Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Геноцид белой расы" in Russian language version.
Breivik wrote in his 1,518-page manifesto that Islamic immigrants and the European Union were on a mission to create "Eurabia." The idea was a variation on the white genocide conspiracy theory, which purported that anti-Israel powers were attempting to "Arabise" Europe.
What is new is the concept of 'White Replacement' (sometimes called 'White Genocide') which claims that there is a global Jewish plot to 'import' non-Europeans ― especially Africans, Asians and Arabs ― into Europe, North America and Australasia for the express purpose of 'destroying' European culture, subjugating and ultimately decimating people who are of European ethnicity.
The "great replacement," also known as "white genocide," is summed up by its name: a secretive cabal of elites, often Jewish, is trying to deliberately destroy the white race through demographic change in importing immigrants and refugees.
White nationalists in the West love the idea that their 'people' are facing imminent threat of oppression and/or genocide. This fantasy serves to justify white supremacy, by positing white dominance as the only alternative to white subjugation.
But for others, the changes have fueled talk about 'white replacement,' a racist conspiracy theory tied to the declining birthrates of white Americans that has spread in far-right circles and online chat rooms and is now surfacing in some communities.
Crusius claimed to be fighting a 'Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me,' he wrote. 'I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.'
Although it's difficult to date precisely, white supremacist publishing houses being somewhat less reliable than Simon & Schuster, that honor probably belongs to the late David Lane, terrorist, white supremacist, and author of an execrable little essay called 'White Genocide Manifesto'
The manifesto itself was soon reduced to the simple phrase 'white genocide', which proliferated at the start of the 21st century and has become the overwhelmingly dominant meme of modern white nationalism
Andre S. (Hannibal) has views that echo the white extinction conspiracy that the Christchurch shooter propagated: when officials went to his barracks in 2017 to question him, he told them that "Islam will be the No. 1 state religion in the Netherlands in 10 years time."
...South Africa and Zimbabwe in particular have exerted a fascination on the racist far right because in the mind of white nationalists, they show what happens to a white minority after they lose control of countries they once ruled.
In French, introduced by Renaud Camus, it is called Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement). It comes in different guises, such as the Eurabia thesis that argues that Muslims are "invading" Europe and are a fifth column waiting to take control of the continent. In English, the most famous iteration is "white genocide"
'White replacement' does not just refer to a demographic change. It is a conspiracy theory spread by white supremacists who believe international governments are intentionally 'replacing' white people with non-white immigrants through liberal immigration policies.
Carlson had been flogging the issue of land seizures in South Africa – a known proxy issue for those who believe in 'white genocide'.
Andre S. (Hannibal) has views that echo the white extinction conspiracy that the Christchurch shooter propagated: when officials went to his barracks in 2017 to question him, he told them that "Islam will be the No. 1 state religion in the Netherlands in 10 years time."
But for others, the changes have fueled talk about 'white replacement,' a racist conspiracy theory tied to the declining birthrates of white Americans that has spread in far-right circles and online chat rooms and is now surfacing in some communities.
'White replacement' does not just refer to a demographic change. It is a conspiracy theory spread by white supremacists who believe international governments are intentionally 'replacing' white people with non-white immigrants through liberal immigration policies.
The "great replacement," also known as "white genocide," is summed up by its name: a secretive cabal of elites, often Jewish, is trying to deliberately destroy the white race through demographic change in importing immigrants and refugees.
What is new is the concept of 'White Replacement' (sometimes called 'White Genocide') which claims that there is a global Jewish plot to 'import' non-Europeans ― especially Africans, Asians and Arabs ― into Europe, North America and Australasia for the express purpose of 'destroying' European culture, subjugating and ultimately decimating people who are of European ethnicity.
Crusius claimed to be fighting a 'Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me,' he wrote. 'I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.'
The manifesto itself was soon reduced to the simple phrase 'white genocide', which proliferated at the start of the 21st century and has become the overwhelmingly dominant meme of modern white nationalism
Although it's difficult to date precisely, white supremacist publishing houses being somewhat less reliable than Simon & Schuster, that honor probably belongs to the late David Lane, terrorist, white supremacist, and author of an execrable little essay called 'White Genocide Manifesto'
In French, introduced by Renaud Camus, it is called Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement). It comes in different guises, such as the Eurabia thesis that argues that Muslims are "invading" Europe and are a fifth column waiting to take control of the continent. In English, the most famous iteration is "white genocide"
Breivik wrote in his 1,518-page manifesto that Islamic immigrants and the European Union were on a mission to create "Eurabia." The idea was a variation on the white genocide conspiracy theory, which purported that anti-Israel powers were attempting to "Arabise" Europe.
White nationalists in the West love the idea that their 'people' are facing imminent threat of oppression and/or genocide. This fantasy serves to justify white supremacy, by positing white dominance as the only alternative to white subjugation.
Carlson had been flogging the issue of land seizures in South Africa – a known proxy issue for those who believe in 'white genocide'.
...South Africa and Zimbabwe in particular have exerted a fascination on the racist far right because in the mind of white nationalists, they show what happens to a white minority after they lose control of countries they once ruled.
'White replacement' does not just refer to a demographic change. It is a conspiracy theory spread by white supremacists who believe international governments are intentionally 'replacing' white people with non-white immigrants through liberal immigration policies.
In French, introduced by Renaud Camus, it is called Le Grand Remplacement (The Great Replacement). It comes in different guises, such as the Eurabia thesis that argues that Muslims are "invading" Europe and are a fifth column waiting to take control of the continent. In English, the most famous iteration is "white genocide"
Although it's difficult to date precisely, white supremacist publishing houses being somewhat less reliable than Simon & Schuster, that honor probably belongs to the late David Lane, terrorist, white supremacist, and author of an execrable little essay called 'White Genocide Manifesto'