Setor Direito (Portuguese Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Setor Direito" in Portuguese language version.

Global rank Portuguese rank
1st place
1st place
20th place
25th place
low place
low place
636th place
4,579th place
61st place
99th place
4,564th place
low place
7th place
14th place
34th place
86th place
210th place
445th place
66th place
397th place
1,596th place
2,042nd place
196th place
3,589th place
2,072nd place
low place
4,375th place
6,049th place
2,952nd place
1,013th place
low place
low place
2,967th place
91st place
740th place
12th place
62nd place
2nd place
1,367th place
1,092nd place
7,167th place
3,061st place
low place
low place
201st place
1,314th place
269th place
490th place
4,788th place
8,175th place
2,267th place
low place
7,717th place
186th place
9th place
39th place
121st place
131st place
330th place
774th place
1,948th place
3,656th place
1,780th place
717th place
699th place
926th place
1,602nd place
2,890th place
1,021st place
640th place
1,754th place
3,323rd place
79th place
212th place
18th place
51st place
2,088th place
3,670th place
low place
low place

  • Danilova, Maria (14 de março de 2014). «After Ukraine protest, radical group eyes power». Associated Press. The radical ultranationalist group … [has been] demonized by Russian state propaganda as fascists and accused of staging attacks against Russian speakers and Jews.… The AP and other international news organizations have found no evidence of hate crimes. 
  • Pemble, Adam; Leonard, Peter (25 de março de 2014). «Busloads of Ukrainian troops leave Crimea». Associated Press. Russian state television … has regularly aired lurid reports on Muzychko’s antics as part of what media analysts say is a sustained effort to undermine the government…

  • Chazan, Guy (1 de agosto de 2014). «Ukrainian volunteer fighters with a luxurious seaside residence». Financial Times. London. Azov was created in March by the Social National Assembly…. Azov was granted official status as a volunteer battalion…. [It] stormed the rebels’ barricades, seizing control…. Since then, its main role has been to keep an eye on Mariupol and patrol the Azov coastline, preventing arms smuggling from Russia. 
  • Olearchyk, Roman (26 de fevereiro de 2014). «Arseniy Yatseniuk poised to become Ukraine prime minister». Financial Times. Consultado em 27 de fevereiro de 2014. In a bid to appease protesters demanding an end to government corruption, Mr Yatseniuk’s cabinet will have civic activists to oversee it.… Victoria Siumar, a civil society activist, and Dmytro Yarosh, head of Right Sector, a militant protest group, were proposed as [Yatseniuk’s] deputies.

  • Way, Lucan (julho de 2014). «Civil Society and Democratization». Journal of Democracy. 25 (3). It was only after the start of the protests that various small parties and factions of the far right joined to form Right Sector, which came to the fore in the second half of January, when protests turned violent… Democracy is most directly undermined by the numerous associations promoting violence that emerged during the protests. Such associations include the Right Sector’s paramilitary formations and the “heavenly hundreds” that arose to fight the police and the pro-Russian titushki or vigilante groups created to harass protesters. Also problematic are the “ultras,” groups of hardcore soccer fans that began providing protection for anti-Yanukovych protesters in January. By promoting vigilante violence outside state control, such groups directly threaten democratic development. They facilitate state breakdown and bloody patterns of aggression and retribution, making civil war much more likely.

  • Andreas Umland; Anton Shekhovtsov (julho de 2014). «Ukraine's Radical Right». Journal of Democracy. 25 (3): 59–60. Consultado em 21 de julho de 2014. Along with Svoboda, the other far-right movement that was a prominent presence on the Maidan was the more diverse, less studied, and now notorious fringe organization that calls itself Pravy Sektor (Right Sector)…. That alliance came into being in late November 2013 as a loose collection of extraparliamentary minigroups from an ultraconservative and partly neo-Nazi fringe. They had names such as the Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization “Trident” (a moniker meant to combine the memory of a controversial nationalist leader who died in 1959 with the three-pronged heraldic symbol of Ukraine), the Ukrainian National Assembly, the Social-National Assembly, and White Hammer. Their purpose in banding together was to fight Yanukovych’s regime by force.

  • Dreyfus, Emmanuel (2 de março de 2014). «Ukraine Beyond Politics». Le Monde Diplomatique. Consultado em 6 de março de 2014. Pravy Sektor defines itself as “neither xenophobic nor anti-Semitic, as Kremlin propaganda claims” and above all as “nationalist, defending the values of white, Christian Europe against the loss of the nation and deregionalisation”. Like Svoboda, it rejects multiculturalism… Svoboda’s success over the past few years and the presence of neo-fascist groups such as Pravy Sektor in Independence Square are signs of a crisis in Ukrainian society. It is first and foremost a crisis of identity: in 22 years of independence, Ukraine has not managed to develop an unbiased historical narrative presenting a positive view of all its regions and citizens: even today, the Ukrainians are seen as liberators in Galicia but as fascists in Donbass. Tradução: O Pravy Sektor se define como "nem xenófobo, nem antissemita, como afirma a propaganda do Kremlin" e, acima de tudo, como "nacionalista, defendendo os valores da Europa branca e cristã contra a perda da nação e a desregionalização". Como o Svoboda, ele rejeita o multiculturalismo... O sucesso do Svoboda nos últimos anos e a presença de grupos neofascistas como o Pravy Sektor na Praça da Independência são sinais de uma crise na sociedade ucraniana. É, antes de tudo, uma crise de identidade: em 22 anos de independência, a Ucrânia não conseguiu desenvolver uma narrativa histórica imparcial que apresentasse uma visão positiva de todas as suas regiões e cidadãos: ainda hoje, os ucranianos são vistos como libertadores na Galícia, mas como fascistas na região da Donbass

  • Nemtsova, Anna (19 de março de 2014). «Yarosh: Russians, rise up against Putin!». Newsweek. Yarosh: ‘I cannot give you the exact number, as our structure and divisions are constantly growing all over Ukraine, but more than 10,000 people for sure… We received some U.S. dollars from the Ukrainian diaspora.’

  • «Notorious Ukrainian nationalist militant shot dead in police raid». RT. TV-Novosti. 26 de março de 2014. A former senior official at the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) told [Russian News & Information Agency] that the objective of the operation – carried out by SBU with the help of the Interior Ministry – was to kill Muzychko, rather than to detain him.

  • Shuster, Simon (4 de fevereiro de 2014). «Exclusive: Leader of far-right Ukrainian militant group talks revolution with TIME». Time. Pravy Sektor has amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons.… Its fighters control the barricades around the protest camp … and when riot police have tried to tear it down, they have been on the front lines beating them back…. [Its] ideology borders on fascism….Tradução: O Pravy Sektor acumulou um arsenal letal de armas[...] Seus combatentes controlam as barricadas em torno do acampamento de protesto[...] e quando a polícia de choque tentou desmontá-lo, eles ficaram na linha de frente, enfrentando-a... [Sua] ideologia beira o fascismo.... 
  • Shuster, Simon (1 de março de 2014). «Many Ukrainians want Russia to invade». Time. Shkiryak, a revolutionary lawmaker involved in the negotiations over Yarosh’s role in the government, says the right-wing militant … was offered the role of deputy head of the National Security Council, but rejected it as beneath him.

  • Shuster, Simon (21 de fevereiro de 2014). «Ukraine parliament's deal leads to an uneasy peace». Time. Troops from Pravy Sektor then went on a reconnaissance mission … looking for things to reinforce their barricades…. One … still wore a green army helmet and a policeman’s baton stuck into her backpack…. "I didn’t get into this for politics," she said. "I’m a radical. I joined up to fight." Tradução: Tropas do Pravy Sektor saíram então em uma missão de reconhecimento ... procurando coisas para reforçar suas barricadas... Uma delas ... ainda usava um capacete verde do exército e um cassetete de policial preso a sua mochila... "Não entrei nisso por causa de política", disse ela. "Sou uma radical. Eu me alistei para lutar."

  • «Donbas battalion loses 4 in Ilovaisk assault». Kiev. Ukrinform. 11 de agosto de 2014. The anti-terrorist operation (ATO) forces … began to storm pro-Russian militants entrenched in Ilovaisk…. The assault began with the participation of the volunteer battalions Donbas, Azov, Shakhtarsk, and the Right Sector, … in conjunction with the ATO forces. 
  • «Right Sector ready to send 5,000 people to east». Kiev. Ukrinform. 19 de julho de 2014. Press Secretary … Skoropadsky said … ‘We came to support actions of the President on holding the ATO [anti-terrorist operation]. But actually it is not well held. I saw that the volunteer battalions lack weapons. This is the most important requirement.’

  • «The radical Ukrainian group Right Sector». Die Welt. 22 de fevereiro de 2014. Right Sector (Pravy Sektor) is an informal association of radical right-wing and neofascist splinter groups. Tradução: O Setor Direito (Pravy Sektor) é uma associação informal de grupos dissidentes de direita radical e neofascistas.

  • Andriy Pastushenko, durante entrevista coletiva à imprensa (10 de abril de 2014). «Про початок Майдану і Правого Сектору» [sobre o início do Maidan e o Setor Direito] (video) (em ucraniano). Maidan Press Center, Kiev. Começou a chover e era compreensível que a polícia entrasse em pânico até pelo simples movimento de armar tendas. As garotas tentaram desembrulhar o mesmo oleado de sempre, e a polícia imediatamente se agitou ... Então Volodya Stretovych, falando do palanque, gritou pelo microfone: "Rapazes nacionalistas, segurem o setor direito, protejam o lado direito!"