Traducere a Oświadczenie Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 12 maja 1995 r. w sprawie uczczenia 60 rocznicy śmierci Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego. (M.P.(d) z dnia 24 maja 1995 r.). Pentru originalul în limba polonă online, accesați această legătură.
Held 1992, p. 249. Held, Joseph (). The Columbia History of Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN978-0-231-07697-5.
Davies 2005, p. 40. Davies, Norman () [1981]. God's Playground: A History of Poland in Two Volumes, vol. 2: 1795 to the Present. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-925340-1.
Grant 1999, p. 114. Grant, Thomas D. (). The Recognition of States: Law and Practice in Debate and Evolution. Londra: Praeger. ISBN978-0-275-96350-7.
Boemeke et al. 1998, p. 314. Boemeke, Manfred F.; Feldman, Gerald D.; Glaser, Elisabeth (). The Treaty of Versailles: A Reassessment After 75 Years. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-62132-8.
Cisek 2002, pp. 140–141. Cisek, Janusz (). Kościuszko, We Are Here: American Pilots of the Kościuszko Squadron in Defense of Poland, 1919–1921. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company. ISBN978-0-7864-1240-2.
Stachura 2004, p. 79. Stachura, Peter D. (). Poland, 1918–1945: An Interpretive and Documentary History of the Second Republic. Londra; New York: Routledge. ISBN978-0-415-34358-9.
Anatol Lieven, The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence, Yale University Press, 1993, ISBN 978-0-300-06078-2, p.163
Barbara Engelking-Boni, Barbara Engelking, Gunnar S. Paulsson, Emma Harris, Holocaust and Memory: The Experience of the Holocaust and Its Consequences: an Investigation Based on Personal Narratives, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2001, ISBN 978-0-7185-0159-4, p.175
Edward H. Flannery, The Anguish of the Jews: Twenty-Three Centuries of Antisemitism, Paulist Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0-8091-4324-5, p.200
Joshua D. Zimmerman, Contested Memories: Poles and Jews During the Holocaust and Its Aftermath, Rutgers University Press, 2003, ISBN 978-0-8135-3158-8, p.19
Prizel 1998, p. 71. Prizel, Ilya (). National Identity and Foreign Policy: Nationalism and Leadership in Poland, Russia and Ukraine. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-57697-0.
Kipp 1993, p. 95. Kipp, Jacob (ed.) (). Central European Security Concerns: Bridge, Buffer, Or Barrier?. Londra; Portland, Ore.: F. Cass. ISBN978-0-7146-4545-2.Mentenanță CS1: Text în plus: lista autorilor (link)
Hehn 2005, p. 76. Hehn, Paul N. (). A Low Dishonest Decade: The Great Powers, Eastern Europe, and the Economic Origins of World War II, 1930–1941. New York; London: Continuum. ISBN978-0-8264-1761-9.
Roshwald 2002, p. 60. Roshwald, Aviel; Stites, Richard (). European Culture in the Great War: The Arts, Entertainment and Propaganda, 1914–1918. Cambridge, U.K.; New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-01324-6.
Lawrynowicz, Witold. „Battle of Warsaw 1920”. Polish Militaria Collector's Association in memory of Andrzej Zaremba. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în .
Matuszak 2006, p. 12. Matuszak, Tomasz (). „Epilog Legionów”. Historia Rzeczpospolitej: Zwycięstwa oręża polskiego (în polonă). Rzeczpospolita, Mówią Wieki, Muzeum Wojska Polskiego (16/20–"Historia bitew: Bitwa pod Kostiuchnówką").Mentenanță CS1: Limbă nerecunoscută (link) [nefuncțională]
Lawrynowicz, Witold. „Battle of Warsaw 1920”. Polish Militaria Collector's Association in memory of Andrzej Zaremba. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în .
See Lenin's speech, English translation quoted from Pipes 1993, pp. 181–182, with some stylistic modification in paragraph 3, line 3, by Anna M. Cienciala(d). This document was first published in a Russian historical periodical, Artizov, Andrey; Usov, R.A. (). „"Я прошу записывать меньше: это не должно попадать в печать ...": Выступления В.И.Ленина на IX конференции РКП(б) 22 сентября 1920 г”. Istoricheskii Arkhiv (în rusă). Moscow. 1 (1). ISSN0869-6322., and is cited through lecture notes by Cienciala 2002. Pipes, Richard (). Russia under the Bolshevik Regime. New York: Knopf. ISBN978-0-394-50242-7.
Traducere a Oświadczenie Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z dnia 12 maja 1995 r. w sprawie uczczenia 60 rocznicy śmierci Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego. (M.P.(d) z dnia 24 maja 1995 r.). Pentru originalul în limba polonă online, accesați această legătură.
"Piłsudski: A Life For Poland", Wacław Jędrzejewicz, Hipocremne Books, New York, 1982, ISBN 978-0-87052-747-0, p. 27–28
Roos 1966, p. 14; Rothschild 1990, p. 45. Roos, Hans (). A History of Modern Poland, from the Foundation of the State in the First World War to the Present Day (ed. 1st American). New York: Knopf. OCLC396836. (Translated by J.R. Foster from the German Geschichte der polnischen Nation, 1916–1960.) Rothschild, Joseph (). East Central Europe Between the Two World Wars. Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN978-0-295-95357-1.
Roos 1966, p. 14. Roos, Hans (). A History of Modern Poland, from the Foundation of the State in the First World War to the Present Day (ed. 1st American). New York: Knopf. OCLC396836. (Translated by J.R. Foster from the German Geschichte der polnischen Nation, 1916–1960.)
See Lenin's speech, English translation quoted from Pipes 1993, pp. 181–182, with some stylistic modification in paragraph 3, line 3, by Anna M. Cienciala(d). This document was first published in a Russian historical periodical, Artizov, Andrey; Usov, R.A. (). „"Я прошу записывать меньше: это не должно попадать в печать ...": Выступления В.И.Ленина на IX конференции РКП(б) 22 сентября 1920 г”. Istoricheskii Arkhiv (în rusă). Moscow. 1 (1). ISSN0869-6322., and is cited through lecture notes by Cienciala 2002. Pipes, Richard (). Russia under the Bolshevik Regime. New York: Knopf. ISBN978-0-394-50242-7.
Traducere din cuvântarea lui Mościcki din 1935. Pentru a consulta online originalul în polonă, vedeți Kobos, Piotr M. (). „Skazuję Was Na Wielkość: Legenda Józefa Piłsudskiego”. Zwoje nr. 2 (43) (în polonă). Accesat în .Mentenanță CS1: Limbă nerecunoscută (link)