Masturbare (Romanian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Masturbare" in Romanian language version.

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  • Confirmat de Taylor, Paul S. The Web Bible Encyclopedia pe en citat: „Some have mistakenly assumed that Onan's sin was masturbation. However, it seems clear that this is not the case. Onan was prematurely withdrawing from sexual intercourse with his new wife, Tamar. This is a form of birth control still practiced today (coitus interruptus).”

  • Hallikeri, Vinay R.; Gouda, Hareesh S.; Aramani, Sunil C.; Vijaykumar, A.G.; Ajaykumar, T.S. (). „MASTURBATION—AN OVERVIEW”. Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 27 (2): 46–49. ISSN 0971-1929. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . Today, masturbatory act is considered as a healthy practice when done in private and an offence if done in the public in most of the countries.

  • Patton, Michael S. (iunie 1985). „Masturbation from Judaism to Victorianism”. Journal of Religion and Health (în engleză). 24 (2): 133–146. doi:10.1007/BF01532257. ISSN 0022-4197. JSTOR 27505821. PMID 24306073. Social change in attitudes toward masturbation has occurred at the professional level only since 1960 and at the popular level since 1970. [133] ... onanism and masturbation erroneously became synonymous... [134] ... there is no legislation in the Bible pertaining to masturbation. [135] 
  • Satlow, Michael L. (). Tasting the Dish: Rabbinic Rhetorics of Sexuality. Brown Judaic Studies. doi:10.2307/j.ctvzpv5s5. ISBN 978-1-946527-53-0. JSTOR j.ctvzpv5s5. 
  • Satlow, Michael L. (). "Wasted Seed," The History of a Rabbinic Idea”. Hebrew Union College Annual. 65: 137–175. ISSN 0360-9049. JSTOR 23508531. 
  • Wood, Kate (). „Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health by Walter Bockting; Eli Coleman”. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 7 (2): 182–184. ISSN 1369-1058. JSTOR 4005453. In the collection's introductory chapter, Eli Coleman describes how Kinsey's research half a century ago was the first in a series of studies to challenge widely prevalent cultural myths relating to the 'harmful' effects of masturbation, revealing the practice to be both common and non-pathological. Subsequent research, outlined by Coleman in this chapter, has shown masturbation to be linked to healthy sexual development, sexual well-being in relationships, self-esteem and bodily integrity (an important sexual right). As such, the promotion and de-stigmatization of the practice continue to be important strategies within sexology for the achievement of healthy sexual development and well-being.

    The collection concludes with two surveys among US college students. The first of these was based on limited quantitative questions relating to masturbation. The findings suggest that masturbation is not a substitute for sexual intercourse, as has often been posited, but is associated with increased sexual interest and greater number of partners. The second of these surveys asks whether masturbation could be useful in treating low sexual desire, by examining the relationship between masturbation, libido and sexual fantasy.

  • Vaughn, John A.; Comston, Tina (). „BuckMD Blog”. Is it unhealthy for guys to masturbate daily?. Ohio State University. Accesat în .

  • Shpancer, Noah (). „The Masturbation Gap. The pained history of self pleasure”. Psychology Today. Accesat în . The publication of Kinsey's and Masters and Johnson's research revealed that masturbation was both common and harmless. Many studies have since confirmed this basic truth, revealing in addition that masturbation is neither a substitute for "real" sex nor a facilitator of risky sex.

  • University Health Service (). „Sexual Health”. University Health Service, University of Rochester. Accesat în .

  • Coleman, Eli () [2002]. Bockting, Walter O.; Coleman, Eli, ed. Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health (PDF) (în engleză). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-7890-2047-5. OCLC 50913590. Arhivat din original (PDF) la . Despite the scientific evidence indicating that masturbation is generally a normal variant of sexual expression and that it does not seem to have a causal relationship with sexual pathology, negative attitudes about masturbation persist and it remains stigmatized.

  • Office of Health Education. „Masturbation”. University of Pennsylvania. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în .

  • Carr, David M. (). Coogan, Michael David; Brettler, Marc Zvi; Newsom, Carol A.; Perkins, Pheme, ed. The new Oxford annotated Bible : New Revised Standard version with the Apocrypha (ed. Fully revised fifth). New York, New York. p. 65. ISBN 978-0-19-027609-6. OCLC 1006596851. Onan’s death is attributed to his refusal to perform this duty of impregnating Er’s widow, Tamar, probably by coitus interruptus (rather than “onanism,” masturbation). 
  • Patton, Michael S. (iunie 1985). „Masturbation from Judaism to Victorianism”. Journal of Religion and Health (în engleză). 24 (2): 133–146. doi:10.1007/BF01532257. ISSN 0022-4197. JSTOR 27505821. PMID 24306073. Social change in attitudes toward masturbation has occurred at the professional level only since 1960 and at the popular level since 1970. [133] ... onanism and masturbation erroneously became synonymous... [134] ... there is no legislation in the Bible pertaining to masturbation. [135] 
  • Coleman, Eli () [2002]. Bockting, Walter O.; Coleman, Eli, ed. Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health (PDF) (în engleză). New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-7890-2047-5. OCLC 50913590. Arhivat din original (PDF) la . Despite the scientific evidence indicating that masturbation is generally a normal variant of sexual expression and that it does not seem to have a causal relationship with sexual pathology, negative attitudes about masturbation persist and it remains stigmatized. 
  • Messer, Drew C.; Walker, C. Eugene () [2003]. „Masturbation”. În Ollendick, Thomas H.; Schroeder, Carolyn S. Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology (în engleză). Boston, MA: Springer Science & Business Media. p. 359. ISBN 978-1-4615-0107-7. OCLC 913623298.  Notă: articolul lui Messer și Walker nu poate fi protejat de drepturile de autor.
  • Hallikeri, Vinay R.; Gouda, Hareesh S.; Aramani, Sunil C.; Vijaykumar, A.G.; Ajaykumar, T.S. (). „MASTURBATION—AN OVERVIEW”. Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 27 (2): 46–49. ISSN 0971-1929. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . Today, masturbatory act is considered as a healthy practice when done in private and an offence if done in the public in most of the countries. 
  • Coogan, Michael (octombrie 2010). „4. Thou Shalt Not: Forbidden Sexual Relationships in the Bible”. God and Sex. What the Bible Really Says (în engleză) (ed. 1st). New York, Boston: Twelve. Hachette Book Group. p. 110. ISBN 978-0-446-54525-9. OCLC 505927356. Accesat în . Although Onan gives his name to "onanism," usually a synonym for masturbation, Onan was not masturbating but practicing coitus interruptus. 
  • Ellens, J. Harold (). „6. Making Babies: Purposes of Sex”. Sex in the Bible: a new consideration (în engleză). Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers. p. 48. ISBN 978-0-275-98767-1. OCLC 65429579. Accesat în . He practiced coitus interruptus whenever he made love to Tamar. 
  • Părintele Bisericii Epifanie de Salamina este de acord, conform cu Riddle, John M. (). „1. Population and Sex”. Contraception and abortion from the ancient world to the Renaissance (în engleză). Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. p. 4. ISBN 978-0-674-16875-6. OCLC 24428750. Accesat în . Epiphanius (fourth century) construed the sin of Onan as coitus interruptus.14 
  • Ehrlich, Carl S. (). „Onan”. În Metzger, Bruce M.; Coogan, Michael David. The Oxford guide to people & places of the Bible. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press. p. 222. ISBN 0-19-514641-7. OCLC 45439956. Although Onan did cohabit with Tamar, "he spilled his seed on the ground"; for this he was put to death by God. Onan's effort to avoid impregnating his sister-in-law has given rise to the term "onanism," a synonym for masturbation. This passage is then employed by some to indicate divine condemnation of autoeroticism. This interpretation, however, completely misses the point of the passage. Onan's sin was not sexual. Rather, it was his refusal to fulfill the obligation of levirate marriage, according to which a man was obligated to impregnate the wife of his brother if his brother had died without an heir, thus ensuring the continuation of his brothers line and inheritance. That fulfilling this obligation often raised additional questions regarding the apportioning of the familial inheritance is indicated by passages in Deuteronomy and Ruth. Thus Onan's sexual act, most probably coitus interruptus, was the means whereby he avoided his fraternal duty, in spite of the fact that he seemed to be fulfilling it by cohabiting with Tamar. For this deception he was punished. 
  • Mariottini, Claude F. (). „Onan (PERSON)”. În Freedman, David Noel. The Anchor Yale Bible dictionary. 5. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press. pp. 20–21. ISBN 978-0-300-14081-1. OCLC 237189110. This action of Onan probably was a reference to coitus interruptus, but Onan's conduct has produced the word "onanism," which has come to be a reference to masturbation. 
  • Satlow, Michael L. (). "Wasted Seed," The History of a Rabbinic Idea”. Hebrew Union College Annual. 65: 137–175. ISSN 0360-9049. JSTOR 23508531. 
  • Hamilton, Victor P. (). The book of Genesis. Chapters 18-50. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. ISBN 0-8028-2309-2. OCLC 31604392. The levir in this case is to be Onan, the second born. But he refuses to accept his responsibility. Instead, he practices coitus interruptus with Tamar; that is, instead of impregnating her, he wasted his semen on the ground (lit., “he spoiled [it] groundward”).This is clearly a reference to withdrawal to prevent conception, rather than a reference to masturbation. 
  • Kwee, Alex W.; Hoover, David C. (). „Theologically-Informed Education about Masturbation: A Male Sexual Health Perspective” (PDF). Journal of Psychology and Theology (în engleză). 36 (4): 258–269. doi:10.1177/009164710803600402. ISSN 0091-6471. Accesat în . The Bible presents no clear theological ethic on masturbation, leaving many young unmarried Christians with confusion and guilt around their sexuality. 
  • Gregory; Plămădeală, Antonie; Moisiu, Alexandru (). Sfîntul Grigorie cel Mare (Dialogul) : Cartea Regulei Pastorale (Cartea Grijii Pastorale). Editura Centrului mitropolitan. p. 173. OCLC 30128661. 
  • Dearborn, Lester W. (). „Autoerotism”. În Ellis, Albert; Abarbanel, Albert. The encyclopedia of sexual behavior (în engleză). New York: Hawthorn Books. p. 209. OCLC 259681. 
  • Sigel, Lisa Z. (). „Masturbation: The History of the Great Terror. By Jean Stengers and Ann Van Neck. Translated by Kathryn Hoffmann (New York: Palgrave, 2001. ix plus 232 pp.)”. Journal of Social History. 37 (4): 1065–1066. doi:10.1353/jsh.2004.0065. ISSN 0022-4529. Stengers and Van Neck follow the illness to its fairly abrupt demise; they liken the shift to finally seeing the emperor without clothes as doctors began to doubt masturbation as a cause of illness at the turn of the twentieth century. Once doubt set in, scientists began to accumulate statistics about the practice, finding that a large minority and then a large majority of people masturbated. The implications were clear: if most people masturbated and did not experience insanity, debility, and early death, then masturbation could not be held accountable to the etiology that had been assigned it. Masturbation quickly lost its hold over the medical community, and parents followed in making masturbation an ordinary part of first childhood and then human sexuality. 
  • Wood, Kate (). „Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health by Walter Bockting; Eli Coleman”. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 7 (2): 182–184. ISSN 1369-1058. JSTOR 4005453. In the collection's introductory chapter, Eli Coleman describes how Kinsey's research half a century ago was the first in a series of studies to challenge widely prevalent cultural myths relating to the 'harmful' effects of masturbation, revealing the practice to be both common and non-pathological. Subsequent research, outlined by Coleman in this chapter, has shown masturbation to be linked to healthy sexual development, sexual well-being in relationships, self-esteem and bodily integrity (an important sexual right). As such, the promotion and de-stigmatization of the practice continue to be important strategies within sexology for the achievement of healthy sexual development and well-being.

    The collection concludes with two surveys among US college students. The first of these was based on limited quantitative questions relating to masturbation. The findings suggest that masturbation is not a substitute for sexual intercourse, as has often been posited, but is associated with increased sexual interest and greater number of partners. The second of these surveys asks whether masturbation could be useful in treating low sexual desire, by examining the relationship between masturbation, libido and sexual fantasy.
  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America (martie 2003). „Masturbation: From myth to sexual health”. Contemporary Sexuality (în engleză). 37 (3): v. ISSN 1094-5725. OCLC 37229308. Finally, the American medical community pronounced masturbation as normal in 1972 American Medical Association publication, Human Sexuality (Rowan, 2000). 
  • Strassberg, Donald S.; Mackaronis, Julia E.; Perelman, Michael A. (). „Sexual dysfunctions”. În Blaney, Paul H.; Krueger, Robert F.; Millon, Theodore. Oxford textbook of psychopathology (în engleză) (ed. Third). NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 441–442. ISBN 9780199811779. OCLC 879552995. 
  • Moon, Seung Jin; Kim, Dai Hee; Chung, Jae Hoon; Jo, Jung Ki; Son, Young Woo; Choi, Hong Yong; Moon, Hong Sang (). „Unusual Foreign Bodies in the Urinary Bladder and Urethra Due to Autoerotism”. International Neurourology Journal (în English). 14 (3): 186–189. doi:10.5213/inj.2010.14.3.186. ISSN 2093-4777. PMC 2998407Accesibil gratuit. PMID 21179338. 
  • Giles, G.G.; Severi, G.; English, D.R.; McCredie, M.R.E.; Borland, R.; Boyle, P.; Hopper, J.L. (). „Sexual factors and prostate cancer”. BJU International. 92 (3): 211–216. doi:10.1046/j.1464-410x.2003.04319.x. ISSN 1464-4096. PMID 12887469. 
  • Graber, Benjamin; Balogh, Scott; Fitzpatrick, Denis; Hendricks, Shelton (). „Cardiovascular changes associated with sexual arousal and orgasm in men”. Annals of Sex Research. 4 (2): 151–165. doi:10.1007/bf00851611. ISSN 0843-4611. 
  • Smith, George Davey; Frankel, Stephen; Yarnell, John (). „Sex and death: are they related? Findings from the Caerphilly cohort study”. BMJ. 315 (7123): 1641–1644. doi:10.1136/bmj.315.7123.1641. ISSN 0959-8138. PMC 2128033Accesibil gratuit. PMID 9448525. 
  • Heiby, Elaine; Becker, James D. (). „Effect of filmed modeling on the self-reported frequency of masturbation”. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 9 (2): 115–121. doi:10.1007/bf01542263. ISSN 0004-0002. PMID 7396686. 
  • Ozmen, Mine; Erdogan, Ayten; Duvenci, Sirin; Ozyurt, Emin; Ozkara, Cigdem (). „Excessive masturbation after epilepsy surgery”. Epilepsy & Behavior. 5 (1): 133–136. doi:10.1016/j.yebeh.2003.10.009. ISSN 1525-5050. PMID 14751219. 
  • Lopez-Meza, Elmer; Corona-Vasquez, Teresa; Ruano-Calderon, Luis A.; Ramirez-Bermudez, Jesus (). „Severe impulsiveness as the primary manifestation of multiple sclerosis in a young female”. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 59 (6): 739–742. doi:10.1111/j.1440-1819.2005.01446.x. ISSN 1323-1316. PMID 16401253. 
  • Gerressu, Makeda; Mercer, Catherine H.; Graham, Cynthia A.; Wellings, Kaye; Johnson, Anne M. (). „Prevalence of Masturbation and Associated Factors in a British National Probability Survey”. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 37 (2): 266–278. doi:10.1007/s10508-006-9123-6. ISSN 0004-0002. PMID 17333329. 
  • Slap, MD, Gail B.; Cataldo, RN, Ed.D., Laura Jean (). „Masturbation”. În Longe, Jacqueline L. The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy Through Adolescence. 4 (ed. Second). Detroit, Mich.: Cengage Gale. p. 1404. ISBN 978-1-4144-8641-3. OCLC 712621295. 
  • Hansen, Jonas Kjeldbjerg; Balslev, Thomas (). „Hand activities in infantile masturbation: A video analysis of 13 cases”. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology. 13 (6): 508–510. doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2008.10.007. ISSN 1090-3798. PMID 19010071. 
  • Yule, William (). „ Developmental psychology through infancy, childhood, and adolescence”. În Gelder, Michael G.; López-Ibor, Juan J.; Andreasen, Nancy. New Oxford textbook of psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-852818-0. OCLC 45697867. Masturbation and sexual play are common well before puberty. Sexual behaviour in young children is common, and should only be regarded as a sign of sexual abuse when it is out of context and is inappropriate. 
  • Heilborn, Maria Luiza; Cabral, Cristiane S. (). „Sexual practices in youth: analysis of lifetime sexual trajectory and last sexual intercourse”. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 22 (7): 1471–1481. doi:10.1590/s0102-311x2006000700011. ISSN 0102-311X. PMID 16791346. 
  • Menon, Anuradha; McAllister-Williams, R. Hamish; Watson, Stuart (). „Increased libido associated with quetiapine”. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 20 (1): 125–127. doi:10.1177/0269881106059732. ISSN 0269-8811. PMID 16354735. 
  • Burleson, Mary H; Trevathan, Wenda R; Gregory, W.Larry (). „Sexual behavior in lesbian and heterosexual women: relations with menstrual cycle phase and partner availability”. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 27 (4): 489–503. doi:10.1016/s0306-4530(01)00066-x. ISSN 0306-4530. PMID 11912001. 
  • Baker, R.Robin; Bellis, Mark A. (). „Human sperm competition: ejaculate manipulation by females and a function for the female orgasm”. Animal Behaviour. 46 (5): 887–909. doi:10.1006/anbe.1993.1272. ISSN 0003-3472. 
  • Baker, R.Robin; Bellis, Mark A. (). „Human sperm competition: ejaculate adjustment by males and the function of masturbation”. Animal Behaviour. 46 (5): 861–885. doi:10.1006/anbe.1993.1271. ISSN 0003-3472. 
  • Shackelford, Todd K.; Goetz, Aaron T. (). „Adaptation to Sperm Competition in Humans”. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 16 (1): 47–50. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2007.00473.x. ISSN 0963-7214. 
  • Iftode, Cristian (). „Proiectul unei etici minimale. Dificultăți și ambiguități”. În Universitatea din București. Analele Universității București: Filosofie. Universitatea București. p. 28-31. ISSN 0068-3175. Accesat în . 
  • Stone, Lyman (). Harrell, Daniel M., ed. „Conservative Protestant Men Are Still Resisting Porn”. Christianity Today. Carol Stream, Illinois. ISSN 0009-5753. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . By contrast, Protestant men today who attend church regularly are basically the only men in America still resisting the cultural norm of regularized pornography use.