Jakob von Weizsäcker, Research Fellow at Bruegel.WELCOME TO EUROPE(англ.) (pdf). Bruege Policy Brief (апрель 2006). — …Many more people would like to migrate to the EU than the EU is ready to absorb. But who should be allowed to enter and who should not? The economic effects of high-skilled immigration are generally positive for the receiving country while low-skilled migration has more ambiguous effects. The economic and political complexity of low-skilled migration must not be used as an excuse for procrastination. The EU has already fallen behind in attracting high-skilled migrants. By contrast, Australia, Canada and Switzerland are particularly successful in attracting foreign graduates through “points” based immigration systems. Europe should follow suit to position itself in the global competition for talent…. Дата обращения: 26 июня 2009. Архивировано 3 марта 2012 года.
Jakob von Weizsäcker, Research Fellow at Bruegel.WELCOME TO EUROPE(англ.) (pdf). Bruege Policy Brief (апрель 2006). — …Many more people would like to migrate to the EU than the EU is ready to absorb. But who should be allowed to enter and who should not? The economic effects of high-skilled immigration are generally positive for the receiving country while low-skilled migration has more ambiguous effects. The economic and political complexity of low-skilled migration must not be used as an excuse for procrastination. The EU has already fallen behind in attracting high-skilled migrants. By contrast, Australia, Canada and Switzerland are particularly successful in attracting foreign graduates through “points” based immigration systems. Europe should follow suit to position itself in the global competition for talent…. Дата обращения: 26 июня 2009. Архивировано 3 марта 2012 года.