ReactOS (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ReactOS" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
1st place
1st place
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8,288th place
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low place
low place
low place
7,616th place
383rd place
814th place
766th place
4,459th place
66th place
397th place
1,060th place
1,040th place
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87th place
24th place
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5,765th place
2,429th place
2,071st place
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low place
1,317th place
1,046th place
2,697th place
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  • Schwartz, Mathew (12 de novembro de 2001). «Reverse-Engineering» [Engenharia Reversa] (em inglês). Consultado em 1 de novembro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 8 de agosto de 2019. To protect against charges of having simply (and illegally) copied IBM's BIOS, Phoenix reverse-engineered it using what's called a ‘clean room’, or ‘Chinese wall’, approach. First, a team of engineers studied the IBM BIOS—about 8KB of code—and described everything it did as completely as possible without using or referencing any actual code. Then Phoenix brought in a second team of programmers who had no prior knowledge of the IBM BIOS and had never seen its code. Working only from the first team's functional specifications, the second team wrote a new BIOS that operated as specified.

  • Sugar, David (31 de janeiro de 2006). «A reaction to ReactOS» [Uma reação ao ReactOS] (em inglês). Free Software Magazine. Consultado em 11 de dezembro de 2009. Cópia arquivada em 22 de janeiro de 2009. For those who wish to write such software, or to create portable applications that they may wish to later migrate to other platforms, it is essential to be able to target a clean and generic reference implementation of the Microsoft framework, freed from secret and undocumented behaviors.
    Microsoft offers no such thing today — besides the lack of proper interface documentation, many of their own development tools depend on and offer libraries which use undocumented or secret API calls that are then built into applications. This is well illustrated in the difficulty Wine has with running applications, even those that were created purely within ‘standard’ Microsoft development tools and not using odd behaviors or undocumented functions on their own.
    We can think of ReactOS, then, as the ‘Microsoft Windows documentation project’.
  • Hancock, Terry (29 de agosto de 2008). «What if copyright didn't apply to binary executables?» [E se o direito autoral não se aplicasse aos binários executáveis?] (em inglês). Free Software Magazine. Consultado em 1 de novembro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 11 de março de 2012. (…) ReactOS aims to run actual Windows binary executable programs. This means that ReactOS must implement the entire Windows environment. Functions must do exactly what their Windows counterparts would do. In other words, like our notional parallel stew recipes, ReactOS and Windows should be functionally identical. In order to avoid copyright prosecution, though, ReactOS must be expressly completely distinct and non-derivative from Windows. This is a careful tightrope walk! ReactOS is a free, clean room re-implemented drop-in replacement for Windows. So, consider this, especially regarding extremely simple library calls: is it legal for ReactOS to produce identical binary code to Windows?

  • Loschwitz, Martin (março de 2004), «Projects on the Move» (PDF), Linux Magazine, p. 87, consultado em 18 de novembro de 2009, arquivado do original (PDF) em 19 de maio de 2011, ReactOS is an effort to re-create the WindowsNT platform, in an open source sense (GPL). The team works towards source compatibility with NT's applications and drivers by re-creating the Microsoft APIs.

  • Royal, Simon (16 de fevereiro de 2014). «ReactOS: A Windows Compatible Alternative OS» [ReactOS: Um SO Alternativo Compatível com Windows]. (em inglês). Consultado em 15 de outubro de 2020. Cópia arquivada em 7 de março de 2014. (…) this is still a very early alpha version. The developers do not claim it is stable or the ability to operate as your main OS and clearly state it is ‘recommended only for evaluation and testing purposes’.
    While the main core of ReactOS is built from scratch, it has some dependencies on existing software and protocols. It uses parts of Wine, networking in the form of lwIP, USB from Haiku, as well as FreeType, Mesa3D, and UniATA.

  • Vincent, Brian (15 de maio de 2004). «Interview with Steven Edwards» [Entrevista com Steven Edwards]. (em inglês). Consultado em 6 de janeiro de 2016. Cópia arquivada em 12 de julho de 2018. BV: Wine and ReactOS have had a mutually beneficial relationship. (…) BV: You guys have certainly contributed a lot of your work back to Wine, including some of the utilities you've written. For instance, the task manager was recently ported from ReactOS. Do you guys have any plans in the works for developing more tools? Steven: I really want to see a solitaire clone make it in to Wine and ReactOS. (…) At some point we are going to have to develop replacement components for everything in Windows so if there is a program that Wine needs and ReactOS implements it then I will try to make sure it's released under a compatible license. 
  • Vincent, Brian (25 de maio de 2004). «Interview with Steven Edwards» [Entrevista com Steven Edwards]. (em inglês). Consultado em 4 de agosto de 2018. Cópia arquivada em 16 de dezembro de 2012. BV: You guys have certainly contributed a lot of your work back to Wine, including some of the utilities you've written. For instance, the task manager was recently ported from ReactOS.