelis J; Bleeker, MC; van den Bruler, AJ; Voorhorst, Feja J; Snijders, Peter JF; Berkhof, Johannes; Westenend, Pieter J; Meijer, Chris JLM (2003). «Condom use Promotes the Regression of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Clearance of HPV: Randomized Clinical Trial». International Journal of Cancer. 107 (5): 811–816. PMID14566832. doi:10.1002/ijc.11474A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
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Altkofer, W; Braune, S; Ellendt, K; Kettl-Grömminger, M; Steiner, G (2005). «Migration of nitrosamines from rubber products—are balloons and condoms harmful to the human health?». Mol Nutr Food Res. 49 (3): 235–8. PMID15672455. doi:10.1002/mnfr.200400050 !CS1 manut: Nomes múltiplos: lista de autores (link)
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